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Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll


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I hope they make the levels for this installment harder but not 'lucky' or 'gimmicky' for instance, do we really need the starting level where you have to roll forward a pitifully small distance with no obstacles, completing the level in seconds? not really... sure it's a new control scheme but it won't be that hard to grasp... meh they will probably dumb it down anyway so it's useless to complain as they won't listen. :/

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I hope they make the levels for this installment harder but not 'lucky' or 'gimmicky' for instance, do we really need the starting level where you have to roll forward a pitifully small distance with no obstacles, completing the level in seconds? not really... sure it's a new control scheme but it won't be that hard to grasp... meh they will probably dumb it down anyway so it's useless to complain as they won't listen. :/


I know we're all sick of Wii puns but....wiinicism? :heh:

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Hopefully it won't be one of the worst games ever made, like Banana Blitz.



I agree with this entirely


monkey ball 1 and 2 were great for different things.. monkey ball 1 had the one player and also let you play all the single player stages similtaneously with 3 other people..



It just depends on what you want.. monkey ball 2 didnt improve on much and arguably( I did hate the play pause and so on buttons)made the one-player worse...


I do prefer the multiplayer in 2.. especially target..

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Agree with people saying this game needs to be harder. Playing Monkey Ball 1 and knowing pretty much all the levels were fully skill based and getting pissed off and throwing a controller in frustration only to pick it right back up again was amazing. LOVE that game.

Monkey Ball 2 was the same but the luck based levels were just far too annoying. And Banana Blitz the bosses and jumping do their best to ruin it and the tilting makes the other bits too easy. I want the option to use a Gamecube controller in this one.

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Still don't like the change in graphical style, dunno why they ever changed it from the original look!



And did the company change? I know it's by Sega, but I remember 1 and 2 having the dev team 'AV' at the start, but the ones after, like the DS and Wii versions didn't, so maybe this is why the first two were better?

That's only a guess though.


And I think the Wii Balance board is uber fun so im looking forward to this very muchly.

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Cool. This could be the closest we'll get to having an actual life-size monkey ball peripheral.


wow that guy cant control it in the gameplay trailer.. hmm my worry is they'll make the game too easy to force balance board into it. I certainly will be only using the controller anyway.


Maybe the Balance-Board levels are aside from the main levels?


Based on past console Monkey Ball games, the chances are that this will be just as hard as the others. More so if you force yourself to use only the balance board for the whole game! Just imagine the wire grinds on A15 and E9 using a balance board!

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Although I think it'll be fun using the balance board, I think this game could seriously be GREAT if it utilised the Wii M+...


1. It's tighter to control such a game with your hand than with your feet.

2. Wii M+ makes multiplayer possible as opposed to the balance board; one at a time games only :(

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Super Monkey Ball has, unforunately, beem in steady decline since the original :hmm: Whilst I do enjoy the visual style of the newest iterations on Wii, Banana Blitz was quite poor thanks to the luck involved in the single player game and the horrendous quality of the multiplayer games :sad:


I haven't really been paying much attention to the progress of this game as my interest in the series has basically evapourated :red:

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