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Disgruntled gamer who sued Sony is now suing Microsoft and Nintendo.


He sued Sony because he was banned from playing Resistence online, claiming it infringed on the first ammendment.

Microsoft because of the stress caused by a RROD.

Nintendo for blocking the homebrew channel.



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You... just... what...huh?


These people are trying to divide by zero, I swear.


I don't really get what the difference is between a marriage and a civil partnership?

I tried looking it up on wikipedia (skim reading through it) and it both sounds the same, just a different name? Or am I wrong?


Just asking cause over here it's just all called marriage heh, there's no difference between different sex or same sex marriages.

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I don't really get what the difference is between a marriage and a civil partnership?

I tried looking it up on wikipedia (skim reading through it) and it both sounds the same, just a different name? Or am I wrong?


That's the point, I think these guys are just publicity/fame hounds with nothing better to do.


Either that or they really mean they want this, and are therefore a danger to the rest of society if they attempt to reproduce... We're gonna need a crack team of Commandos to forestall any such disaster!


Select the best M.A.S.K. agents for this mission...


Just asking cause over here it's just all called marriage heh, there's no difference between different sex or same sex marriages.


I'm in a "different sex" marriage, it's just the kind of things Mrs Iun and I are into, don't judge us :)

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That guy looks like 'gay' issues might be cose to his heart.


Bassically the only difference is the actual term marriage. The only reason that term is not used is to appease the large percentage of the population which do no think it is right fr 'gays' to get married. As they view it as something that should be between a man and a woman.

But the govenment needed to be able to give 'gays' the same legal rights as 'hetros'.

I myself think it was the right choice from the govenment. (i will stand by to be called all the names uner the sun for having my own view)

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I don't understand why you're putting 'gays' and 'heteros' in apostrophes like that.


Civil partnerships were introduced to give gay couples legal rights similar to that of marriage, seeing as the church(es) refused to offer teh same services. If you've been with your partner for 40 years, for example, and they kick the bucket, you have no legal right to their belongings, no legal 'next of kin' status. If you're married, you do. The government did a great thing introducing a legal equivolent for 'the gays'. These people are being ridiculous.

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