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Who hates flying


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What's wrong with the word sidewalk?


It's an Americanism. There's nothing English people hate more than the bastardisation of the English language by the Yanks. They can't even spell colour properly!


On topic, I love flying! Whilst I like travelling, the way you're suddenly somewhere totally different after a relatively short time is always a little thrilling! :)

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It's an Americanism. There's nothing English people hate more than the bastardisation of the English language by the Yanks. They can't even spell colour properly!


On topic, I love flying! Whilst I like travelling, the way you're suddenly somewhere totally different after a relatively short time is always a little thrilling! :)


Color is how it is spelt in Latin. We took it to America and then bastardised it ourselves. Plus according to the Oxford English Dictionary sidewalk was first used by the English (I got Grunch to check :p), first used in 1739 before the English speaking America was even founded.


Anyway. Semantics aside, back to flying :p

Edited by Ashley
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Did it evolve a cavity search and rubber gloves?


No. I was stuck in an airport for an entire day (plane needed maintenance) with absolutely nothing to do after getting only an hour of sleep the previous night. It wasn't that bad, but enough to make me dislike airports.

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No. I was stuck in an airport for an entire day (plane needed maintenance) with absolutely nothing to do after getting only an hour of sleep the previous night. It wasn't that bad, but enough to make me dislike airports.



We had a 14 hour delay at exeter airport as the air slovakia (yeah cheers MOD) plane was f**ked. The 'civis' didnt know what to make of 200 odd blokes in desert rig getting in sleeping bags in the middle of the airport. Bad times.

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I think I should say more than what I did.

I like flying because I like the feeling of putting my life on the line in a massive metal tube with wings. So many things can go wrong, and that's sort of exciting for me.

I've not been on a plane in a long time but that's how I feel.

Also it's the feeling that you're 'that' much closer to space. Flying at that altitude, just a leettle bit more (yeah, a lot more obv) and you're venturing into a place only really special people can go.

I find space and the sky fascinating. When I was a kid I wanted to be a pilot. The Gameboy ruined that dream.

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Very recently, I've become more nervous. I'm not scared of flying in the "fear" sense. The idea doesn't frighten me, and I have no trouble getting on the plane or anything (the security of a plane makes me comfortable. I have a fear of a lack of security in dangerous situations).


However, turbulence makes me very edgy, and recently a plane I was in was struck by lightning, which gave off a crack and a flash of brilliant light inside the cabin. Looked like something had broken.

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I'm not afraid of flying! :D


I used to hate my ears popping BUT they do not do that now! I'm not a fan of turbulance however that scares me! :p


Also when you land and you can feel the speeeeeeeed and it feels like your going to crash into the airport, that's no so fun either! :grin:


I love it when I'm in the air though!


I recently had a dream where an aeroplane I was in was falling out the sky and everyone was panicking around me while I sat calmly in my seat.

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I love flying, I really do.


The best flight in recent memory was to Vegas. Direct Virgin flight and I bagged the window seat. From cutting across the top of Canada to Cruising over the mountainous Arizona next to the colorado river, seeing the hoover dam then flying into what looked like some crazy toy town (vegas). Some truely breathtaking views were seen throughout the journey (apart from the Atlantic bit). :)


On a flight to Ibiza once (in my younger years) we flew into a thunderstorm and landed in it, not what you expect when going to Ibiza. But man I loved it. Felt completely safe. Seeing fork lightning stretch across the sky, the plane jumping. I was truely amazed, but looking around a lot of people were truely shitting it including my mate.


One of the best things about flying is the taking off and landing. Love the thrill of it and the anticipation.

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I love flying, I really do.


The best flight in recent memory was to Vegas. Direct Virgin flight and I bagged the window seat. From cutting across the top of Canada to Cruising over the mountainous Arizona next to the colorado river, seeing the hoover dam then flying into what looked like some crazy toy town (vegas). Some truely breathtaking views were seen throughout the journey (apart from the Atlantic bit). :)


On a flight to Ibiza once (in my younger years) we flew into a thunderstorm and landed in it, not what you expect when going to Ibiza. But man I loved it. Felt completely safe. Seeing fork lightning stretch across the sky, the plane jumping. I was truely amazed, but looking around a lot of people were truely shitting it including my mate.


One of the best things about flying is the taking off and landing. Love the thrill of it and the anticipation.

I'd probably both be scared and fascinated at the same time in that scenario. :heh: And I agree, take-off and landing are the best parts because of those reasons! :D

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I love all aspects of Flying from the take-offs to the landings. Ok, i'm not a fan of the turbulence i bloomin hate that.


In-flight food, its ok nothing special. I did have one meal where the packaging tasted 10x better than the rest of the food all together.

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I actually hate flying, I shit my pants something rotten during take off. Once in the air I'm typically ok as long as there isn't much turbulence and everyone on the plane acts sanely.


In saying that, I fly annually because I don't like to let the fear beat me.

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A tub of Pringles is essential for me on the decent - I need something making a loud noise (ie the crunching) inside my head to prevent my ears screwing up.


I've never been on any long-haul flights, as the furthest I've been is the 3-hour jump to Iceland. Whilst there, I also had my shortest flight (7 minutes) and first experience in a prop plane. I was in the front seat, which was exciting until I realised moving my knee a fraction would nudge the control-thingy (it wasn't a stick), and result cause the tiny aircraft and it's 6 occupants to do a rather graceful yet entirely unhelpful pirouette into the sea below. The journey back was more awesome - due to a storm, the only way back from the little island we'd visited was by ferry. 7 minutes there, 2:45 hours back. The ship was literally rolling to more than 45 degrees each way, and being on deck was simultaneously one of the most memorable and terrifying experiences of my entire life.

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I've not had much flying experience as other people. Even in School, my summer holidays consisted of staying at home, playing football or cricket in the street with my brothers or other kids who lived around us. It was great, but it would've been nice to visit some cool places like some of my other friends did.


But, there was one time where I went to Saudi Arabia for 2 weeks and Pakistan for 4 during the Winter months, I think. Thing is, it's bluddy boiling there in Winter, and the Summer time is soooo much hotter. So, it would've probably have killed me had I gone then. Also, it's very different to the places other kids went to. This was no Corfu or Ibiza.


Flying was a very strange experience. I quite liked it, especially the take off. When I was up in the air, I did forget at some points that we were off the ground. My sister had pretty bad travel sickness though, and she didn't like it as much as I did.


Also, in Pakistan, there was this horrrrible plane that we traveled in from Karachi. Basically, the plane would take off, "float" in the sky, then it would suddenly drop a significant number of feet before rising again. Then, the pattern would repeat. Float...then drop...then float...then drop. It was about 3 hours long, and my sister hated every second of it. I was sat next to her at the time, trying to eat my awesome airplane food, and she creates what can only be described as "that John Hurt Chestbusters Scene from Alien."


If anyone can find out what type of craft that's called, where it does that, I will be forever in your debt. Somebody told me the one time, but I forget these things. I am male, after all.

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IAlso, in Pakistan, there was this horrrrible plane that we traveled in from Karachi. Basically, the plane would take off, "float" in the sky, then it would suddenly drop a significant number of feet before rising again. Then, the pattern would repeat. Float...then drop...then float...then drop. It was about 3 hours long, and my sister hated every second of it. I was sat next to her at the time, trying to eat my awesome airplane food, and she creates what can only be described as "that John Hurt Chestbusters Scene from Alien."


If anyone can find out what type of craft that's called, where it does that, I will be forever in your debt. Somebody told me the one time, but I forget these things. I am male, after all.


One where the engine keeps failing?

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