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Probaby, Halo had a quite specific loading method involving caching maps on the HDD which made it slower to load when installed. Since they haven't really updated the core mechanics behind the game, I imagine the new one will work the same. But don't quote me on that.

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Just done the first Buck level. I'm enjoying it. It's Halo and I've always enjoyed the campaign even if the story has been a bit on the rough side. The Buck stage was alright but I'm liking playing as the Rookie skulking around New Mombasa in the dark more. It's not an entirely different route for the Halo franchise but it's different enough to make it more interesting. And I'm loving the pistol going back to its former glory. I've been picking off grunts with it exceptionally well.


Anyone tried Firefight yet? I went into the menu to see whether or not it can be played over live but it was rather confusing. I saw options for open party and for friends but does open party mean you can play with anyone from around the world?

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It certainly is an expansion, played it on normal and finished it in just over 4 hours but it was a great 4 hours. :D I don't really care much for the rookie sections of the game but all of the rest still felt like Halo. Now I have to wait for the lads from work to finish so we can play some firefight ( really looking forward to this ) and co-op the game on legendary.

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Probaby, Halo had a quite specific loading method involving caching maps on the HDD which made it slower to load when installed. Since they haven't really updated the core mechanics behind the game, I imagine the new one will work the same. But don't quote me on that.


yeah don't install it. It bumrags the game up.


Thanks for the advise guys. I had asked a friend as well yesterday while i was in work and he seemed to think it was ok. To get to the bottom of it i found this on bungies site:




Apparantly disc 1 u can but not disc 2.

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Rented this game this morning... Glad I didn't pay £30 for it. Finding it pretty boring playing through on the single player campaign. Would be much more entertaining on the co-op I imagine. Got to the 2nd part as the initial guy when it stalled and I had to go back to the beginning of the level before and now can't be bothered doing it again.


Co-op, anyone?

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I'm really enjoying this. It took me a while to get the idea that you can't take on every enemy you see and still expect to complete the game though, i wound up with very little health and spent 10 minutes running around looking for a med-station before realising you can sneak past a lot of the enemies and ambush the patrols etc. Just past the point where you meet your first chieftan now, the difficulty seems to be creeping up.


I've only got a single complaint - the checkpoints. The game saves far too often! It's fine when you're the Master Chief with your regenerating health but as the Rookie you really don't want to respawn with barely any health 5 feet from where you died. There was one section that took a good few attempts as a result because i had to take on 6 Brutes and a bunch on Grunts with about a single hit worth of health left.

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Strange you should say that McPhee :/ I've got the opposite complaint, I feel as though I'm no different whatsoever to Master Chief. Where he has shields, we have stamina (shouldn't that be the other way round, anyway??) but we can still climb on Wraiths and punch through them, flip over Warthogs (wtf!) and pistol whip elites. So far the only thing you can't do that Master Chief can is jump ship without a drop pod, oh and hold two guns (which makes no sense compared to the things you can do).


I like the game so far, it's a little bit confusing and I find myself hurrying through a lot of wasted space, it feels like Halo 2 to me so far which isn't necessarily a complaint. The VISR is pretty cool although I can't read half the stuff on it using split screen, and that tutorial was so stupid - as if I need a tutorial on how to use the pause screen! Sheesh.


Still, I haven't played it long enough to really comment on the story or the gameplay as a whole, so far I'm enjoying it but finding it a little odd.

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I think they can only change so much without breaking the game though. warthogs are a good example: from a fiction pov it makes no sense but I'd much rather be able to do that than risk being stranded on a vehicle section because I took a poor corner and clipped some rubble or something.


The wraith thing annoyed me. They should have limited you more there- although really you only get the chance to do it once. ( in campaign anyway)

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Strange you should say that McPhee :/ I've got the opposite complaint, I feel as though I'm no different whatsoever to Master Chief. Where he has shields, we have stamina (shouldn't that be the other way round, anyway??) but we can still climb on Wraiths and punch through them, flip over Warthogs (wtf!) and pistol whip elites. So far the only thing you can't do that Master Chief can is jump ship without a drop pod, oh and hold two guns (which makes no sense compared to the things you can do).


The only reason i'm finding i have to play differently is because Stamina is critical, with health not recharging and med stations being scarce i'm finding i really can't afford to let my stamina run down. I play Halo in a very rambo-like way normally but i'm having to slow down a bit here and plan my route through Mombasa so i don't wind up in a huge fire fight with no cover. It's not a radical change, the actual fighting plays out the same way, but coming out of a few fights badly has definitely left me a bit more cautious.


Having said that though, what difficulty are you playing?

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I think they can only change so much without breaking the game though. warthogs are a good example: from a fiction pov it makes no sense but I'd much rather be able to do that than risk being stranded on a vehicle section because I took a poor corner and clipped some rubble or something.

They could've at least made it look more difficult though, without disabling it altogether.

Having said that though, what difficulty are you playing?
I'm playing it on normal since I am playing co-op with my g/f. Which is probably why I'm not struggling really, since I'm used to playing on Legendary. But with regards to health packs, that's what the first Halo was like even with Master Chief :heh:
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