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Which "classic" games leave you cold?

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I have to admit that there aren't many classic games that leave me out in the cold. I think besides the Final Fantasy series and the Metal Gear series, I'm alright with everything. And by classic I'm presuming we mean pre-360/PS3/Wii/PS2 as I certainly wouldn't classify anything on these 4 consoles a classic yet as a classic means it is something which has stood the test of time.


Will say though that some mentionings have made me want to cry. Chrono Trigger? :nono: It's was an absolute classic then and it still is now. But really, each to their own.

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I hate most RPGs I play, with the exception of Pokémon. To be honest, I didn't see anything in it that seems to give most people orgasms here.


Trying to steal my thunder eh? I said Chrono Trigger before you.


Uh, I'm sorry...?

Edited by Tellyn
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^ I agree with the RPG's, I've given plenty a go... Skies of Arcadia, Baten Kaitos, Golden Sun etc... but ultimately I don't enjoy them a great deal!




Twilight Princess

Super Mario Sunshine

Super Mario World

Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes

F-Zero GX

Donkey Kong 64

Rogue Squadron GC

Mario Kart: DD

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes


and probably others...

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I'm going to probably slated for these two, and I doubt the first game even counts as a classic.


TimeSplitters 2

Well, everything on paper suggests that I should have loved this game. First, it has history. Some of the team that worked on this produced Goldeneye, so that's a huge plus. It's a shooter, and it's meant to have a nice fleshed out singleplayer mode, a great multiplayer, a mapmaker, and challenges, so there's lots of content there. However, it just felt very soul-less to me. It had a lot of things going for it, but it just failed on a simple basic fundamental level: it lacked a fun factor and charm. I felt no satisfaction out of killing enemies, like I did in Perfect Dark, and it just...didn't come off at all. It was being touted at the Wii's answer to Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, but it wasn't even in the same class as these two. Biggest disappointment last generation by far.




A lot of the same criticisms for TS2 can be applied her. Whilst I did feel satisfied partially with killing, it just all felt very soul-less, again. The levels were too long, too repetitive and too dull. The multiplayer mode was very lacklustre, I felt.

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Gran Turismo

It's 'realistic', I get it.. but it's also pretty boring! I certainly don't hate the series (I was playing Gran Turismo 2 a few weeks ago..) but they are far from exciting! I'm not into cars though, so that probably takes away the appeal.. but then I love good racing games!



..uh.. maybe it gets good later on in the game? I have no idea.. I played this last year (or possibly a couple of years ago) and I just could not see the hype at all! I'm not really into FPS games anyway I guess (Goldeneye is likely to always be my favourite.. I love it so much :yay:) but Halo didn't appear to me to be the amazing game everyone made it out to be :hmm: Probably didn't help that I hate the XBOX controller too (Original and S versions..)


Football Manager

I love football.. and I'd love to see Liverpool win the Premier League title (even if it is only on Football Manager :sad:) but Football Manager (and the Championship Manager games) just don't do anything for me at all..


I remember back in my school days everyone would sometimes talk about what players to get, what team they had and how they were doing.. and how they'd get through a season in one night etc! I just don't get it.. it's boring!


Street Fighter

As one guy in The Fast Show often says.. "I'll get me coat". Before you all go and hire a hitman, let me just explain that I am not really into fighting games and I never have been. I have been more tolerant in recent years (thanks mainly to Soul Calibur II on the Gamecube which was quality.. and my favourite game in the genre). Anyway, Street Fighter (and, in particular, Street Fighter II Turbo for the SNES) is one of the better fighting games and even it isn't all that thrilling to me. Again, I don't hate it and I do get some enjoyment from it, but it doesn't amaze me. And how many versions of the same basic game do you need :heh:


FIFA 09 (PS3 / XBOX 360)

..looks nice, feels rough :hmm: Maybe it is a game that could have done with more time being spent with it, but in all honesty I preferred it much more in the first few days than any time after that when all the annoyances became more and more apparent. Everything feels too slow and heavy.. but for what it is worth, I don't think PES 2009 on the 'next-gen' machines is up to much either and highlights a series that has been steadily declining in recent years. In contrast, the Wii version of PES 2009 is fantastic and improves on the previous installment in every way :smile:



I have only been through the early stages of this game and intend to start again and go through the whole game at some point.. but my goodness, from what I have played already, it is so much inferior to the amazing Banjo-Kazooie that it makes me angry. I was really looking forward to playing this game as Banjo-Kazooie is one of my favourite games of all time, a really special game, and Conkers Bad Fur Day was great too :smile: ..but Tooie has been so disappointing :sad:


2D Metroid

..still haven't forgiven me for including Street Fighter? Well.. I'm crawling on my knees towards my doom with this one.. Metroid Prime was a great game (albeit one where I can understand how darksnowman would not enjoy it as I have some similar issues with the series..) but Echoes failed to grab me in the same way. Corruption is fantastic.. but Hunters is pretty horrific in many respects. Anyway, those games are not the issue! Metroid, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, Metroid Zero Mission.. I have barely been past the first hour or 2 in any of these.. I guess the settings just don't overly appeal to me. I hope to at least complete Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion some day as they certainly aren't bad games, but many people crave a new 2D Metroid game for DS/Wii Ware and I'm not one of them. Metroid Prime has been the best Metroid game to date, in my opinion :heh:

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Tellyn can't handle the ATB.


Nor can I. I had to rush out yesterday, but I meant to put two more games:


Final Fantasy IV

I really liked FFIII, but FFIV introduced the ATB (Active Timed Battle), which I could not get on with at all. I know it sounds strange, but I kept setting it to "Wait" and it just didn't seem to work. The odd thing is, I didn't have any problem with it in FFXII. I didn't much like that game either, but it did "Wait" when I wanted it to.


Beyond Good & Evil

I've got no problem with this game at all (I did complete it), but at no point was I particularly inspired or excited. OK, I did like sending the photo reports and the ally A.I. was quite impressive, but that's about it. I think it's one of those games that has an atmosphere and setting that will totally grab some people, but not others.

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FIFA 09 (PS3 / XBOX 360)

..looks nice, feels rough :hmm: Maybe it is a game that could have done with more time being spent with it, but in all honesty I preferred it much more in the first few days than any time after that when all the annoyances became more and more apparent. Everything feels too slow and heavy.. but for what it is worth, I don't think PES 2009 on the 'next-gen' machines is up to much either and highlights a series that has been steadily declining in recent years. In contrast, the Wii version of PES 2009 is fantastic and improves on the previous installment in every way :smile:


I can see where you're coming from with that.


FIFA 09 is good, but I haven't enjoyed a football game properly since Pro Evo 5.


I long for there to be a new football game that was as good as Pro Evo 3 & 4. Those two were the best football games I've played. Even better than ISS 98, which is a legendary game.

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Banjo Kazooie/Banjo Tooie - Really, maybe it's because I played Nuts and Bolts before playing these but I don't get what's good about them. Don't get me wrong, I love a good collect-a-thon (I loved the first 3 Spyro titles on the PS1 before they screwed it up big time) but this is just boring. It may sound wrong but I honestly prefer Nuts and Bolts to these. N&B just allows you to be creative, albeit in a linear progressive fashion through the worlds until you have to go and take on Grunty. But the creative aspect allows a great amount of freedom for how to take on the tasks at hand whereas that can't be done in these.

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^ I agree with the RPG's, I've given plenty a go... Skies of Arcadia, Baten Kaitos, Golden Sun etc... but ultimately I don't enjoy them a great deal!


I always had you down as an RPG fan. :wtf: At the very least I thought you were a fan of Skies of Arcadia and Tales of Symphonia... got my wires crossed somewhere. Even still, play some more RPGs and ENJOY THEM! :heh:


FIFA 09 (PS3 / XBOX 360)


Haven't we changed out tune on this one. :woops:


Banjo Kazooie/Banjo Tooie


Thought you would have been a big Banjo fan. I'm not either, so its all good.

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I always had you down as an RPG fan. :wtf: At the very least I thought you were a fan of Skies of Arcadia and Tales of Symphonia... got my wires crossed somewhere.
I am a fan of Skies, but much more for the story and art etc... than the gameplay.
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A Link To The Past

I completed it, and it was certainly good, but i never got the same feeling that i did with the 3D games.


Sonic The Hedgehog

Over-rated. Just meh. It's okay but when people start calling it a classic just because it's old and he's Sega's mascot i just find it so tiresome.

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