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Halo: Reach


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I'm, guessing it Won't be multi player only. At a guess, I'd say this is basically Halo 4 with co-op focus. In other words: da funk.


Sounds pr0 to me. Guessing it's set before Halo 1, from the very little I know about the Halo universe (finished Halo Wars yesterday), Reach was set before the first game, when there were multiple Spartans. No doubt we'll be controlling many Master Chiefs. :heh:

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Sounds pr0 to me. Guessing it's set before Halo 1, from the very little I know about the Halo universe (finished Halo Wars yesterday), Reach was set before the first game, when there were multiple Spartans. No doubt we'll be controlling many Master Chiefs. :heh:




Man it's going to rule.

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Nah, ODST is their co-op experience. My money's on this being a BattleField/MAG style massive multiplayer game, probably with some kind of persistant aspect. It'll be a successor to Halo 3's online mode — expect Classes, Perks, and other recent multiplayer staples — but outside of some sort of offline challenges there won't be a campaign.

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  • 6 months later...

Holy Shit


Doesn't show much, but it really shows off the graphics of the new Engine. Just fucking immense. Even through the crappy quality video you can tell that. And the ending scene with the elite's closeup is great. Shows of the models detail and the lighting as well. Self Shadowing off of the energy sword.

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After the "in-engine" reveals of both Halo 2 and 3 you'll have to forgive me for being somewhat sceptical of any footage shown that isn't actual gameplay. Not that anything shown of Reach looks impossible for a 360 to run, but even a rat learns not to nibble at the food pellet that's shocked it twice before.

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After the "in-engine" reveals of both Halo 2 and 3 you'll have to forgive me for being somewhat sceptical of any footage shown that isn't actual gameplay. Not that anything shown of Reach looks impossible for a 360 to run, but even a rat learns not to nibble at the food pellet that's shocked it twice before.


This is in-game rather than in-engine. There is a difference.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I remember playing Halo when it first released, really enjoyed co-oping it with a cousin. Played the Halo 2 a bit, seemed more of the same apart from I only played the alien part, which wasn't that fun.

As for Halo 3, I've played the first chapter of the game a couple of times and ended up getting bored.


The multiplayer is stellar though.

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I bought an Xbox because of Halo, but for PGR (if that makes sense). Played Halo 2 before 3 came out and really did not like it, even taking into account I bought it for £5. Loved, loved, loved Halo 3. I think it's a brilliant game.


The game mechanics are so sold and so fun. It's one of those games that seems simple but is stunning in its execution.

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Can someone explain to me why I should be excited for this? I really like Halo (except Halo 2 which was utter shite).

It's hard to answer that as no one outside some select press has even seen it running, but here's some potential reasons:


The engine has been significantly reworked. For one this should mean that it's much more of a looker than Halo 3, but more importantly it's been reworked with scale in mind: big environments, tons of enemies on screen.


In relation to that, it sounds like the game will have a greater emphasis on vehicles. As in you'll be hopping in vehicles to get to your next destination, more like the almost 'hub world' structure of some of the first game.


You fight Elites. Whilst the third game certainly improved the Brutes a lot over the previous game, they've never quite had the even keel feel of the Elites. In the first game you were fighting opponents that were equals to an extent: they had recharging shields too, so if you didn't make sure to take them down properly they'd take cover for a bit and all you've done is waste ammo.


The Covenant don't speak English. "Wort, wort, wort" is back!


There's been no sign of dual-wielding. It sounded like a cool addition before Halo 2 came out, but to my mind — and I'm certainly not alone in this — it didn't really add anything to combat other than increase the amount of people running around spraying and praying.


Basically everything Bungie's saying suggests that they're trying to recapture the feel of Halo: CE, moving away from the more corridor led set-piece structure of the latter games towards larger environments which give the AI and game mechanics space to breath. Perhaps it's premature to be excited, but there's certainly reason to be hopeful.

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