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Super Mario Galaxy 2


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Not bad, but... Well, it's not like it's going to be as revolutionary as other Mario-games, is it. For now, it feels more like SMG v1.2. Don't get me wrong, more of something good is a good thing, but this feels more like an expansion pack than a real sequel.


It's the exact same style, exact same physics, exactly more of the same game. on the other hand, it has Yoshi going for it! ;)


Maybe the Galaxy 2 at the end isn't enough of a clue, but it is the same game.

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Puzzles look great, and the drill feature I thought looked awesome. I can really see me enjoying this. Hope it uses WM+ so I won't need to point to the screen all the time.


I really think this looks fantastic and doesn't seem that similar to the original.

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Puzzles look great, and the drill feature I thought looked awesome. I can really see me enjoying this. Hope it uses WM+ so I won't need to point to the screen all the time.


I really think this looks fantastic and doesn't seem that similar to the original.


Yeah, I'm just saying its the same engine, there's a reason why its similar. Can't have a new mario 2 years after the other with a new engine as well.

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Just looking through the screenshots of this. Anyone else spotted the sort of reference to the Mario 128 tech demo? And I'm not meaning in the planets. There's one screen that reminds me of that demo.


Anyway, looks fantastic. A more polished presentation. The bit in the trailer when Mario froze the water was amazing. Looked great. Just needs to have the difficulty upped a little, although there were some tough challenges in SMG1 regardless of what people say (the Daredevil star on the lava place was a nightmare to do)

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Looks amazing. Hopefully we see some bigger levels like in Mario 64 and Sunshine in this. The one thing I didn't like about Galaxy was the levels didn't seem quite right compared to other Mario games, Including the hub world, hopefully that's better too.

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Yeah, I'm just saying its the same engine, there's a reason why its similar. Can't have a new mario 2 years after the other with a new engine as well.


Ah I know, that wasn't a reference to your post or anything, I agree with what you said about being the same engine, would be too hard and long to change the engine in such a short space of time, heck, i don't even have a problem with it, I loved it.


Was agreeing with Mike there, about the screw bit of the game, and added abit of my views.

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Some of the screenshots don't do it justice. Was watching the trailer again and the effort being put in on even the smallest details is superb. The grass looks great and it's not often that you can say that about a title.


^ no orchestrated soundtrack? How come? In the trailer there's a remix of the Gusty Garden orchestrated piece and it sounds like it's still being done as such.

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Mario Galaxy was one of those games with limitless level design possiblities, so I think a direct sequel was inevitable. There was alot of variation in the first, but I'm sure theres a hell of a lot more to be done with the "Mario in Space" bag. Very much looking forward to this - probably the one Wii game I can say that about.

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I'm not one to usually encourage this kind of games, but I can't deny Galaxy 2 in any way. The Mario Galax engine was too good to be wasted in just making one game with it. If this is going to be as awesome as Galaxy 1, which I'm positive it will, then I'm all for it.

It looks even prettier and will bless us with another dose of godly soundtrack. Definite must get for me.

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Wow!! A sequel to one of the most imaginative games ever made. Anyone who's not excited for this must be more jaded than I can imagine.


One MAJOR let down for me though is that it's practically confirmed that this has no orchestrated soundtrack.


Am cry indeedy!


I don't know what makes you think this.. The music in the trailer is not performed by an orchestra, but that's no reason for concern. It's clearly a synth mock-up done for the specially for the trailer. If you remember the first version of Koji Kondo's 'Good Egg Galaxy' we heard in the early footage of Galaxy1 it was also synth.



They won't record the score with a proper symphony orchestra until near the end of development.

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omg i cant wait for this!

it looks incredible!

I loved the first more than any other wii game and what ive noticed from a few screenshots and the snow level on the trailer is that some of the levels seem bigger in a mario 64 kind of way :)

and woah, YOSHI =D

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Anyone who complains about this should just go and trade their Wii in tomorrow tbh.


Who cares it's the same engine? Christ, this is exactly what we need from Nintendo. Sometimes it's ok to create a sequel to a frankly awesome game as it's quick and easy than a new concept and engine from scratch. I have absolutely no problem with paying £30/35 for just 120 new stars tbh. Think of the joy you got from SMG...... Sure this won't have the same initial impact but damn it's going to be a fun game and it's visually fantastic.

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What! The flutter jump is an integral part of Yoshi. If you've ever played Yoshi's Story on the N64 you'll know the awesomeness of the flutter jump.


tahts what its called the flutter jump ha..

nah I just nver took to it.. one of the reason I don't hold yoshi's island as high as the rest :D

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Was well chuffed with this, in a way I would have loved something new instead but Mario Galaxy was my most favourite games of the last ten years and therefore more of it is a good thing! I just hope there's a fair bit of new stuff, as much as I love more of the same, it does help to have a few fresh concepts to keep the game exciting!

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Snippet from a Reggie interview with IGN:


IGN: You have a bit more insight on the development of Galaxy 2. What's the direction for the game? Do they really want to blow it out or will it be more of the same?


Reggie: What Mr. Miyamoto has shared is that if the first Galaxy was maybe more inviting in terms of all the audiences, what Galaxy 2 is going to be is maybe a little more Nintendo fan / harder gamer focused. A little tougher. The use of Yoshi makes it a little more challenging. We showed some of the snippets of some of the activities -- it's a bit more challenging. It's going to be, if you will, for more of that passionate Mario fan who grew up getting challenged with Super Mario World. It's going to be much more in that area.


Good stuff! Top of the list of (very few) complaints I had with Galaxy were the lack of Yoshi and the lack of difficulty, so Galaxy 2 is looking better and better the more I hear!

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