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Super Mario Galaxy 2


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Guest Captain Falcon
I for one, have never owned F-zero or star fox.


Then I urge you with all my might to download Lylat Wars on the VC and pick up F-Zero GX from where ever you can find it right now.


And if you can't find GX, which I highly doubt, then download F-Zero X from the VC as well.


You shall not be disappointed.

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I don't know where I saw it but it said that 95% of the game was new ideas they couldn't fit into galaxy, seems great for me.


Well, when SMG came out, a Miyamoto said something about a lot of ideas having been left out of the game, but that happens with every game ever made. That may be where you remember it from.


That percentage number, though, I say it's bullshit. Part of SMG2 is material and level ideas that didn't end up in SMG (not because they sucked or obviously they wouldn't be in the sequel either, but because SMG already had many, many levels, of the 3D Mario games SMG is the one with the most levels), but how much percent it is, I say it's unknown. And the number 95% is a bit ridiculous, IMO.

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I've gone back to Super Mario Galaxy after hearing this news, I never did get all the stars, had 13 to get in fact... now 10 though I'm on that purple coin collecting one on Blastrock Galaxy(?) the one with the moving platform. :/


I will get that damned star, and the rest.

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I am not sure if this was posted already but I read on a German newssite that Reggie said that:

Mario Galaxy 2 shall be more Nintendo fan focused and for experienced players. Especially Yoshi shall make the game more demanding. Furthermore, 95% of its content shall be new (I guess the other 5% might be something like the spaceship).

It is especially for gamers who have grown up with "Super Mario World".

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@ SCG - I know the exact star you mean. Took me ages to get that one. The moving platform bit just wrecked it for me. Would always miss out by 1 or 2 coins. Think I spent a couple of days trying to get it and finally got it. So happy. Likewise with the Daredevil star on the Lava place. That one took slightly longer.


Yeh, I also went back to SMG yesterday. Stuck it on as Luigi and did the Honeycomb Galaxy level where you crawl around on the queen bee to get rid of her itch. Then went for a spin in Gusty Garden Galaxy for the music. Love it. Gonna play a bit more later and have a run around Beach Bowl Galaxy.

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I dunno if it's just me, but I can't stop watching this trailer. I started this again a few weeks ago, or before by Uni exams and need to get back to it.


Thinking about it, why do I keep replaying games i've completed and not the ones I still need to complete.

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@ SCG - I know the exact star you mean. Took me ages to get that one. The moving platform bit just wrecked it for me. Would always miss out by 1 or 2 coins. Think I spent a couple of days trying to get it and finally got it. So happy. Likewise with the Daredevil star on the Lava place. That one took slightly longer.


Those were the last two stars I got, got them all now though! finally, felt good to have got all 120 ^^' so good that I went ahead and slapped down a pre-order for Super Mario Galaxy 2, I don't care if my pre-order is a little 'premature' I'm gonna buy the game no matter what so why not?


I also pre-ordered Metroid Other M, New Super Mario Bros Wii and Zelda Spirit Tracks. :)

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SMG has been one of the best games of the generation so far, but it still had its faults. What's on everyone's list of things they'd like to be changed for the sequel? Here's mine:


1. Make it harder please!

2. No comet stars that involving you doing the same level again, but faster / without being hit.

3. No worlds that are near-replicas of a previous one (like the bee galaxy and the autumn-themed one).

4. Either make 1-ups harder to get hold of, get rid of them all together, or make it so your number of lives automatically goes back to 3 when you beat a level.

5. Make better use of flying Mario! A great concept in SMG, but totally wasted.

6. A better hub world - the observatory wasn't a patch on Mario 64's castle.

7. No spring Mario!

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^You know I think why they limit flying Mario is the same reason they do in NSMB


Once you can fly in a game, it's hard to give you a powerup better than that. I mean when you have the ability to get anywhere you want in a level and whizz around effortlessly...who cares about anything else? In older games it was entirely possible to just fly over levels completely and I think they want to discourage things like that when they have such quality level design as Galaxy's.


I think flying is limited to focus more on diversity of other powerups.


Anyway some more flying challenges would be good though yeah.


Anyway thankfully Reggie has said this one is for the more hardcore gamer so more difficulty is a given which is cool.


I don't mind the daredevil or whatever comets by the way. I like when im challenged to play skillfully enough not to take any damage...immerses me more in the gameplay.

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That Gamesradar article is ridiculous. They say that SMG2 is going to feel samey in relation to SMG1. Of course it is but so to did Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, and 3 and yet they are considered three of the best games of all time, adding progressively different content to distance themselves from the forebearers. Yes, there will be similarities here but just looking at the trailer you can see that there is a lot of different mechanics already being employed, and I'm sure there'll be many more when the game is properly shown off at next year's E3. We've seen one trailer so far so they have no place to say whether it'll be samey or not on that basis and the fact no one, even journalists, won't get to play it till next year. It's very hypocritical saying that this sequel will be samey when there are plentiful amounts of titles on all platforms, more specifically the 360 and PS3, which are receiving sequels which are exactly as they describe in the article.


Basically as I see that article, it just seems like someone who's trying to get some attention by being the person to stand away from the crowd and say something different that, really, not a lot of people will agree with in the first place.


edit: and another thing about the article, they bring up the subject of Project Natal and Sony's wand thing. What in the hell does that have to do with Mario or Nintendo for that fact? Absolutely sod all. Mario didn't really use motion (a little shake and some pointer controls but they were well implemented and hassle free). They're wrong that SMG2 is everything that Nintendo is doing wrong at the moment. It's the exact opposite; it's the right thing to do. The Mario franchise is one that not only casual gamers know of but is a key one for core gamers not only on the Wii but for those who own other systems as well and the introduction of New Super Mario Bros. Wii this fall will mean that when SMG2 appears next year, it's likely to be much more of a commercial success.


Too many things in that article that are ridiculously wrong and it's too late and bothersome for me to go into them as to why they are wrong because I'm sure if people read it, they'll know themselves why it is wrong.

Edited by Ganepark32
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^That was one of the best!


Why? Because it was actually pretty hard and took a few attempts for me.


I don't know about anyone else but that's what I want, a challenge.

I'm all for a challenge, but that had me hating the game!!... until I beat it... then was back to the love!
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Guest Captain Falcon
^You know I think why they limit flying Mario is the same reason they do in NSMB


Once you can fly in a game, it's hard to give you a powerup better than that. I mean when you have the ability to get anywhere you want in a level and whizz around effortlessly...who cares about anything else? In older games it was entirely possible to just fly over levels completely and I think they want to discourage things like that when they have such quality level design as Galaxy's.


I think flying is limited to focus more on diversity of other powerups.


Anyway some more flying challenges would be good though yeah.


The problem with flying is that generally, most of the levels featured planetoids that were too small to make it even worth considering.


Unless they made it that you could fly from planet to planet with said device but that could cause some problems in and of itself.


Those that aren't small are done so for the sake of creating a bit of a obstacle course/ platform challenge, and like you say, it's completely removes any element of challenge and consequently, satisfaction of completion.


You do something that requires some skill and you feel gratified by it but remove that need for that ability and you have yourself playing a shell of a game - if you put no effort in, you get no sense of reward back.


And like JM also said, level designers haven't racked their brains only for you to look for anyway possible to avoid actually seeing their level.

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Nintendo does need to stop whoring its franchises out to the wrong people - Starfox has gone through some fucking awful incarnations ever since Rare fucked the whole series over with Adventures. Starfox is one of those games where I'd happily see Nintendo remake the same game every generation (e.g., no massive change to the story etc.) with an updated look and control etc. or if they are going to do something new, make it something that isn't a pile of shit.


Completely agree with McMad regarding F-Zero, as much as I'd love to see it, we're not gonna be seeing 30 player races anytime soon and therefore I'll happily live without F-Zero for now!

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