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Metroid: Other M


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No matter how properly you complete the game, it definitely never shows that baby bowser "hotlinking not allowed" image.


I can assure you it does. You're obviously not playing it right.


I was going to get the original images, but it seems I've overloaded the site.


HOWEVER! These we the ones I "meant to get" :blank:


What happened to Samus



Magical cure for Samus which wasn't mentioned at all.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well just beat this and I loved it. For me they simply couldn't have done a better job of bringing together the plot of Super Metroid into the franchise as well as meld both the 3rd person and 1st person Metroid games. I know there are those amongest us who perhaps would have liked to have seen a purely 3rd person game but I do feel like they made the right choice in including both for older and more recent fans of the franchise. Also loved the story/plot and the ending even. Sure Samus is a bit verbose but nevermind....

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I haven't played Fusion, I thought the storyline was OK. Bt I don't play Metroid for the story!


Well since you've played this game, you don't have to - most of it was recycled from Fusion. Then again, so was most of the game structure. Thanks to this, you've seen 80% of Fusion's content without having touched it.


And whilst I doubt anyone plays Metroid's for the story, that was supposed to be the big selling point of this game.


So like James said, it did totally cheapen Fusion's place in the timeline from a narrative perspective.


I still thought it was plenty fun mind and it's probably the next game in my collection I'll be replaying as I want to play it.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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Saying this game is like Fusion is like saying ALTTP is like Twilight Princess. Some ideas & concepts are the same, but they are still different enough to be their own separate games. There are many elements in Fusion that don't feature in Other M and vice versa.


If Other M really recycled "80%" of it's content from Fusion then people wouldn't be bitching as much as they have been.

Edited by or else you will DIE
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It's more like saying that ALTTP is very much like OOT... which is so clearly is. Get three symbols of virtue and get Master Sword. Get warped to alternate place right next to the location of the final boss... which you can't enter. Awaken all descendants by flipping between worlds who open path to last dungeon. Get transported back to where you came from. The End. Twilight Princess does share some similarities but not on the scale of ALTTP and OOT and certainly not like Fusion and Other M.




Samus hears a distress signal and instantly flies off to investigate.


Upon getting there, she is given orders by her CO as to what to do - a CO that doesn't want her using all her powers.


She explores various sectors designed to simulate a certain environmental habitat. The reason for these is so the GF can test their new weapon based lifeforms.


Late in the game, a Metroid presence is found on board the ship and the only way the threat can be stopped is by jettisoning that part of the ship.


After seeing off a clone of Ridley, Samus faces an evolution of a Metroid that only previously existed in Metroid 2. She defeats said Metroid by using a power up previously unable to her throughout the rest of the game.




I've spoilered it just in case, but tell me how the above does not directly apply to both games. And given the games are set right next to each other in the timeline, it makes it seem even worse. At least the Zelda games have the excuse that it's a different Link. Obviously one is in 3D and the other 2D meaning they are bound to have different level layouts but both games were known for their, much more than normal, emphasis on story and ultimately, that story led to some very obvious similarities in the way the games played - structurally.


Other M also stole Fusion's best boss too. Yes, it was very cool seeing it in 3D and I got far more pleasure from that than the other "blast from the past" encounter, but it still means something that was once unique to Fusion has made it's way into this game and no other Metroid title.


Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the game, and I did enjoy Fusion too but both games revolve around a very similar idea that I think it's hard to not draw some direct comparisons.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished the story on this and cannot grasp the fact that anyone would consider this game as a failure.


I mean, it's almost Resident Evil coupled with Metroid: an eery vibe hanging everywhere coupled with some brutal shooting and boss fights. Not to mention those brilliant melee moves.


Sure, the ending wasn't what one would expect from a Metroid game, but it's nice to see something else for a change.


Also, I get the fact that Samus was quite monotonous at times:



To me, her role was vocalised quite good.


Absolutely brilliant game, perhaps for this reason alone:



Come on, .....that fluffy thing being Ridley, ....CUTE!!!!!


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That's the problem, they tried to make her emotional.


I'm thinking she tried to mimic the 'emotions' she got to learn during her time with the humans, but she just boasted the rules of 'emotions' without really knowing how to express them for her DNA wouldn't know how to;)

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  • 2 months later...
...happy birthday Samus ;(


I know. Although, Nintendo will try and claim that the Metroid Prime Trilogy counts as some sort of birthday present.


Metroid is consistently awesome. Yet, there wasn't an N64 Metroid and there wasn't a true DS Metroid game. Instead, we had Hunters. I feel bad for Samus, since she is a full character with a history. She has more of a history and background than either Link or Mario.

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  • 1 year later...
It must be nice to always get a chance to remake every Ninja Gaiden game at least once.


Maybe they should remake Metroid: Other M too.


Boo! Boo! There's very little wrong with Metroid: Other M. Sure some of the story I could take or leave. Overall though. It's a more legitimate heir to Metroid in terms of gameplay than the bastard triplets other wise known as the Prime series. Yes, you heard me correctly. :heh:

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... MovieBob, is that you?


Anyway, I wasn't looking to turn this into an Other M thread. I was just pondering if Team Ninja realize how lucky they are to get a chance to fix their sucky game. If this had been a smaller developer and a less popular series, they'd be lucky to still be in business.


Must be nice to be Team Ninja.


Edit: Well, this post makes so much sense now.

Edited by Magnus
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Maybe they should remake Metroid: Other M too.


Just add "numchunk" support and remove the stupid Samus crying like a baby scene.


It's a more legitimate heir to Metroid in terms of gameplay than the bastard triplets other wise known as the Prime series. Yes, you heard me correctly. :heh:


You can level that criticism at Prime 2 and more so Prime 3, but the original is absolutely a pure Metroid experience in 3D. Other M was fine with the exception of some wobbly storytelling and jarring character development in Samus and those terrible D-pad controls (Team Ninja should be ashamed those controls).

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You can level that criticism at Prime 2 and more so Prime 3, but the original is absolutely a pure Metroid experience in 3D. Other M was fine with the exception of some wobbly storytelling and jarring character development in Samus and those terrible D-pad controls (Team Ninja should be ashamed those controls).


Not true, part of the attraction of the 2D Metroids is the use of abilities that just aren't possible or as accurate in 3D. Samus is far less agile in the Prime series. She moves like a tank. Where's the space jump, screw attack and speed booster? 2D Metroid titles are far more faithful, Metroid Other M just needs some tinkering. I agree that the nunchuk should have been used.

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Sorry if I'm repeating myself, but the perfect 3D Metroid would be quite similar to Other M but with these features:


* Flick between 1st- and 3rd-person

* Dual analogue (left stick moves Samus, right stick is camera)

* Separate button for missiles (eg. X)

* Lock-on system whether in 1st- or 3rd-person


Other M got a heck of a lot right, but being confined to a Wii Remote disallowed so many buttons and sticks.

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