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I'd say Fallout 2 is the closest to being a real sequel, and even then it's 80 years after the first and you're the Vault Dwellers descendant. Not much else relates the two beyond setting.

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To fill the quota of odd news for the day.




Apparently Matthew Perry raved about Fallout 3 on Ellen and Bethesda took notice....Perry never really struck me as the type to play FO3, especially as much as he claims.

Yeah, you really expect this guy to be too busy drinking liquidised lobster because of his Friends earnings rather than finding time to play an absorbing RPG like this.

  • 1 month later...

26 days before I get my mittens on this. Well, may ask for it for my 18th, but boom.


Another Fallout 3, the wait is crippling me! The fact that there's civilisation/electricity makes me doubt that this game will have the same empty, bleak, ronery feel, but I think the stuff Obsidian will add to the experience will make it fantastisch.


I'm avoiding all media like the plague now.

  • 3 weeks later...

9 fucking days. 9 FUCKING DAYS NE!!


Wake up, for Christ sake!


Moar Fallloooout n_n lolllllllll!!!11111!!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!11111!!1!1111!!!!!!!!1!!!!


Don't know why but I'm not excited for this. I really enjoyed Fallout 3, so much that I have every single achievement (even for all the DLC)


Maybe it was because Mothership Zeta felt like a bit of a chore and that was my last play of a Fallout game.


Need to get more hyped up!!

Don't know why but I'm not excited for this. I really enjoyed Fallout 3, so much that I have every single achievement (even for all the DLC)


Maybe it was because Mothership Zeta felt like a bit of a chore and that was my last play of a Fallout game.


Need to get more hyped up!!

I know what you mean. I expect that as soon as I'm holding a brand new copy in my hands I'll be through the roof again though.

I mean, a whole new Fallout adventure. There's bound to be awesome little quests and awesome things to find, and blahblahblah.


Literally my only fear as of now is that the lack of harsh greys and browns, and their replacement of vibrancy, will lessen the manly lone wonderer feel. I still want expanses of nothingness, and crumbling steel.


I'm happy with myself in that I know of barely anything in the game story-wise.


This one kind of crept up on me. I was thinking it wasn't out till the 29th so was just letting it be but quickly found out that it's out on the 22nd.


I'm undecided on whether I'll pick it up. 2 essays and a psychology report aren't the kind of things you want to try and complete with something like a new Fallout game sitting about (I played a lot of Fallout 3 and for several hour long sessions). I definitely want to play it but there are a few things making me uncertain about the game. If it's practically the same as Fallout 3, which it looks to be, then it's fine but Obsidian have an iffy record with getting games right (it is them doing the game right?). But that could be another downfall in that it plays out similarly to the last one. Could stagnate very quickly.


Obviously, I'll be keeping my eyes on reviews for this before making a decision. I feel comfortable to leave it down to that seeing as I loved Fallout 3 and any of the issues I have will most likely be heavily documented in the reviews.

I would say you won't be disappointed by greys and browns.


Really? The trailer seemed to show the wasteland in a more.. desert-y way. With lots of neon lights.


Its hard to show exploration in a trailer like the ones Bethesda is known for though. The Fallout 3 trailers weren't exactly great for showing what the game really was either.

Really? The trailer seemed to show the wasteland in a more.. desert-y way. With lots of neon lights.


Hmm, I don't know much about the game either, but I reckon the neon lights are only in Vegas itself. And the developers have said that the game map is roughly the same size as the one in Fallout 3, so there will be plenty of Wasteland to explore outside of Vegas.


I've been looking at YouTube videos for this and it's not exactly making me excited. All I've seen so far is a retro styled Vegas. I want dilapidated buildings and wastelands filled with murderous mutants damnit, not a shiny, undamaged Vegas and gambling mini games!


Once I start playing the game I'm sure I'll be in love again (the Fallout world is my favourite of any game apart from maybe Skies of Arcadia), but the trailers/promos aren't doing it for me at the minute.

Posted (edited)
Shhhh, Goaf. It'll be fine.


Oh I don't doubt it. Oblivion and Fallout 3 were by far my favourite/most played games on the 360. I just haven't got that "LOLMYGOD 1 WEEK TILL HYPERWIN PROMAX!" feeling yet.


I remember almost jizzsploding when I saw the teaser for Fallout 3 and watching all the preview videos (the Megaton/Tenpenny Tower ones) over and over again. Just haven't got the excitement for it this time.


It's a massive shame this didn't come out a week earlier. I would love to play it for Extra Life. I think I could actually play it for the full 24hrs if it's as good as Fallout 3. You sure you couldn't steal it from work Nighwolf? Think of the children. You're essentially slapping an orphan by not obtaining it.



Edited by Goafer

I doubt there are many people have got the 'OHSHIIIFALLOUTHAXPLANFTULTIMATEBLOGLOL' feeling, and I think for this it's just a natural thing that'll sink in. I hope.


I haven't been watching (m)any videos of this because I know all I need to know about it. However, I have replayed the main E3 trailer (not the tease) because of the awesome song (Jingle Jangle Jingle). That song for me has got Fallout's spirit all in in and over it, which is why I have a good feeling this'll be masterful.


I don't think I've even looked at any screenshots or trailers from New Vegas. I'm just going to get it in the post and start playing knowing almost nothing about it (same with another 360 game beginning with F that's out this month).

I've been looking at YouTube videos for this and it's not exactly making me excited.

The thing that should be getting you excited is Hardcore Mode. It's not a difficulty setting, it's a way of virtual life.


You choose which mode you want to play at the beginning, and you can only turn Hardcore off the once; you can switch it down at any time, but you can't toggle it when you please. For the uninitiated, these are the differences:




  • Stimpaks heal instantly.
  • Ammo is weightless.
  • No dehydration. No starvation. No sleep deprivation.
  • Crippled limbs can be healed with stimpaks.



  • Stimpaks heal over time.
  • Ammo has weight.
  • The PC must drink, eat, and have proper sleep cycles to stay alive.
  • Only a doctor or a doctor's bag can heal a crippled limb.


I really like that it isn't tied to the difficulty level, as it means I can enjoy the extra systems whilst avoiding the bullet sponge enemies of the harder difficulties. It might sound strange but I'm looking forward to the restrictions and potential frustrations, it means you have to think things through more and invariably come out the other side of each session with interesting stories to tell.


I'm also expecting the game to be better written than Fallout 3; Obsidian games usually have technical deficiencies, but they're the go-to people for interesting systems and dialogue.


Yeah, the difficulty of that is the main thing that could make this incredible. I'm pretty sure I'll be doing that first time. Greater reward for accomplishment, plus it's more of a struggle/ongoing battle, and will make the first playthrough absolutely amazing I hope. Sleeping patterns though? Weird.


I'm looking forward to sharing my experiences of it.


Everyone else can do the pussyshit.

I really like that it isn't tied to the difficulty level, as it means I can enjoy the extra systems whilst avoiding the bullet sponge enemies of the harder difficulties.


That's actually encouraged me to try it. Not sure about the sleep cycles though.

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