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Did Nintendos E3 Inspire You?


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So, the dust has settled and the show is over, but what impact did Nintendos offering leave on you? Was it positive or negative?


For me it has been a positive impact.


I went to the Metro Centre today to pick up Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat and thought while I was down there I would get New Super Mario Bros. I have had it before but when I sold my DS Lite last year I got rid of all my games aswell so I have been slowly rebuying some of the ones I enjoyed and the timing just seemed right to get this. :D


I also had a scout about for the Metroid Hunters and Metroid Pinball games but like most decent DS games they were nowhere to be found. I will be check the net for these later. To get my Metroid fix I have been dabbling with playing Prime 3. I started the game but I stopped playing it as I wasn't in the mood. It took me ages to finish the first 2 games as I really have to fancy playing a Metroid game before I actually play for it. I may have to start this before the feeling fades away....


I am now in a frantic search for a mint copy of Golden Sun. I have played this twice now but got rid of the game a long time ago. I have the sequel ( still sealed! ) but never got around to playing it.


Lastly I have had the urge to play through Mario Galaxy again. Its something I would love to do but at the moment I have far too many games to play that I haven't played/finished. I will promise that I will play through the original again before the sequel arrives.



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Long haul it was OKAY. But I'd have to say it ws negative from a Nintendo perspective, but positive for wii and ds in general as I think the 3rd part offerings are extremely strong this year.


I've mentioned it in a few other threads, but I really think it's a pretty average year (2nd in a row) for Nintendo. They do the continuations very well (Mario Kart, Smash etc) but I just don't feel like I've experienced a Nintendo classic for a long time, and it looks like I won't for even longer; that disappoints me. I'd trade one Nintendo classic for 20 of the best of anything else. So I'm disappointed that this autumn all we'll have are Wii Fit Plus, which is Wii Fit (already have) with a few extra modes and features. And NSMB which is an upgraded DS game. Now I'm sure I'll buy and really like both, bit it's nothign exciting. Zelda Spirit Tracks will have to provide that, but I just don't get as excited about portable games as home console ones.


So yeah, I'm pretty disappointed with E3 and what Nintendo had to show for this year.


Saying this I am extremely excited about Galaxy 2 and Metroid next year. Looks like Pikmin 3 is way further off than we anticipated and Zelda won't be for another couple of years now. Still eager to see whats happening with the other franchises and 2nd party companies....


The Wii will probably still stay my favourite console this gen this year, but Nintendo are testing my patience a little. With all their developers, I don't understand whats taken them so long!!!

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Not really, at all. It hasn't installed a newfound sense of hope in the Wii in the slightest, with no major announcements coming to please me specifically. The 360 is doing that for me right now, bringing future innovation as well as a steady stream of great games. Nintendo in comparison appear to be either slacking or poorly supported by third party developers - probably both. Whilst constantly looking to innovate, it feels as if they're attempting to stay afloat based on the gimmick bandwagon. The Vitality sensor is an outrageous piece of kit - albeit we don't know much about it but it's hardly going to make the next Zelda game is it?

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It was an average E3 really for Nintendo compared to their best. Still it was better than last year which I had the fortune of missing.


Funnily enough seeing Other M inspired me to play Super Metroid again. I'm currently lost in Brinstar after getting the Reserve Energy Tank. Afterwards I'll probably boot up Prime again.

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I think I'm going to keep to the point of the thread...


It has in several ways. I'm well back into Super Metroid now (just beat Meta Ridley moments ago - fuck yeah!), and I will do my utmost to hunt down a copy a Metroid Fusion once I've completed it.


The announcement of Golden Sun DS has provided a firm reminder that I need to finish Lost Age - I may end up starting a new file as it's been ages since I've played it.


Because I fairly recently achieved 241 stars in Galaxy, I don't see myself rushing to get back to that just yet, though I do expect New Super Mario Bros. will get some play time in the near future.


Oh, and finally Silent Hill Wii's showing has got me pumped for that game. I don't own any other iterations of the series, but the horror mood it's put me in has made me sit and play REMake recently - one game I bought ages ago and haven't played anywhere near as much as I should have done.


It's all good :)

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If you discount all the non-gamer stuff that they showed, I think the few new games for us avid gamers are definitely worth getting excited about. Seeing Golden Sun was a great moment and totally unexpected. I mean, we'd hoped for so long that it would happen but it never did... then this year Reggie showed it. :hehe: So with that, I'm inspired to maybe replay Golden Sun but I definitely need to get my mitts on Golden Sun 2 now before the new one comes out.


Seeing the new Galaxy kind of inspired me to wrap up my second play through of Galaxy 1 and as for Metroid... well that didn't inspire me to go through the Prime series but it has got me mighty interested in M:OM atleast. I hadn't felt all that excited about Resort but in all honesty, after seeing the demo, it looks like good old fun!

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Like I said in another thread. Before E3, we didn't know of any major Nintendo games coming. But Nintendo Told us that We're getting NSMB Wii, Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid Other M, and Zelda Wii probably over the next year and a half - 2 years. Knowing that bigger games will be coming lets me enjoy the little games we're getting more while I wait.


I think I said it better in the other thread.


Anyway. I'm also going and playing Super Metroid. I've never beaten it, and had only gotten up to the bit with the x-ray(?) visor and then when I lost my Wii save data (Since I have the game on the Virtual Console), I was back at the start. I'm now at the Kraid Boss fight.


After Super Metroid I think I'll go through:


Super Mario World

Metroid Prime (From where I left off)

Mario Galaxy

And Perhaps New Super Mario Bros.

Depends how much time I have this summer, and how good The Conduit's multiplayer is, if I get to all of these.

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Ah, I think I missed the point of the thread. No it hasnt inspired me, but nothing could. I have so many games to play through I can't get distracted...


Plus, after playing through NES punch out before Wii Punch Out, I felt it kind of tarnished it a little as the gameply was fairly similar. So I aint doing that again!

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No Pikmin, Pokemon and Zelda wii footage left a negative impact. Keeping in mind TP was released, what 3 years ago and could have been out earlier and all we get is one shoddy poster unveiling yet another potential gimmick? :/


Mario Galaxy 2 didn't really need to be shown... I don't think its essentially needed right now. Infact why show a new wii Metroid and wii Mario before an actual Wii Zelda?


However, I was happy with the confirmation of a Black wii. However, now more than ever I'm left with the thought of what are Nintendo actually doing? Annoyingly, their so stuck up on apeasing the new expanded waggle-happy audience.

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It has indeed inspired me!


Metroid: Other M's announcement made me unusually hyped for a Metroid game. The fact that Team Ninja are getting involved made me remember that I really dug the Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword demo for the DS last year... so I bought it for £24.99! It's steep compared to how much I could have got it for if I'd shopped around, but HMV are apparently still doing the katana sword limited edition bonus. I couldn't resist. :heh: So I'm currently waiting for that to arrive, I'll hopefully get it on Monday. The Metroid announcement also reminded me that I did indeed enjoy Metroid Fusion, more so than any other Metroid game I've tried in the past. I need to find a GBA SP or Micro so that I can get back into that.


Golden Sun was one of the few RPG franchises besides Pokémon that I enjoyed, even if it was borderline-too-hardcore for me. ;) I have both games but can't remember what I was supposed to be doing in the first when I left it off a few hours in... Again, when I get an SP/Micro I'll resume where I left off. Same goes for Galaxy... Still haven't got all the stars yet (I have beaten Bowser though, don't worry guys.)


I've also been inspired to buy the originals, or at least find out a little bit more about the Monkey Island games before Telltale crank out what looks to be another mighty season of episodic games starting next month on WiiWare.

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Mario Galaxy 2 and new Metroid always nice. Wish they would of announced NSMB II for the DS rather than the Wii version. I am gonna play Super Mario 64 DS again.


still no Donkey Kong Country or Pilotwings which is a damn liberty!!

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If only the Wii had better graphics so I could easily be impressed.



Your being sarcastic now, but when Nintendo finally does release an HD console, youll be going on and on about how great Zeldas ass looks in 1080p

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I wouldn't say it has inspired me but it has given me a hankering to play Nintendo's key franchises again. After their conference (and Sony's as I was watching that) I stuck on Mario Galaxy because, even though it was only a teaser for what is to come in the second I got really hyped for it and wanted to get in the mood by reliving some of Galaxy's best moments (playing Gusty Garden Galaxy just for the music alone was totally worth the boot up). After having watched the Metroid Other M trailer lots since it was shown, I also have a hankering for some Metroid action but not really the Prime titles. More the 2d ones so think I'll go back to Super Metroid on the VC and start again.


So yeh, it's had a positive impact on me in the way that I want to play/replay the older titles in the respective series to tide me over till the new ones come. Their conference could have been more game focused, and I'll never understand why they didn't show Sin and Punishment 2 or even announce the other new titles coming from them. And while I'm not overly excited about New Super Mario Bros. Wii (I hated the DS one and I doubt this'll be any different really) what they showed away from that is enough to keep me hooked on the Wii.

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Your being sarcastic now, but when Nintendo finally does release an HD console, youll be going on and on about how great Zeldas ass looks in 1080p


He is being sarcastic, but beneath it lies a fair point. Of course we'll all sell our bodies and our souls to Nintendo as soon as we see Hyrule brought to life in HD, but rather than decry the Wii for its lack of horsepower, we should just be enjoying what it does give us.

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I'm kinda inspired to purchase the Prime Trilogy now. I was half tempted before, but now it's a dead certainty. I always have a craving to get out my SNES and play through Super Mario All-Stars, as that is pretty much my most prized SNES cartridge. Ahh, those were the days. :)


All in all, it was a good E3 for Nintendo. They're in that position where they're trying to please everyone, and to some extent I think they did well at that. Of all three console makers, Nintendo have got it the hardest, imo.

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yup the line-up is looking pretty damn strong for the later part of the year.


The conference was a mixed attempt though, they only had 60 minutes and wanted to, at the same time, show core/hardcore games and first/third party games within those genres, fitting as many titles in there made it so that they weren't able to really cover any of them properly. plus they came back and forth on that theme to the point it seemed like there was no criteria.


They still delivered, yes, but whatever their message was got diluted, IMO.



As a RPG fan I also think they should have given Marvelous/Xseed a nod, their games are looking awesome and are all coming in 2009 in US.

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Yeah, it was a good E3, and I am quite inspired at the end of it. However...


It was far better than last years, but their continual dependence on Mario is unnerving. There were, what, 5 Mario-based games announced? FIVE! Enough is enough!


It's funny you should use that word, "unnerved", because I actually felt similarly uneasy after the two main Mario games were announced. Like King V says...


Mario Galaxy 2 didn't really need to be shown... I don't think its essentially needed right now. Infact why show a new wii Metroid and wii Mario before an actual Wii Zelda?


I couldn't agree more. I remember when Majora's Mask was previewed in magazines. That seemed appropriate, but it's bizarre to see Mario's version this early. It's almost like Nintendo truly don't know what to do with their other games, or the designers don't feel very inspired with what they can do with them on Wii.


However, I did find Metroid: Other M very encouraging, especially as it's being worked on by Nintendo's own Metroid team, not just Team Ninja. It shows a key understanding that Metroid in 3D needs a rethink. I just can't believe they're doing it before the Wii 2, that's all, and I hope it's as good as it looks.


When the conference ended, I was excited at all the games, but disappointed they hadn't even mentioned Zelda. After all, it's five years since they last revealed a console Zelda, when we all got excited by that amazing video (which I firmly believe was ready to be shown at that stage). It's a long time, even for a big game like that.


However, then we had Miyamoto's roundtable, and I'm such a sucker for Zelda, I can't help but be excited, even if it's just one image. It's also a relief that they're definitely working on it. That said, I'm a bit concerned about the timing.


Thankfully, there were also some excellent, interesting and revealing interviews with Miyamoto and Sakamoto.


So, I'm not going to lie - I don't like Nintendo's current direction, but I now feel completely reassured that Nintendo still has the best designers - Miyamoto, Aonuma, Sakamoto - and that they will do the best they can with whatever hardware they're given. That means a lot to me.

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Nintendo have always ignored a franchise on a specific console. For instance, as much as I'd like a starfox we got two titles on the GC and one recently on DS. Just seems to be bitched about far more these days. Short memories!

As much as Nintendo always say they will put a franchise out if a new control method/idea surfaces I must say I think Mario has been selling a TON this generation (compared to last gen) and so they are milking him for once. Seems like anything with Mario on it sells this gen so can't really complain. I'd prefer to see more mii titles but that's just me.


As I stated eons ago, Nintendo have had a huge opportunity to create Mii games with real panache, yet the company who used to be so brazen about blazing new paths with titles from Stunt Race FX to Punch Out. Now...they seem to play it safer with old franchises.

And why?...Because:

It's the whole "traditional" perspective that appeases traditional gamers. And what's more traditional than a Mario title we were happy with since 1983 onwards? And a mario in a 2D platformer and a 3D adventure? Ticks every "traditional" box ever.


Still, Starfox would ROCK MY WORLD.

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Galaxy 2 had me downright hulk-smashing everything save my girlfriend (poor thing had to bear me watching the presentation). Rip-off deluxo if you ask me.


Lack of a plethora of third-party titles for wii was even more aggravating (saving grace being Other M).


New SMB left a lukewarm aftertaste, but I'm starting to warm up to it now.


They needed a freckin' montage like at TGS '08!


Even more painful was my realization that my hype level for some other consoles' titles far exceeded that of Nintendo's (Forza 3, GT5, that Bethesda shooter-rpg-thingy, Dragon Age, Alpha Protocol, Mass Effect 2, Perfect Dark on XBLA, ...).


Then again, it was rather funny and amusing to see Sony and Microsclerosoft "suck up" to Nintendo. BAM there it is... So here we have little glowing spheres on our sticks...

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