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Outer Space


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Space. It is amazing.


I posted some pictures in the photography thread but I'm thinking what is amazing is less to do with the photography and more to do with what is being photographed so I should probably stop cluttering that thread.


Anyways, here are some pretty pictures I thought everyone would like.


First is the romantically named 'PN G75.5+1.7'.




A transparent, near-perfect sphere, it hangs in the night sky like a bubble floating on the wind.


It was first spotted by amateur astronomer Dave Jurasevich in California on 6 July 2008, but it wasn't until last month that the Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona was able to capture the clear image above.


Officially known as PN G75.5+1.7, the Soap Bubble is an example of a planetary nebula. These are formed when the nuclear fusion reactions at the centre of a star can no longer support its structure. External layers of the star are forced outwards, drifting through space for thousands of years.





Also, here are some pictures of the recent eclipse.














Finally, last week an amateur astronomer noticed that a large black spot had appeared near Jupiter's Southern pole. Speculation is that the spot might be an impact spot, possibly the result of a comet or asteroid strike.






So yeah, space; it's big. What's everyone's thoughts on it?

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Its a very interesting topic. A Couple years ago we studied it in school, but we were short on time so we only looked at it for a few weeks rather than a few months like other units. Just so we could cover the more boring and supposedly more important topics in more detail. Too bad the chavs had to disrupt class so much that we were short on time in the first place.

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I was looking at the first picture wondering why someone had photoshop'd a bubble onto a photo of stars.. that was before i read the text.


Space is astonishing, such beautifull scenes.


Hopefully we get loads of pictures and random facts in this thread :)

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There are going to be exciting times in the future in terms of space discovery and exploration. There's so much one can explore in a lifetime on earth, imagine what it'll be like when you can travel to civilisation on Mars.


It's impossible to ever make something that can travel at the speed of light, and these things that have been discovered and millions of lightyears away - it's like we can have all this data and knowledge but do nothing to touch it or reach out.


I'm making it my goal in life to travel around the world and see and have as much fun as possible, not sure how to set about it, but it must be done.

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The size of all those compared to earth just seems totally incomprehensable, it's hard to actually imagine something that massive.


I'm praying we make it to mars at some point in my lifetime. I would love to see a manned mission actually be successfully completed, it would be fascinating to watch.

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The size of all those compared to earth just seems totally incomprehensable, it's hard to actually imagine something that massive.


I'm praying we make it to mars at some point in my lifetime. I would love to see a manned mission actually be successfully completed, it would be fascinating to watch.


Absolutely! I'd be all over the live stream :D

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Space is definitely wicked awesome. Strangely enough, I just watched this video yesterday:



I've seen that video several times, it's awesome. On my Google Earth's night sky I've got that tagged. everyone I've shown the zoom-in too is always impressed by just how big the Universe is.


A similarly awesome video, narrated by the legendary Carl Sagan:


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Anyone else start writing something in this thread that they thought made sense at that moment in time in their head but then realised they couldn't get it in an understandable text format?


See watching these sorts of videos makes me full of questions that make me wonder if I'm a genius or if there's just many people out there that have these weird thought processes. Is it even possible to write them down?


Gah I'm probably making no sense, but just a minor thing that came across my mind is how its stupid that we watch all these boring programmes about other peoples lives when we are just wasting time that could be spent achieving a big ambition. Of course we all may think that we could be doing something but in the end we sleep, forget about these topics and carry on doing meaningless things.


Some people won't ever have the thinking power to come up with these questions, dumb blondes that don't realise there is more than just the planet Earth (and makeup) although maybe I'm just mad and I'm on my own. After watching videos such as these space documentary snippets I think 'why do I do things like playing tennis?' etc but it's because we have no choice. Most of us are born and we just wind up being moderately content with normal lives and we aren't expected to become an einstein or.... I've just completely forgotten my point, if there was one... Yeah


Well I guess you could just say if you've had thought spasms like this before but then were too embarassed to show them to anyone, that would make me feel less lonely. Maybe only I'm understanding myself, but I don't know how you could understand the above if I lost my own trail of thought.


I'm not drunk btw. And apologies for using the word 'think' so much. I've probably made a complete dick of myself and will read this back once I'm awake and realise what a dickwad I've been.


I blame it on fatigue.

Edited by dwarf
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I love space and how everything out there interacts with each other. Hence why I sent to study Astrophysics. It's a big shame that the maths (the maths maths, not the Astrophysics maths) was so complicated.

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Space...it seems to go on and on forever. Until you get to the end and the monkey starts throwing barrels at you


Space has always been my first love...I'm even saving up for a Virgin Galactic flight (Ridiculous I know), it's the infinite wonder, the infinite possibilities...I just wanna get off this godforesaken rock before we blow ourselves off of it

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Was gonna post Blue dot, got beat to it =p


So i'll post this instead, not sure of the name, but I saw it in a Yahoo article a while back, I loved it..ok looking at the image It saved with the name, didn't know, lol the Chandra newbula:




Given that I love space, and everything about it, I still think the oceans need more exploring, the amount of amazing stuff in the oceans is damned amazing, for instance The Bloop what the hell that is I dunno, but I wanna meet it.


Back to space though, the are we alone thing, I dunno would be nicei f there was something out there to say hello to, did read something on another forum, "were we a fluke?" Was all that happened just a coincidence, did the gasses and everythng else just go together on a fluke and herer we are, all alone, bit sad if it is though.

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