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Absolutely loved the first one. Even though it did quite repetitive it took me a long while to get truly bored of it. Really hyped for this one as it looks like they're putting more effort into the missions.

Another fan of the 1st one here. This sequel is gonna be amazing, for sure! Those secret chambers and tombs below cathedrals sections are a very cool concept.


I'd just like that they add some sort of fast travel. Riding through the Kingdom after every assassination was boring in the first one. Especially since you couldn't gallop without attracting enemies. :rolleyes: It's a good thing the combat was so fun. The sword fighting in AC was very realistic and violent, loved it.


I hear this a lot but there is a quick travel option, I swear. It's just a bit tricky to get to. It comes up when you enter a load screen for the Kingdom. It could definitely be more accessible.


I really loved the fighting in AC. They could give it a tweak to make it a bit deeper (which I think they've done) but it was so satisfying gouging your sword into someone's neck and sliding it down. Brutal stuff. Also the ability to use loads of different weapons is ace. Can't wait.


I loved fighting with the daggers in the first one.


Hopefully they've re-invented the combat, mini-missions, main missions (what's the point in collecting data in the mini-missions if all you need to do is wander to a marker and kill everyone?), blandness of the area (they look like they've done this one), story and just about everything else.


Repetitive though the first was, I loved it, and will definately be getting this. One thing I hope is improved is the ability to assassinate. Like, if I lock onto a target from a rooftop who is below me, I want to be able to jump straight onto him, rather dropping beside him and alerting the guards.


Other than that it's the obvious; more variety, better cutscenes (the ability to wander in a 3*1 rectangle while being talked at does not an interactive cutscene make) and lots more target stalking.

I hear this a lot but there is a quick travel option, I swear. It's just a bit tricky to get to. It comes up when you enter a load screen for the Kingdom. It could definitely be more accessible.

Yeah, you're absolutely right, my mistake. When you enter the Kingdom you can select your location. But still, the road from Masyaf up till the Kingdom is a bit long and there's absolutely nothing to it. You have to get out of the castle, go down the whole village and then ride for another good 20 seconds or so until you reach the Kingdom. It's a big chore.


I loved fighting with the daggers in the first one.


What I loved were the throwing knives. When I went across a rooftop, sneaked behind a guard and stealth killed him with the hidden blade and right after that hit the other one in the distance with a throwing knife, that's when I truly felt like an assassin.


I've put this on my pre-order list, but i am requesting once it arrives to recieve it at Christmas unless i get a job before-hand.


I'm looking forward to this day by day.


I wonder if they've nerfed the hidden blade(s). Once you got the counter timing down in the first game you could literally one-shot every enemy. That said I tended to mix things up a bit anyway; Batman is similar in that the real fun in combat is taking everyone out stylishly rather than just coming out on top.


The is my only other definite purchase — Uncharted 2 being the first — for the rest of the year. In many ways it looks like the game the first one should have been.

Batman is similar in that the real fun in combat is taking everyone out stylishly rather than just coming out on top.


I don't have Batman (yet) but I agree about AC. However, I have to mention the fight against your 9th target... I really thought the difficulty of that fight had nothing to do with the rest of the game! it was about 100 times harder than anything that came before it, and nothing in the game prepared you for such a challenge all of a sudden after so many hours of playing. I thought it was kind of cheap, personally. The game had no difficulty curve, it was the same difficulty from the begining up till the 9th guy, and then suddenly boom!

Posted (edited)
However, I have to mention the fight against your 9th target... I really thought the difficulty of that fight had nothing to do with the rest of the game!

Are you talking about the man himself or fighting through all the goons up to him? I made judicious use of hidden blade countering for that part; I actually killed him on his first sword swing. You can't block whilst your blade is equipped so it does have one drawback, but even if your enemy is heavily armoured it only takes one counter to bring them down.


Incidentally I've played the game twice — once on PS3 and the second time on 360 — and first time through that section I had a lot of trouble as I stuck to my sword and dagger. I don't want to labour the point too much, but seriously: hidden blade those bastards.

Edited by Aimless
Are you talking about the man himself or fighting through all the goons up to him?


Everything. Since there is no break between the fights, I consider it all just one fight. I already finished the game, but many attempts at that fight, by the time I got to him, my sync bar was already very low, so he killed me quite quickly.


I used counters too (although not with the hidden blade) but as you know, enemies more often than not fake attacks and when you try to counter a fake attack, that leaves you open for a blow. And that's basically how it went. :)


As soon as I got the fighting I never really found it too difficult. I'd switch to the daggers to make it a bit harder. The weight of the physics made the violence really satisfying.


I also totally missed the whole timed hits thing where you press attack when your swords collide. I only found out about that when trying to get the achievement after I finished the game.


Another thing they should fix: In the first game you could stab anyone and so straight into "hide mode" and stay over the dead body without arousing any suspicion.




Well...I had to really ;)


Kristen Bell will reprise her role as Lucy in the sequel.


Source: Joystiq


I love how it was Bell who completely spoiled the big twist of the first game.


The details were a secret (the whole genetic memory) but the general idea was basically impossible for Ubi to keep a secret.


It was touted as a twist pre-release, but in reality it's something that you find out within the first few minutes. It's the conceit the game's entire plot is based around, so I'm not sure why we were supposed to be surprised by it.


If Lucy is still going to be around then it's fairly safe to assume there will sill be segments where you play as Desmond. I hope they flesh those out a bit more this time as in the first game they played out like the world's most simplistic adventure game.


The twist would have been great if it wasn't revealed in the first 5 minutes. Imagine if they had made the big revelation more progressive and the memory glitches more subtle, it would be one of those great wtf moments in video games.

It was touted as a twist pre-release, but in reality it's something that you find out within the first few minutes.


Actually, you find out about it even before the first minutes. All you have to do is open the manual as soon as you open the box. It's all right there. I know almost no one reads manuals, but I do. Always have, always will read manuals before playing.


New screens:










Well...I had to really ;)


Kristen Bell will reprise her role as Lucy in the sequel.


Source: Joystiq


I love how it was Bell who completely spoiled the big twist of the first game.


This quote from another board makes me laugh.

Ubi also sent over like a dozen pics of Kristen Bell just sitting there instead of more screens of the game


Edge spoils the first few mins storyline details.



+Each mission leads into the next one, you might meet a target before he becomes a target and by the time you have to assassinate him you will know all about him, this replaces the investigative sections. The same applies to locations.


+ Blend has been replaced by a fast walk, holding A enables you to quickly escape the scene of a crime, or the gaze of a guard, without breaking cover, or social conventions.


+ Courtesans can surround Ezio as a distraction (as we know) but can also be sent to specific to targets to flirt/dance etc. similar to that seen in the E3 CG trailer.


+ Day night cycle is active during free roaming, but is set during story missions.


+ There is more variety in buildings than in ACI and climbing requires preparation and route planning for the more complicated structures that resemble puzzles.


+ Agile Warrior enemies can easily dodge attacks, brutes attacks are unblockable until they have been tired out and weakened.


+ Ezio can pick up and dispose of bodies.


+ It is now possible with more assassinations to be completely undiscovered, and not be chased.


+ Ezio owns a family villa in the town of Monteriggioni, when you first see it it is ruined, but if you invest money you boost the economy and gain a regular income from the town (ala bruce wayne via fable II) although it is capped to prevent you gaining massive amounts of gold. Pictures of slain targets decorate the walls, and you can also display paintings and weapons bought from shops. The villa also acts as weapon and item storage.


+ Armour degrades in combat and must be repaired at a blacksmith.


+ The hidden blade (broken when you first find it) receives many modifications, including defensive plates for attack deflection and finally the gun.


+ Upgrades are acquired often, and the idea is to keep the player guessing and the rules changing, so you cant get bored.



The Edge preview actually has me excited for this again. Quite some feat, given my disposition to stab anyone remotely responsible for the first game in the fuck by the end of it.

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