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Mafiawesome: The San Luis Penguins


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Well, he says he's willing to help us out. Why not let him live? If he tells us his targets they can be healed. If the doctor dies then we can take him out. But at least this way the majority won't be lowered and we have time to take out a Mafia member.

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How do we know he is neutral though? Fine!

We are getting nowhere, I wish people would trust me with Gizmo.


HAHA forgot I couldn't vote..


Since I currently don't have any better leads to follow up on, I'll give your Gizmo hunch a shot. The fact he's voting for me doesn't help either.


Vote: Gizmo

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I'm scared of zombie guy. Sounds dangerous to the town to me, I can't trust a neutral if he has a different win coindition. The longer he's alive, the less chance the town has of winning. And he may welll be evil and lying to us. I think i'll go for it.



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No, Zell is a threat to the town and he shouldn't be around. Even if he does help, he's gonna waste the doctor's time every night.


Honestly don't want him around and I think we should vote him off. Zombies are not cool.


Vote: Zell


Well fuckin' A. Double vote from either Gizmo or Cube there.


Also; Vote: Zell


Also, double vote belongs to Cube. Something we (or at least I) figured out from the start, but there's no way to tell if he is evil just from that.

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Zell has been voted to be lynched, 4 great justice


Dirk rode into town, his horse kicking dust over the trailing blue figure; a noose round its neck but no signs of a lack of life. Ironic. He drew the rope up over a branch. The undertaker came and stood next to him, watching the flails and the limbs.


'Looks like we got 'em.'


Barbar pushed through the saloon doors, struggling with his cloth and glass. A wry smirk and a nod for the men by the tree. Charlie stayed inside, by the window, arguing with himself, at least half sure, half the time.


The man with snake-skin boots was on his speckled horse, as she drank from the water. He was chuckling. Not a cloud in the sky. The deputy turned to see where the laughter was coming from. The man on the horse tipped his hat in greeting.


The townspeople, like deja vu, peered only from curtains and knotholes. The snake-skinned boots dismounted. The man looked down teh concourse, and steadied his gun.




Rotten blood poured from the five holes on the zombie's chest. A crooked smile and two eyes could be made out from the entry points.


Blam. To the head. The murmurs stopped. The zombie was dead once more.


The pastor stood watching, from his ramshackled church. He crossed himself, but knew it was little more than a habit. He felt at his neck; he felt the blood churning and changing. He looked to the sky. But there was nobody up there. He knew, now, that there was nothing up there. No great force for good, benevolant and kind.


Nothing but the sky.


Zell is dead. All he wanted was fresh flesh each night. He was neutral.


San Luis is mafia territory now.




Cube, coolness bears, mr-paul, moogle, gizmo, nintendohnut. All six of the san-luis trouble makers. Despicable.


Roles/opinions coming up.

Edited by jayseven
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Feel free to post your roles from the PMs i sent you initially, and your own opinionson what went well/wrong, actually. I've got a word document over 22 pages long, and I fear I've already talked enough :P


General opinion; maybe made the mafia too strong. People focussed far too much on Dyson. My write-ups were too long for people to be bothered re-reading and cross-referencing, which meant that people tended to not realise what important information they actually had! Oh well. Lesson learned for my next mafia thread. Ahem.

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*sigh* I really don't know how Gizmo was let alive all this time. It was so obvious, but he managed to escape attention.


Also, well played, Cube and Moogle, as I thought you were good for sure. Especially Cube.


EDIT: By the way, I was Doc Lester. The guy who tried to cure Dyson, but the write-up implied that I wasn't to cure him...

Edited by Jonnas
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Yay we won!


I was Charlie, with an alter-ego Sally, but I don't know if my power always worked - I stopped people from voting. I never seemed to significantly influence anything in the write up and managed to go un-noticed! I was quite lucky when Dyson targeted me the last night that the write up didn't give away that the whore targeted Charlie, otherwise I would've been potentially lynched. I enjoyed the write ups, but they were a bit difficult to decipher at times, I just kept a low profile to avoid being investigated and it worked :)


Well played guys, and my first win!

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Wow that ended quite prematurely. I didn't realise the Mafia were that close to winning. Any way well played guys. I agree that maybe the write ups were too long to get any strong info from them.


My role was:

not_so_tiny you are Clark the Clock keeper, you are paranoid and think everyone’s after you. You have a double vote (yes I had the elusive double vote, didn't want to say anything in case people thought I was evil). If someone targets you at night then they will fall for one of your traps and be unable to do anything the following night, and you will have no vote at all for the next day.

Also, each night you invite someone to your clock tower. If they're evil, they'll fall into a trap and be unable to post the next day.


Unfortunetely I didn't really get any Mafia info from my powers.


Good game anyway, and J7, even though the writes ups were long, they were an amazing read. I'm looking forward to the next one.

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but not-so-tiny! The pastor got trapped in your traps, so did snake-skin. You didn't pick up on the pastor, and people knew who the pastor was played by, but they didn't know that by being trapped it meant they were evil.


My two powers involved people falling into traps. Confusing when I'm not sure if they're there because I targeted them or they targeted me. Never mind, I'll pay a whole lot more attention next time :D

Edited by not_so_tiny
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You have excellent writing skills, jayseven. So write a friggin' book! Don't mess up mafia games with it! :p


Seriously, though, the write-ups were way too complicated. It was hard to decipher what actually happened. Too hard, if you ask me. I prefer the more simplistic write-ups that I use myself in the Nintendo Mafia where the details are kept somewhat to a minimum, making it just a tad easier to find out what actually happened. Still, that's of course my personal preference, though it seems many tend to agree with me.


What I did like, however, was the fact that all roles were mentioned by name in the write-up, and the fact that all investigations appeared in the write-up, too. I think it would have worked really well, but it was somewhat ruined by the write-ups being too long and having too many fancy descriptions which, though bringing the story to life, made it hard to discern the actual important details.


Anyway, Lillster and I were Pete and Luke. Lillster would switch the roles of two, and I'd choose one to either beat up (silence) or steal from (investigate). We were originally good, but when one of us died, the other became a neutral killer and had to kill whoever killed his partner. We never got to know what we should have done if one of us was lynched. :heh:

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