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Metroid: Other M


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I've put about an hour into it and its not bad at all. The only thing that grated on me was the stupid amount of times the word "baby" was used in the first 5 minutes of the game. It felt like FFXs "you know" all over again.


You can take Samus' voice one of two ways. Either the actress just doesn't care as she sounds like she is just sitting there reading from a script with little to no emotion OR Samus is just like this due to her being alone most of her life.


I didn't care for the line where...


Samus said Adam's words pierced her heart. I always thought of her as a hardcase. Which leads to my next point. She's a bounty hunter on her own mission so why does she not want to use her bombs/missiles unless Adam lets her? Especially after being hurt by him. The Samus I envisioned would have gave him the finger and done what she wanted to get the job done ASAP.



Of course I never took much of an interest in the story of the Metroid games so maybe there is some reason behind all of this. ::shrug:

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This game is superb!


I'm absolutely baffled by the varied reaction. Were people expecting it to feel like Prime? The Prime series was very much about the environment. Other M puts most of its eggs into the combat, and it works so well. Yet that alone wouldn't distinguish it so much from, say God of War or any slick 3rd person action game. This still very much feels like a Metroid game to me because there IS still a real sense of exploration. It's just that that aspect takes a more peripheral role compared to previous titles.


The 1st-person perspective works flawlessly. And while I originally thought it would be a nice gimmick that would only really be necessary for a few bosses, I'm finding myself using it incredibly often, because there's so much to be uncovered (yep, still a Metroid game).


The story itself isn't so much of an issue. Even the voice-acting is fine. I think it was explained a while back that they wanted Samus to sound detached after spending so much time in solitude. The dialogue, though? Bad. Bad bad bad. I think Emasher is probably right that it's a translation issue. Or maybe it's just a little too cheesy that it was always going to sound a little off. It's definitely a 'chatty' game. Could do without much of it.


The presentation has to be one of my favourite things about it. D-Rockets have done an amazing job with the CGI, and even apart from that, I love it when cut-scenes and in-game are blended so fluidly, like when a cut-scene will take over, but will flick to a first-person view and include the whole HUD.


Oh and finally, take note: It's hard. Brilliantly hard.


Really joyous game. I take issue with any mixed review.

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Samus said Adam's words pierced her heart. I always thought of her as a hardcase. Which leads to my next point. She's a bounty hunter on her own mission so why does she not want to use her bombs/missiles unless Adam lets her? Especially after being hurt by him. The Samus I envisioned would have gave him the finger and done what she wanted to get the job done ASAP.


I thought she kind of came across as an emotionally confused teenager in what I've played of Other M. I still think this is mostly due to the localization, which so far is the only thing I'm really not liking about the game, the gameplay, ect. is great so far.


I think I see now exactly why Nintendo doesn't want to add voice acting in Zelda games.



Anyway, the game feels a lot like a 3D version of Metroid Fusion. I don't know if that's a good thing, or a bad thing yet, but I do miss the sort of exploration based gameplay from Super Metroid and Prime. For me, that's what Metroid is all about.

Edited by Emasher
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Hmm.. It's great usually getting sent review copies of games (I haven't had to buy a Nintendo game for about two years! :p) but man, it's annoying when you don't know whether they're going to send it or not. I'm itching to play Other M, but Nintendo hasn't replied to emails requesting a copy... So the big question this weekend is - do I buy it? :hmm:

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Hmm.. It's great usually getting sent review copies of games (I haven't had to buy a Nintendo game for about two years! :p) but man, it's annoying when you don't know whether they're going to send it or not. I'm itching to play Other M, but Nintendo hasn't replied to emails requesting a copy... So the big question this weekend is - do I buy it? :hmm:


We haven't been sent it. May be worth buying it this weekend.


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The presentation has to be one of my favourite things about it. D-Rockets have done an amazing job with the CGI, and even apart from that, I love it when cut-scenes and in-game are blended so fluidly, like when a cut-scene will take over, but will flick to a first-person view and include the whole HUD.


Indeed. I love me some FMVs in a game and these are done very well.


I was meant to ask this earlier but does anyone else think that James Pierce looks like David Beckham? I did a quick google search and a few other people seem to think so aswell. :D



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does anyone else think that James Pierce looks like David Beckham?
Yeah, and at the moment that's my biggest complaint with the game. :heh:


Only played for an hour or so, but definitely been liking what I've seen so far, apart from Beckham. :laughing:


It's unbelievably slick though, in both presentation and gameplay. icon14.gif


And I've already seen the game over screen a few times! :blush:

Playing so much DQIX must have impaired my ability to play real-time action games. :shakehead

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And I've already seen the game over screen a few times! :blush:

Playing so much DQIX must have impaired my ability to play real-time action games. :shakehead


It's more likely to have been all that casual Wii Music you've been playing :indeed:


As much as I have been looking forward to playing Other M, I'm probably gonna wait for a price drop as I don't feel I really need it right now :hmm: I would like to think I'll have it by Christmas though :heh:

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Picked up my copy earlier this morning. Haven't played much yet but got passed the first "boss". I say it like that because it wasn't really a boss, more an intermittent enemy to bring the game into some context. Definitely doesn't have that immediate wow feel that Prime gave me and while the controls work well (the switching to and from first person is silky smooth), there's something about them that isn't clicking with me just yet. That'll probably go away after further play.


I do, however, find myself drawn to the voice work so far. Yes, the initial dialogue I've had in the opening has been rather iffy but I do think Samus is voiced well. There seems to be a distance to the voice that would lend itself to someone who is as alone as she is and it works well, although some of the introspective stuff doesn't work (Confession time? please :indeed:)


Anyway, I'll no doubt put a hefty amount of time into the game over the weekend so I'll get a better impression of everything after that. It's alright so far, just wish there had been something to really catch my attention at the beginning.

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Ordered mine from Shopto yesterday afternoon on my lunch break, and it got delivered this morning.


Fantastic service! Which is more than what can be said about the game so far, it's nowhere near the quality of Prime, Super or Corruption (the only other 3 I've played) but it's pretty cool. Odd there's no nunchuck option, would have been much better, but the switching from 3rd person to 1st works pretty well.

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Just home with the game, nobody mentioned that the game comes with the 4.3 update on it...


Had to make sure I updated my HBC first (thankfully they made a version that works with 4.3) and then the update took AGEEEEESSSSS.


All done now, just about to start playing, will leave impressions later, WOOT

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Anybody having trouble with their copy of the game? Just tried mine in 2 Wii's and it won't read the disc in either. Both Wii's are updated to the latest version.


I ordered it from game so can i just take it into my local game & get it replaced? It's the first time i've had a faulty copy of a game for a very very long time.

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I've read somewhere, that people who've had trouble with SSBB's dual layer disk may be having trouble with this one too. There seems to be a lense cleaning set out there, which is said to help.


Either it's that or your disc is actually screwed.

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It's more likely to have been all that casual Wii Music you've been playing :indeed:
Yeah, that must be it. :grin:

Speaking of which I still need to make a start on our next song, will do that soon.


Anyway, back on topic, and I managed to spend absolutely ages today just running around in circles, completely lost, with no idea how to proceed to the area that was marked on my map. Figured it out in the end, but it got pretty annoying beforehand.


I had to disable one of those jungle hologram thingy's and then morph ball bomb a weird circular patch that appeared in the wall, in order to make a hole to a morph ball tunnel to the next part.



And once I'd done that, I was thrown right in to a battle with loads of crazy fly creatures that proceeded to kick my arse!

Made me laugh though when the radio communication kicked in, asking me to respond. I was like "couldn't you have communicated with me before, when I was running around like a headless chicken?!" :laughing:

Anyway, I saved after that battle. Hopefully when I return to this later my progress will be a bit smoother. :hehe:

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I was stumped at that part too red shell - too me a while to figure It out but I got there in the end. And the part that followed happened to me too :)


But it didnt slow me down too much.


Finished the game not too long ago with 95% completion rating. Not too sure about my time as it never flashed up.


On the whole, I thought it was a really good. Comparisons to Fusion are difficult to avoid for several reasons, one of which I did rather like, so its not all bad.

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Working through it now. Just gotten past the chicken thing which many thought was a baby Ridley.


It isn't a bad game, I'm not a fan of the forced walking and forced scanning for really vague shit. If I want to run in the toilets, I fucking will!


Same with the third to first perspective. In a combat situation it's fucking annoying. This may just be me but when I need it, it's after running back from an enemy. When I turn into first person I'm facing [naturally] the wrong way, and it's slow as fuck to turn round. If I run away then turn back it runs too much, due to it being only one speed.

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