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Happy Years on Earth Anniversary Molly!


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Thank you for the thread ReZ, you are a sweetheart! :bowdown:


And thank you so much to EVERYONE for your messages, I really appreciate it! :D



I had a great birthday weekend! Saturday, I went down to London, met a few of my friends and went to the Tate Modern, love that place! It has The Kiss by Rodin for a start. Awesome Futurism exhibition too and my friend bought me an amazing print for my bday. Also love the Miro's they have! On the way back over the Millennium Bridge (yes for a second we wondered if the death eaters would turn up, true story), right in the middle, a man was proposing to a lady with a rock of a diamond, it was lovely. Interesting choice for a proposal. Anywho, bascially spent most of the day there aside from an amazing lunch. All stayed over at my friend's house, movies and popcorn galore. Then on Sunday we went to Hyde Park, it was roasting, just the perfect day. Chilled out with food and booze, was lovely. Then went back to the house, washed off the grime and went out! Really nice summer's evening, atmosphere was buzzing. It being my bday, people bought me drinks and there were hotties everywhere; I bloody love London, can't wait to move there! :p Stayed over again, oh and I bought my new sexy Netbook, yay. I've just got home now, totally knackered. Been away all weekend and my parents have been in Devon for a wedding so I've just been practically forced fed birthday cake, but I won't complain, it was yummy.


Well given that her birthday isn't listed on the main page, one can't help but wonder how much she wanted it known and consequently, I question whether this thread should exist.

I love my birthday thread; I just didn't put my dob in when I registered, no particular reason!

UntzPuntz, UntzPuntz, UntzPunt :yay:Happy Birthday, Molly! :yay:UntzPuntz, UntzPuntz, UntzPunt



Is ''UntzPuntz'' the noise a beat boxer would make? Or does it mean something in Portuguese? :p

Happy Birthday. I geniunely feel for you, having to put up with ReZ as a regular occurance.


Stay strong. Think of the ocean and breathe.

Happy birthday! Sorry you work with Rez by the way. It must be terrible.

Hehe, thanks. I don't actually see him that much at work, so I usually see him out of choice. Crazy, I know. :heh:

Pretend this post was all nice and shit.

Love you too.

There's definitely a ReZ penis joke there somewhere.


Anyhoos, happy births to you Molly! I wish you many crazy collared doves, and maybe some nice things too. Happy Birthday!

London's full of those filthy collared doves! Thanks Rummster, I had lots of nice things.



I love you.

I love you too Cashmere.

I think JD said it best...



Have an awesome day :D

Amazing, thanks Ash. Who is my JD though? *cries*





Happy Birthday, Mollymon.


If you were a Pokemans, your name would be MollyMon. You would then evolve into something else, but retain your awesome. Use tail whip! and have a great birthday.

Mollymon by name, Mollymon by nature.


What does that even mean? Ha. I am very tired. Thank you anywho Flinkster!

Psh, those silly "mon" suffixes are for Digimons, not Pokémons.

There's a difference?

Happy Birthday you must have [/yoda]

I did thank you Dud! Now I love Star Wars (obviously) but when I saw this post I thought of that bit from the Inbetweeners they keep showing on C4, heh. :)


You can use them for Jamaicans too.
I know Molly's real name...












I'm not one for wishing. Sorry!

You already said happy birthday and reminded me that I'm now a spinster, so you've probably said enough. :heh:


Although, according to Lily Allen, society now deems my life over, or something. Luckily I don't care what Lily Allen or society says! Boooom.


Right, I've not quoted all the 'Happy Birthdays' because I don't have the skills, but thank you, much love!! :D

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Seriously though, glad you had a good time'. Sounds suitably epic to match your gargantuan levels of awesomeness.


PS Paj got upto date on Invincible.


PS Issue 65 came out, its a doozie.


PS Paj is gonna start The Walking Dead now....great comic.


PS I finished Half Blood Prince. Excellent finale.


PS I started Deathly Hallows. First off, the pages seem to be thinner, thus why I thought it was shorter than Half Blood, and its the same amount of pages but the font is smaller. So its gonna take me ages to read.


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