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Metroid: Other M


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Now that many of us have finished, I wanted to guage peoples' reactions on something. I finished up my review, posted it and a few people are picking up on the point that I said this game was a tad on the easy side. Do people agree or disagree?


The reason I thought it was easy was that, even though I did see the Game Over screen quite a bit, the dodge mechanic and lethal attacks meant that in some boss fights I took no damage whatsoever. Yes, I did have to do a bit of trial and error to get to that state, something I mentioned in the text of my review, but after a few goes I managed to pretty much clear some of the bosses unscathed.

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The only 'hard' parts are the broken bits... like when you're being held down and have to shoot left or right... I hated that part so much as it felt so needless and generally shit, I now understand why it was put in but it was still executed in a poor way and just ended up detracting from the game slightly.


The same with the insta-death sequences... they are just tiral and error but really the game would be better without them as they add absolutely sod all to the game except needless frustration tbh.

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I haven't anyway near finished it yet, but the thing I find most disappointing about this game is how close it teeters on greatness, and that sort of bothers me. So far (and again, I must reiterate that I'm not even close to finishing it), I really wish they'd gotten someone from Nintendo to just go over the game and make them polish the crap out of it for a good 6 months or so.

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We are told where to go, what weapons we may use and shown where all the 'upgrades' are.


This is something im really enjoying in this Metroid game. It is more liner than any of the other Metroids I have played and being able to see where the items are is a another thing I like. These reasons are making this the most fun i've had out of a Metroid game and im loving it.


It's like Shadow Complex on the 360. It's a Metroid style game that shows you where to go and where the powerups are but you still have to figure out how to get them and how to make your way to the next area yourself.


A few reviews kicked off about this in Other M yet nothing was said when it came to Shadow Complex.


Now that many of us have finished, I wanted to guage peoples' reactions on something. I finished up my review, posted it and a few people are picking up on the point that I said this game was a tad on the easy side. Do people agree or disagree?


The reason I thought it was easy was that, even though I did see the Game Over screen quite a bit, the dodge mechanic and lethal attacks meant that in some boss fights I took no damage whatsoever. Yes, I did have to do a bit of trial and error to get to that state, something I mentioned in the text of my review, but after a few goes I managed to pretty much clear some of the bosses unscathed.


I do think the game is a little forgiving, especially when you learn when to charge and dodge but I don't think it takes away anything from the game. The action is so fast paced I didn't really care. :D


I think in nearing the end now and I loved the scene when...


Adam and Samus parted ways. It was nice to see some emotion from Samus and I thought it was a slightly touching scene.


After that, when you have to escape, I thought I did something wrong as I seen Samus get swept up out of the ship, but then the gravity suit kicked in and the music started playing. Hell Yeah!


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If you were left wanting more then you should go back to your file because trust me, theres stuff that happens post-game that more than makes up for the slightly 'lacking' ending and really finishes it off properly, so I would advise going back to it to at least get the proper ending before you trade it in.


If you mean going back for

Adam's helmet

then I did that.

I hated it. It made absolutely no sense. Grab the helmet, suddenly everything is about to explode, run away WITHOUT THE SUIT ON. Yeah because with self-destruct imminent, you wouldn't want to take 2 seconds to put the suit on which has a built-in speed boost :indeed:. And the section is just 3 minutes of holding left.


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I haven't bought this game, but I was planning to beforehand. However, all I'm hearing "Not as good as Metroid Prime" "Metroid Prime did this better" "I prefer the Prime games to this." It's really making me question whether or not I need this.


If somebody does go into this game without comparing it to Prime, will they come out enjoying it? Just a simple yes or no will do. I don't care if Prime does anything better. It's not a Prime game. So, I know I won't be comparing it.

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I haven't bought this game, but I was planning to beforehand. However, all I'm hearing "Not as good as Metroid Prime" "Metroid Prime did this better" "I prefer the Prime games to this." It's really making me question whether or not I need this.


If somebody does go into this game without comparing it to Prime, will they come out enjoying it? Just a simple yes or no will do. I don't care if Prime does anything better. It's not a Prime game. So, I know I won't be comparing it.


Despite some issues, I think it's a good game - not great but good enough to warrant a purchase.


I guess what we are debating is whether it's a good Metroid game or not.

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If somebody does go into this game without comparing it to Prime, will they come out enjoying it? Just a simple yes or no will do. I don't care if Prime does anything better. It's not a Prime game. So, I know I won't be comparing it.

























...but Metroid Prime is still better. >>

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If somebody does go into this game without comparing it to Prime, will they come out enjoying it?


That's exactly what I did (ie, I went in avoiding Prime comparisons) and I've found the game to be super duper. Going in expecting aspects to be like Prime just seemed to be completely the wrong thing to do. Everything about the development of Other M clearly implied that it was a game that set out to be different to that particular series ark.

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I bought this game on Thursday and have played it for 1.5 hours or so.

So far, I'm bored by it. I feel I just press on the D-pad and continually press 1 while occasionally jumping. The controls feel clumsy and Samus turns too quick so you almost surely aren't facing the right direction. The auto-aim works okay but sometimes it just doesn't do what you would expect it to do - like aiming at the enemy just behind something.

The concentration thing is also a strange implementation - since when have you gained missiles just by concentrating? I would rather pick them up.


Hopefully it will become a bit more fun when I get deeper into it.

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I can appreciate this isn't meant to be like Prime, but are the controls as good as Zero Mission and Fusion? The reason I'm put off is largely the auto-aim. The GBA games may not have pointer control, but you still had to aim. For example, if an enemy was in front of you, you'd have to get to the right height and fire. If it was at a diagonal, you'd have to press L + up/down and fire. That was part of the fun.


I'm very keen to play this, but to be honest it sounds like a "wait 'til it's £20 affair", which may make me feel cheap if I end up loving it, but I've got enough to play at the moment.

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I can appreciate this isn't meant to be like Prime, but are the controls as good as Zero Mission and Fusion? The reason I'm put off is largely the auto-aim. The GBA games may not have pointer control, but you still had to aim. For example, if an enemy was in front of you, you'd have to get to the right height and fire. If it was at a diagonal, you'd have to press L + up/down and fire. That was part of the fun.


I'm very keen to play this, but to be honest it sounds like a "wait 'til it's £20 affair", which may make me feel cheap if I end up loving it, but I've got enough to play at the moment.


The auto aim is surprisingly generous.


But to compare it to the the GBA games would be unfair. The GBA games are 2D and as such, you either have to kill the creature or jump over it. And if you do choose to attack it, it's easy to position yourself in the exact spot to get that hit. In a 3D game, you can run around the creature to avoid fighting it and that is often the easiest choice. But the enemy can also move in 3D space (it has more control than you do at least thanks to the D-Pad) so it was always going to require some assistance for you to have a reasonable fight.


Maybe they went a touch overboard but it's better than it being the other way round I think as that would cause more frustration.

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I haven't bought this game, but I was planning to beforehand. However, all I'm hearing "Not as good as Metroid Prime" "Metroid Prime did this better" "I prefer the Prime games to this." It's really making me question whether or not I need this.


If somebody does go into this game without comparing it to Prime, will they come out enjoying it? Just a simple yes or no will do. I don't care if Prime does anything better. It's not a Prime game. So, I know I won't be comparing it.


Rent it. It'd be a FANTASTIC rental game i must say. But it's very linear and i got through it in 7 hours :/

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I'm still taking my time, exploring as much as I can. I've just got the screw attack, and finding there's quite a few items in the game I can get to now, which I couldn't before. I must be pretty close to the ending, though, and I assume that once I go back to the game post credits, there won't be too much for me to find.


Still, I'm loving how much more Metroid-y it's feeling now, now I can explore more. Just a shame it wasn't like that from the start..

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All done...kinda. I finished it in just under 8 hours with 30 odd percentage of items collected. I see there is more to do after the game is finished so I will be back on it later to collect the remaining stuff.


Loved the build up to the end and the end itself, I thought the story was fantastic. It was nice being able to just sit there and let the story play out rather than having to scan stuff left, right and centre to see what was going on.


I have to say that I enjoyed it much more than any of the Prime games but then they are really different to play. I agree it is a bit off trying to compare the Prime series to this as they are both completely different games. It was like when Halo and original Prime arrived on the scene and people were trying to compare them.


Im quite happy how it's turned out. I went in to the game ready to hate it but ended up loving it to bits. :D

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I haven't bought this game, but I was planning to beforehand. However, all I'm hearing "Not as good as Metroid Prime" "Metroid Prime did this better" "I prefer the Prime games to this." It's really making me question whether or not I need this.


If somebody does go into this game without comparing it to Prime, will they come out enjoying it? Just a simple yes or no will do. I don't care if Prime does anything better. It's not a Prime game. So, I know I won't be comparing it.

Basically replace Prime with Super Metroid and it'll make better sense.

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I got 100% this morning. I had to do the epilogue twice as the first time I just went through it for story purposes.


I assume the boss you fight is some form of creature from another Metroid game. I either haven't played that one or don't remember it but either way I enjoyed the fight. I butchered him when I did the epilogue a second time and was fully upgraded.



I LOVED how the epilogue ended. It was great to see a return of the "GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE" moment that has been in the other games. Im sure the woman who does the countdown is the same one that appears in just about every Resident Evil game when various facilities are gonna explode. :)



Final thought...Freaking loved the game.

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I got 100% this morning. I had to do the epilogue twice as the first time I just went through it for story purposes.


I assume the boss you fight is some form of creature from another Metroid game. I either haven't played that one or don't remember it but either way I enjoyed the fight. I butchered him when I did the epilogue a second time and was fully upgraded.



I LOVED how the epilogue ended. It was great to see a return of the "GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE" moment that has been in the other games. Im sure the woman who does the countdown is the same one that appears in just about every Resident Evil game when various facilities are gonna explode. :)



Final thought...Freaking loved the game.


It's from Super Metroid



I should get round to playing that game...it's sitting on my Wii.

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I've finished the game on Hard Mode and must say that I enjoyed it even more the second time round. I liked the added challenge that Hard Mode gave.


All in all, I loved it. I wouldn't say it stands up to the best in the series (Super and Prime) but it certainly earns it's place within this outstanding series and is every bit as good as it's other counterparts.

If I were to rate the game I'd give it an 8.9/10

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I can't for the life of me seem to reach a missile expansion in the Bioweapon Research Centre. It's the one that's in the largeish two-story room, to left of the screen, behind big panes of glass. I've looked at it from every conceivable angle, I can't figure out how to get to it. Halp?

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