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Metroid: Other M


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..hmm.. that was quite like me, except for some reason I didn't get excited watching Super Mario Galaxy 2 or Metroid: Other M :eek:


I think I didn't feel that interested because the conference was starting to annoy me with some of the DS games and then the Wii Vitality Sensor.. it seemed like Nintendo had got it wrong again. The demonstration of New Super Mario Bros Wii was pretty bad at the start too and Wii Fit Plus wasn't a surprise..


However, when I look back on it and have seen more videos and pictures of what was shown, I'm more than satisfied :smile:


New Super Mario Bros Wii now looks fantastic (I think they just chose the wrong level to show at E3..)and it is great to see the Koopa Kids back :yay:


Wii Fit Plus appears to have some nice new balance games from the pictures available and should be worth picking up since I already have the original Wii Fit :smile:


Wii Sports Resort looked pretty cool too and I liked seeing the canoe game.. it looked like it would be fun :heh: ..my one concern with the game is that the Jet Ski game doesn't appear to be included any more :hmm: I can only hope that it has been converted into a new Wave Race :yay:


Super Mario Galaxy 2 should be amazing (like the first) and it was nice to see Yoshi return to the action, though I feel Yoshi is likely to work better in New Super Mario Bros Wii, probably because he was much better in Super Mario World than Super Mario Sunshine :heh:


Metroid: Other M looks better the more I see it.. really great to see them doing something different with the series :smile: With Team Ninja working on it, the action is likely to be frantic.. I can't wait :eek:


Golden Sun DS was a pleasant surprise too.. I have the GBA game (but haven't really played it yet..) but I actually liked what I saw of the DS game so I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it : peace:


Add all this to Red Steel 2, Sin & Punishment 2, No More Heroes 2 (..wow.. these are all sequels :eek:), Silent Hill, Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles and more, there is plenty to look forward to in the coming year :yay:

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Could anyone write a little list of non-'new Nintendo' games they have lined up for me to check out. So no Wii Fit or sports stuff. And not remakes or sequels (sequels in the sense of adding a 2 and some new levels/chars).

Edited by Haver
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Could anyone write a little list of non-'new Nintendo' games they have lined up for me to check out. So no Wii Fit or sports stuff. And not remakes or sequels (sequels in the sense of adding a 2 and some new levels/chars).


- Metroid: Other M

- Line Attack Heroes

- Monado: Beginning of the World

- Super Mario Galaxy 2

- Mario Vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again

- Span Smasher

- Sin & Punishment 2

- Golden Sun DS

- You, Me and the Cubes

- Picross 3D


And I'm sure I'm missing some.

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OK, the trailer showed the game mostly in a 3rd person perspective, and there was a clip of a first person mission reminscent of Prime.


Looks so good. Nintendo are completely spoiling us, and this is the sort of game that I deserve from my loyalties to Nintendo over the years. Sure, the Prime trilogy was great, but this looks set to completely take the Metroid genre forward.



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It was just before Kraid's boss room in Brinstar and I seriously doubt they're going to ever link anyone to that corpse!


People used to have theories about it being Adam and crap.


I always wondered who that was. It'd be pretty cool if they actually did tell us in this game though.


Also about the name:


The title of Metroid: Other M is abbreviated to "MOM", and the subtitle is an anagram for "Mother", strengthening this game's connection to Mother Brain (who appears in the trailer) as well as other possible maternal themes from the series history.


It also may also refer to an infamous line from the end of Metroid: "THE GALAXY MAY BE INVADED BY THE OTHER METROID. PRAY FOR A TRUE PEACE IN SPACE."

Edited by FalcoLombardi
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Thats so what happened in our MSN convo, at least with me anyway :)


Yeah, lol, that one we were in started with lots of hope which gradually dwindled out! Mario Galaxy 2 lifted spirits but the new Metroid was definitely needed to make sure it finished on a high... there was definitely a rainbow aura coming from that convo, haha.

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Yeah, lol, that one we were in started with lots of hope which gradually dwindled out! Mario Galaxy 2 lifted spirits but the new Metroid was definitely needed to make sure it finished on a high... there was definitely a rainbow aura coming from that convo, haha.


I think there was only you and me who went nuts when Golden Sun 3 was shown.

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How do people think this will play? I've not played anything from Team Ninja, so couldn've hazard a guess from their previous work.


It does look 2D shooter (like pre-Prime) in a 3D world?


I think there was only you and me who went nuts when Golden Sun 3 was shown.


I think you can count me in on that. I literally tried to eat my own fist.

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I'm sure others have wondered about this question (or if they haven't then it would have been one to ponder). Anyway, over at Kotaku, Totilo had an interview with the director of Metroid, Sakamoto, and a producer from Team Ninja and he decided to ask whether this was the end result of Metroid Dread and he got an interesting answer.


"He's very familiar with that [game,]" Sakamoto's translator said after posing our question to him. "No, this is different."


We pressed for details on what Dread is. Sakamoto's response: "The day may come when Dread hits the stores, but this one is something that's completely different. This is other M."


So it may seem that Dread is real after all. Who knows but I do think that perhaps Sakamoto has put his foot in it by saying that.

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I think there was only you and me who went nuts when Golden Sun 3 was shown.



Hellfire says (17:37):

*golden sun

Stephen says (17:37):

*Golden Sun?

Tom.. says (17:37):

* :D

Stephen says (17:37):



Derek BA Hons - says (17:37):


Tom.. says (17:37):


Stephen says (17:37):


Tom.. says (17:37):



Stephen says (17:37):


Aaron says (17:37):


Stephen says (17:37):


Derek BA Hons - says (17:37):


Stephen says (17:37):


Derek BA Hons - says (17:37):


Cube says (17:37):

*Golden Sun


Stephen says (17:37):


Tom.. says (17:37):


Derek BA Hons - says (17:37):

*If this is bad

Stephen says (17:37):

*aww hell yeah

Tom.. says (17:37):

*someone get on this


Derek BA Hons - says (17:37):

*There wiull be deep trouble

Aaron says (17:37):

*I should reall fii=nish 2

Stephen says (17:37):

*Im on it

Derek BA Hons - says (17:37):


Short says (17:37):


Stephen says (17:37):

*Im dong ett

Tom.. says (17:38):

*oh jeez it looks awesome

*I remember that summons

Aaron says (17:38):


Derek BA Hons - says (17:38):

*Golden Sun is probably the only set of single games I've replayed more than any other

Short says (17:38):

*I never finished the second GBA game...

Hellfire says (17:38):


Derek BA Hons - says (17:38):


Hellfire says (17:38):


Tom.. says (17:38):

*so fucking happy about this



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Here's a great interview from 1up.


*hype level raises*


What's the game about? Set between Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion, this action-tinted adventure for Wii promises to delve further into Samus's story and her relationship with the late commander for whom she named Fusion's AI, Adam Malkovich.


What's new for E3? Yesterday's press conference was the first reveal of Other M, and all we've seen so far is a trailer. But what a trailer: A fan-oriented mystery that slowly unfolds to reveal itself as a Metroid game, then explodes into a flurry of colorful action.


What's our take? You got your Ninja Gaiden in my Metroid! (You got your Metroid in my Ninja Gaiden.) As flashy and exciting as the trailer for Other M looks, many Metroid fans were left feeling ambivalent about the prospect of Team Ninja -- known for its violent, high-octane action games -- creating a new entry in the iconic Metroid series. The trailer shows lots of Ninja Gaiden influence, with anime-style cut-scenes, large 3D arenas for boss battles, and surprisingly brutal deathblows that show Samus grabbing an enemy's head, jamming her arm cannon into its face, and firing away. Then again, a team of Texans managed to turn the series into a first-person shooter and make it work, so who's to say this won't as well?


Shortly after the game's debut, I had the opportunity to speak with Other M's creators, Metroid co-creator Yoshio Sakamoto and Team Ninja head Yusuke Hayashi about their goals with this latest chapter in bounty hunter Samus Aran's story. In 30 minutes' time, my feelings on Other M shifted from ambivalent to ardent. Though much remains to be seen of Other M, it's clear that Sakamoto and Hayashi are working to ensure this adventure lives up to their fans' expectations.




1UP: If somebody had told me twenty years ago that Metroid and Ninja Gaiden would be teaming up, I don't think I would have believed it. How did you guys decide to get together to create Metroid: Other M?


Yoshio Sakamoto: My team is actually part of the handheld Metroid side...separate from Metroid Prime. So, when the Wii came out, it was my desire to create a Metroid game for this new console. But our roots were in the handheld -- more of the 2D realm. When we were thinking of different concepts and ideas that we could make into reality with this new Metroid, we realized that we didn't actually have the know-how to produce something that was 3D.


It wasn't that I didn't think my team was up to the challenge, I just wanted to find the perfect partner to help make that a reality. So after consulting with Nintendo, I decided to approach Tecmo and Team Ninja with that proposal. I'm very grateful that Team Ninja accepted. I'll let Mr. Hayashi continue with the story.


Yusuke Hayashi: Team Ninja has always tried to push the limits of the 3D action genre -- tried to make the ultimate experience for the player. When Mr. Sakamoto approached Team Ninja and me, we saw it as a new challenge that we'd like to take on. We felt it was a natural progression and definitely a challenge, but something we'd like to take on and something that would be beneficial for everyone. That's why I decided to accept the proposal.


Also, on the Team Ninja side, there are a lot of Metroid fans!


1UP:When I think of the two series, they seem very different. Metroid is very slow, methodical, exploratory, while Ninja Gaiden is very fast, violent, and action-oriented. How do you reconcile those two and create something that takes advantage of your strengths, but still feels like a Metroid game?


YH: We want to try and take the best of both. As you progress through the game, there will be more action-oriented, faster-paced sequences. But then you'll have your careful, exploratory parts of the story as well. We actually used it to our advantage to try and marry the two concepts together.


YS: When I brought the proposal to Team Ninja, I had no idea what their response would be. As we progressed through development, of course there were differences of opinion, but we were able to work through those and ultimately create something that's better than either of us could have expected. It's been a really collaborative, creative process, and I feel that the result is something that's very positive.


1UP: What most people love about Metroid is that it offers a huge, open world. It's non-linear, there's so much to explore, and you can move about at your own pace. Is that something you're going to be retaining for this game, or is it going to be more of a linear, level by level progression?


YS: If you think about this one as being maybe similar to Metroid Fusion, then I think you'll have an idea of how the story will play out. It's still linear in the sense that there's a progression, but there are side areas that players can go into. It will retain that true, Metroid feel.


1UP: Team Ninja is known for their cinematics and storytelling. Is that something that will factor in heavily?


YS: As I mentioned before, it's kind of similar to Fusion in that there's an overarching story that the player will experience as they progress through the game. It is a game, but within it is a larger story that will unfold as the player progresses.


1UP: So is this being positioned as a spinoff game? Or is it really the next game in the series -- Metroid 5?


YS: It's part of the flow, storywise, between Super Metroid and Fusion.


1UP: When I saw the trailer this morning, I knew it was Metroid as soon as I heard, "Any objections, Lady?" which I recognized from Fusion. Will Other M delve into Fusion's backstory and Samus's relationship with Adam?


YS: Yes, it will reveal a little of Samus' backstory and also what happened between Super Metroid and Fusion. In Fusion, Adam was no longer there, so it'll explain what happened.


1UP: There was another character who seemed to be a...bounty hunter, maybe? Can you talk about his role?


YS: He's a Galactic Federation Soldier. He's one of Adam's soldiers.


1UP: The Metroid series chronology has become pretty long and complicated with the Prime games and the games you've created directly. Are you taking into account all the titles that have come before, or are you sticking to the story that you, as R&D1, have developed?


YS: Actually, the Prime games are just one incident within the greater story that I've worked on personally. It's not as if I was really thinking about how the Prime games fit into the sequence because, they were just one incident. But Other M will be more part of the R&D1 produced games. Maybe in "grand scheme" it would be around...3.5.


1UP: Ah okay, Super Metroid And A Half. What is the "Other M" in the subtitle?


YS: Other M has several meanings. As the story unfolds, those meanings should gradually reveal themselves.


1UP: I noticed that at the end of the trailer there appeared to be another Samus. What role does she play?


YS: She's not actually a second Samus, but she's a very, very important character within the game.


1UP: Ninja Gaiden has a reputation for being extremely difficult, and while Metroid has been difficult, it doesn't pride itself on breaking players. Do you intend it to create a challenging Metroid, or will you go easy on us?


YH: Our goal isn't to make something that will break players. It's for Metroid fans and new players alike, so we're not taking the same approach as with Ninja Gaiden.


1UP: Mr. Sakamoto, you've mentioned a few times that your expertise and experience lie with handhelds. So, why is this a Wii game? Will we see a more traditional Metroid on DS or a future handheld system at some point?


YS: Each platform has different things to offer to the player. And because this game is being developed for the Wii, it offers things that cannot be done on the DS. I can't say whether there will or won't be a portable title, but, if we were to create something for a handheld system, it would definitely include features that couldn't be done in Other M, and vice versa.


1UP: Thank you very much for your time.


(Everyone moves to leave, but Sakamoto signals for us all to sit again.)


YS: We have three companies collaborating on this game; a team we've dubbed Project M. With Nintendo, Team Ninja, and another company that's focusing on the cinematics working together, we've broken down the walls that define each company and joined forces to form a separate entity. It's unlike anything that's ever been done at Nintendo; It's more than just a collaborative effort -- it's one group working toward a common goal.

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