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Thanks, N-Europe Community!


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I've posted and lurked on many other forums, but honestly, N-E is the only one I've really been able to enjoy. The people here, while there are many arguments, and some people not getting along, are genuinely nice people for the most part, and those who aren't, generally don't stick around for too long. And there have been some rather epic moments, I think you all know what I'm talking about here. We do have one or two trolls, but for the most part they don't post much. Compare that to forums like GT where the troll threads out weigh the proper threads. There have been a few misunderstandings between me and other members, but thats really all it was, misunderstandings. The forum has changed over the years, sure, there are the regulars who've been around since the cube-europe days, there are the members who joined during the revo-europe days (me included), and then there are all the newer people who signed up during the current N-Europe name, the members have changed a bit, but the spirit and charm hasn't. I would write a longer, and more meaningful post here, but its a bit late, so I'll leave it at that.

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It seriously does crack me up when I see it, lmao.


Your almost to how many threads i have :wink:

Keep up the good work, i enjoy reading your posts!

Who has the most posts btw?


Thanks, I try.


The forumite with the most posts is Ashley with a staggering 18,750 posts, but how many of those we can see is unknown, there will be a great quantity of those hidden away in staff boards.


In second place is ReZourceman with 15,171, and taking the bronze is (quite surprisingly) Tellyn with 14,806. I come in at 11th behind Dan Dare in 10th, who has 142 141 posts more than me.


...Stat break over :heh:

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That's ridiculous. By the end of the old c-e boards I don't think anyone was above 7k? Maybe 8? Talking bollocks the lot of ya ;)


IIRC I think shortly before the move to this forum, Jordan got over 10k. Then, for a laugh, the admins resetted his post count to 1 and he didn't find that funny at all.


Something went like that, I'm very sure.

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IIRC I think shortly before the move to this forum, Jordan got over 10k. Then, for a laugh, the admins resetted his post count to 1 and he didn't find that funny at all.


Something went like that, I'm very sure.


I remember that happening, good times.

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In second place is ReZourceman with 15,171, and taking the bronze is (quite surprisingly) Tellyn with 14,806. I come in at 11th behind Dan Dare in 10th, who has 142 141 posts more than me.


That is indeed surprising.


Knee 4 Life. :heart:

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IIRC I think shortly before the move to this forum, Jordan got over 10k. Then, for a laugh, the admins resetted his post count to 1 and he didn't find that funny at all.


Something went like that, I'm very sure.


Actually yes I remember that. LOL.

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This place can be quite epic though. I just strolled into chat the other day and people remmebered me! It was like i'd never been away. I like that. Can't say you get that kind of thing many places. I mean it was Fierce_LiNk who got me to play the drums! What an impact that has had.


You're daaaaaaaaaaaamn right!




Well done, Dysonville. Welcome to awesome. Population: You.


This place is brilliant, but I'm not sure if it's better than Gamezville or not. ;)

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I think for me the high point of these forums was definately the Dynastygal saga, it was just so funny watching her get more and more mad


I remember seeing that thread and reading through it. I never bothered to read anymore, then after I left, dynastygal showed up and it turned into an epic thread.


Its still worth a read TBH:




Other than that, there was this:




There was some epicness at one point in the suggestions thread if I remember correctly too, but that could be hard to find without reading through the entire thing.


There was also that thread where a certain member accused another member of using a certain word in an inappropriate way, and certain other people (who are now banned) decided to turn the thread into /b/ for the evening. The thread got deleted though, so I can't link to it. Someone saved it though and posted a link to the saved copy the last time we had a thread like this.


There was another incident where the members who got banned because of the above incident attempted to return and do it again, the resulting epicness caused a certain member to create this youtube video:



I can't remember any other specific epic threads.

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Thanks, N-Europe Community.




Yep, it's still fun stuff after 6 years of being here, even if I'm miles off 10k posts. :heh:How do you view members by post counts, anyhoo?




You're hopeless...You're a mod, you're supposed to know these sort of things.



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I remember seeing that thread and reading through it. I never bothered to read anymore, then after I left, dynastygal showed up and it turned into an epic thread.


Its still worth a read TBH:




Was that the thread where she suggested burning down a butchers? Happenstance showed me it when I first joined. I wish I had been around when it happened. My response to the butcher burning would have been "I'll bring the buns, who's bringing the sauce?" Seriously, the idea of burning down a butchers because you hate eating meat is funny as fuck.

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