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Revolution-Europe's Top 50 Nintendo Games of all Time(VOTING CLOSED!)


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Some of you may know what they do in NOM sometimes, their 'Top 100 Nintendo Games of all Time'(voted by the fans) where the readers send in their 3 favourite games ever(on Nintendo consoles only).


This isn't just a fun thread, put the results are also going to be put on the MAIN SITE (http://www.revo-europe.com ).

There will be a news posts there too in the next few days.


Well we've decided to do it here, at Rev-Europe, and we need EVERYONE here to contribute:smile:


Basically, all you have to do is post your personal Top 5 favourite games of all time that have appeared on NINTENDO consoles in this thread, and next to your choice of no.1, a reason why its your favourite. When you send them in, they must be in ORDER because it will matter!


It will be done like this:


1. - 5 points

2. - 4 points

3. - 3 points

4. - 2 points

5. - 1 point


The game must be on a nintendo console only, so any of these:






Virtual Boy

Game Boy Advance/SP/Micro




Also if say someones favourite is NES Classics: Super Mario Bros on GBA and someone elses Super Mario Bros on the NES, then they will count towards the same as they are pretty much the same game. Also for like Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow will count as one, as will Gold/Silver/Crystal, Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald etc. All Nintendogs versions count as one too.




I will then collect them all and take care of the results table, and on JANUARY 8TH 2006 the Top 50 will be displayed on the main site. (http://www.revo-europe.com )


Get sending in! Any querries please PM me :smile: (Or Sarka)

And please don't not vote for a game because you think it doesn't need your vote, do your PERSONAL top 5 please so its as accurate as possible :smile:


I'll go first, and will also give you a good idea of how to layout your post.




1. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - An unforgetable and magical experience that will always have a place in my heart.

2. Skies of Arcadia Legends

3. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

4. Tales of Symphonia

5. Pokemon Silver

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can ocarina of time not be included, because that will always be number 1? ill vote once my question is answered

No, you have to do you 5 PERSONAL FAVOURITES EVER!

Don't worry about things 'obviously winning' afterall, I know LOADs of people here who's favourite game isn't OOT, and lots of people here prefer MM to OOT. Get voting!

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A fine idea.


1. Super Mario World: Nothing can beat the moment when I read 'YOU ARE A SUPER PLAYER' in coins. You don't get many games saying that to you.

2. Super Mario 64

3. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

4. Super Mario Kart

5. Super Smash Bros Melee


Look Ma, no OOT :heh:.

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1. Pokemon Blue

The greatest RPG ever. The feeling you get when you catch a Pidgey or kill your rivals Bulbasaur are almost unreal. :love:

2. Donkey Kong Country 3

3. Zelda: Ocarina of Time

4. Mario Bros 3

5. Diddy Kong Racing


Also, I'm also helping Stocka do this so if you have any queries or problems PM him or me. :smile:

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1. - ocarina of time - best game ever etc etc, changed my life etc etc

2. - metroid prime - best cube game ever etc etc, changed my views towards women etc etc

3. - pokemon gsc - best gameboy game ever etc etc, turned me into a right loner

4. - goldeneye - best console fps ever. never had so much fun

5. - super metroid - best super nes game ever(debatable) etc etc, persuaded me [insert]


now for a song


when i was a little boy, i smelled like sheep

i went to school with roy, he was a creep

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Man this is gonna be HARD!!!!!!!!


1. Ocarina of Time - I felt like I was in danger, like it was MY land at risk. The emotions I experienced playing this game were real!


2. Metroid Prime - I was Samus Aran (albeit a bloke), one of the most atmospheric experiences in a game ever, pure brilliance!


3. Perfect Dark - My favourite multiplayer experience, everything I wanted after Goldeneye and more was here in this game!


4. Mario Kart 64 - Once again, multiplayer genius, 4 player Mario Kart; awesome!


5. Super Metroid - It's Metroid, more or less the same reasons as Prime.


This is probably the closest to a list of 5 I can come, argh, I want to put others in there but don't want to take others out... surely I could say some are on par with others?! ARGH!

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1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - It was a magical time, y'know? It was an experience that's really stuck with me. I remember, it took me at least a year to complete as a ten year-old. Zelda had a way of making you feel like you were part of something huge. The bosses, the ending, the dungeons, Epona, the NPCs, everything - totally brilliant. The fact that Tommy Hughes spilt my milk all over me didn't matter, Zelda was waiting when I got home.

2. Super Mario 64

2. Diddy Kong Racing

3. Pokemon Blue

5. Mario Kart: Double Dash

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1. Super Metroid - The closest we'll probably ever get to the perfect adventure game. The graphics, the puzzles, the music, the bosses, the upgrades and the progression are all nigh-on perfect.


2. Metroid Prime - Best game on the Cube. Read above, but in 3D.


3. Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time - The first time I stepped out into the blinking sun of Hyrule Field, I knew this game was going to be something else.


4. Pokemon Red/Blue - The original and still the best, eat away at my childhood.


5. Super Smash Bros. Melee - Quite possibly the most fun multiplayer game ever made.

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1. Skies of Arcadia Legends Near enough a perfect game. Great characters, fun battles, awesome plot, tons of sidequests.. no RPG or game has beaten it in depth or greatness for me, and I spent so long making sure I got absolutely every last thing in the game.

2. Zelda: Link's Awakening My first Zelda, and in my opinion the best.

3. Resident Evil 4 It looks and plays absolutely beautiful.

4. Pokémon Gold The pinnacle of the series for me. It had the simplicity of the originals without the extra faffing of the laters. Plus you could go back to Kanto. Plus the day/night feature rocked.

5. Pikmin 2 So much fun to play, this charming game is far too underappreciated for my liking.


No room for Metroid Prime: Echoes, Mario, Tales of Symphonia, Mario Kart, TimeSplitters, Wario Ware, Smash Bros. or Beyond Good & Evil? Argh!

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1:Super Mario Bros. 3--The epitomy of my early childhood, timeless and a love I shall never forget.


2:Resident Evil 4


3:The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker*


4:Super Smash Bros. Melee


5:Super Mario 64 DS


*I didn't pick Ocarina of Time as I never had a N64. I'm playing it now on GC 8 years

after its original release and although I'm enjoying it a lot I find it hard to get past

the archane graphics and shoddy camera (shoddy by today's standards). It's still one

of my favourites though.

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1 Mike Tyson's Punch Out-infinite replay value

4 Super Castlevania 4-best soundtrack evar

2 Super Metroid-as said, just perfect

5 Killer 7-cerebral storyline

3 Final Fantasy 6-rpg perfection



Edit-didnt notice the point system thing so im switched the order a bit

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1:The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time (N64) What can be said that has never been said before, Brilliant, ground breaking and magical. The wow factor was there for everyone to see from the get go. This was zelda for the first time in 3D; and it was worth the wait.


2:The Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask (N64) Pipped at the post by OOT; purely because it was here first, and had a more magical feeling when playing it; MM was a lot of 'seen it in OOT' sort of feeling, but that didn't detract from the enthralling gameplay additions, quests and beautiful OST. The only game soundtrack I own.


3:Harvest Moon (SNES) Farming. 24/7. Great Fun. Work, Socialise, Sleep. Repeat till married and with a kick ass farm in tow!!


4:Eternal Darkness: Sanitys Requiem (GC) An enthralling story mixed with threatening locales and interesting characters make for one of the darkest Nintendo adventures.


5:Illusion of Time (SNES) A brilliant game; kept me enthralled till the end, and the only nintendo console game to come close to the greatness that is Zelda. Fantastic cast of characters and locales, plus one of the only games to bring a tear to my eye.

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1) Zelda III - A Link To The Past. Unbelievable what a perfect game this were (and still is). This game is the greatest Zelda game of all time and it´ll take a lot to succeed it (in my opinion). This game will always have a place in my heart. Pure magical gameplay, story, sound (Zelda), everything. Simply perfect.


2) Lufia II (I want to say the series but if I can only choose one...)


3) Super Punch Out


4) Star Fox 64




Making a 5 top-list when there are so many great games is really tough, but I´ll go with these. Zelda III is the sure choice, though.

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