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Posted (edited)

GI Scans








- Swimming mode enabled.

- A 'Stealthy' Oil pipeline Scuba Mission will be included in campaign mode.

- A level will definetly be based in Rio De Janeiro.

- Siberian Level will feature in campaign mode.

-No coop

-Special Forces mode, several missions in the spirit of Mile High Club

-More open ended gameplay

-No infinitely respawning enemies

- Vehicles (e.g. Trucks, Tanks etc.) will be introduced into the Modern Era.

- A 'Helicopter Based' Level will be featured.

- An Oil Tanker level will also be featured.

- Ken Lally (Wesker from Resident Evil 5) will be voice acting. Most likely as a Russian villain.

Edited by Dante
Automerged Doublepost

After reading:


- Swimming mode enabled.

- A 'Stealthy' Oil pipeline Scuba Mission will be included in campaign mode.

-No coop

- Vehicles (e.g. Trucks, Tanks etc.) will be introduced into the Modern Era.

- An Oil Tanker level will also be featured.


I am now less excited for the game.


That 'Special Forces Mode' is a good idea. Rather than just ditch the levels that don't really fit into the campaign story, have them playable as a seperate mode.:awesome:


Lack of Co-op is a bit lame, but having said that, I only played w@w co-op once. As long as they nail the Multiplayer again, I will be a very happy fanboy!

I see they played Killzone 2 :awesome:




I agree with Cube, I'm a lil' less excited for this now. But then again, it's always about the multiplayer.


I read all of that but I still don't really know what to say. None of it excites me, neither does it put me off. It's just going to be another normal Cod the way I see it, with a bit of snow tossed in. It could be the first one I get if the online is as good as it is cracked up to be.


Fuck yes, anyone? :D


It's just going to be another normal Cod the way I see it, with a bit of snow tossed in.


Oh no? Infinity Ward's COD's are the hallmark of shooty-excellence.


CoD4 was CoD2 in Fakeistan. The engine and controls were excellent, as was the multiplayer, but in terms of actual campaign progression the game was archaic. From the sounds of things they're actually trying to address that this time around — less spawn trigger sprinting, more than one approach to combat — so they've at least piqued my interest. I mean I was going to buy the game for the online component, but I'm somewhat hopeful that the singleplayer will live up to the studio's obvious talent this time around.


That said it isn't really a game that excites me as it's still something of a known quantity. I don't mean that as a slight against the game, I'm just perfectly happy to wait until it's released as although it will no doubt bring some quiet innovation to first-person shooters the game is still going to be about shooting people in the face.


So it's not as innovative as Killzone? :p Don't bother with the badges and stuff. Cod has done more for innovation (specifically this developer) that Killzone. They are both elite shooters though.

COD is not exactly about innovation, never has been. It is from Activision afterall. However its still worth checking out for me. I hope they fix the issues and make it a better experience.


Cant be worse than the last COD which has sold really well may i add :p


I'd say that CoD4's online features did set a standard though. Maybe not innovative, but... definately a standard.


I'd say it was innovative. What multiplayer game doesn't have its own version of Perks and XP now? They've become expected features, much like recharging health or limited weapon slots.

I'd say it was innovative. What multiplayer game doesn't have its own version of Perks and XP now? They've become expected features, much like recharging health or limited weapon slots.


Limited weapon slots was popularised by COD, too.

Killzone 2 has added many ideas to push the genre, a 1st person cover system, technical advancements, making multiplayer work with crazy ideas, to some of the killzone.com features.


So what did they do to push the genre?


I think the badges thing was cool but not really anything else. I don't see anything special in the cover system at all.


Rainbow Six Vegas could be played in the FPS view point and had a cover system. So technically, that brought it to the table before Killzone 2. And I'm sure it was brought even earlier than that.


Anyway, looking forward to this. While I played through W@W, I just didn't enjoy it anywhere near as much as Modern Warfare. I would probably prefer them to leave the vehicles out but if anyone can do them alright it should be Infinity Ward.

Cover system may not interest you, but definately very inventive. :)


You need it above easy.

How can you be excited over a cover system? I played it on hard mode on KZ and didn't use it as much as I thought I would, it was kinda awkward to operate well. It's not as if previous FPS game developers didn't think of adding a cover system, it's been in so many 3rd person titles.


KillZone just looked fucking amazing and had a real weight to it. The cover system was awkward to use, way too many buttons.


It is not inventive in any way at all.


Now I'm not with Daft or Choze but in the middle - KZ added 1 or 2 nice ideas in the multiplayer side of things with ability unlocks and mixes but it still isn't that innovative. It's just like Cod in that it is a solid shooting game.

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