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How Many Of You Still PS2? (The Beginners Guide to Last Gen)

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Nomura has basically been in charge of Final Fantasy since halfway through the development of VII. It's not quite as simple as that, but you get the gist of it.


Ah, thanks. I like some of the things in his games. Fran and Balthier were very appealing characters, and I like the Viera in general.

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I was thinking back to one of the games that got me to buy a PS2 which was The Bouncer ( other being Onimusha ) turns out Nomura did the character designs on that awesome game aswell :D


Im probably one of the few that actually enjoyed that game or interactive movie as most call it. Sure the loading times were long and the gameplay pretty shallow but I loved the characters, especially Sion. It also had great replay value as you could take different routes and see the other characters stories while you levelled them up. Good times.

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Holy crap I remember playing The Bouncer years ago. It was a pretty average beat em up in all honesty but it sure was pretty for its time.


Back on the topic of RPGs did anyone else find the Persona games disappointing?

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Yeeaaa.....no, I've seen it in stores, and I'm across the pond. But thank you for the offer.


Yeh, I kinda got it because my friends had it years ago when they first got the PS2 but I never realyl saw it or got a chance to play it. A lot of the PS1 games I now own are due to great memories I have of playing games at their house back in the day so I thought I would pick up The Bouncer to see if it would stir up any emotion or at least provide a solid experience..


To be honest, I've only had it on about 5 minutes but already I feel like it was a mistake.. though an inexpensive one, thankfully :heh:

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I started Persona 4 this morning and posted my thoughts in the P4 thread over in the Other Console board.


I finally got around to starting this today ( got a week of work ) and i've put about 2 hours into it ( just got Jiraiya ) and so far nothing has really happened. I have spent most of the time just watching the storyline and hitting X to get the next speech bubble started. How long until the actual game/fighting starts?


I am however liking Yosuke, he is funny as hell. Critical hit to the nads FTW!!


Im hoping the game picks up and fast because at the moment im a little disappointed :(

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Hah! Bouncer brings me much nostalgia, played for hours with my friend at a video game store, been meaning to find it just so I can finish it,


Also, has anyone played Way Of The Samurai?

I heard it has a very interesting branching plot in it and wanted to hear some reactions from you lot.


Back on the topic of RPGs did anyone else find the Persona games disappointing?


I haven´t played them yet but looking at the amount of hype I´m reading about these games I´m probably gearing myself up for a disappointment when I finally get them.

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  • 1 month later...

I still use my PS2. Persona 4 won't work on my PS3 and since I've got a hard drive attached to my PS2 I can play games like Resident Evil Outbreak without having to make a cup of tea everytime I walk through a door. (It's loading times are terrible)

I'm playing Metal Gear Solid 3 right now on it.

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Yeah I still use my Ps2, actually I think I use my PS2 more than my Ps3. I've just completed FF7 about 8 years after I bought it. Just recently completed Shadow of the Colossus which I bought on launch date. I'm now thinking about picking up Ico from ebay if its cheap-ish but doubt it will be. Also I'm starting to play Dragon Quest: Journey of the Cursed King


I think I'm just in a retro mood, for instance the only reason I still play with my DSphat is because of the GBA slot. Currently playing through minish cap, again bought it on launch but never got to complete it. Getting back into it basically because spirit tracks is out in a few months time. Now I'm bidding on Fire Emblem GBA on ebay, I have no idea how I missed out on this game back in the day! Love the series.


So yeah, still play with my Ps2.

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I'm now thinking about picking up Ico from ebay if its cheap-ish but doubt it will be.


Since it was re-released a couple of years back, it should be quite a bit easier/cheaper to find.


I think I'm just in a retro mood, for instance the only reason I still play with my DSphat is because of the GBA slot. Currently playing through minish cap, again bought it on launch but never got to complete it.


Also loved Minish Cap but never finished it, was such a great game but the multiple final bosses without saving in-between killed it for me.

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  • 3 months later...

I recently bought a PS3 and if it was backwards compatible, there are a lot of PS2 games I missed out on and would go back and buy, such as Shadows of Collossus and We Love Katamari.


Mind you, I have two PS2s, I just don't want any more space taken up under the telly.

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Well atleast your PS2 went out on a high! :grin:




FFVIII really isnt that bad


You're, right, other people I guess don't have the chance to play the really awesome games that go under the radar. When you have nothing great on the system, it makes average games look grand epic.


My PS2 had played so many different games since I first got it.


PS1 games that crap all over FFVIII



Persona 2: Innocent sins

Persona 2: Eternal Punishment

Chrono Cross


Dragon Quest VII

Dragon Quest Monsters 3

Vagrant Story

Final Fantasy: Tactics

Lunar series


And those are just RPG's :laughing:


I could compare the games from the PS2 that would rape in terms of story, gameplay, world, content and fun when compared Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy X and X-2, but that would be too cruel :heh:

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