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Bits Or No Bits?


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"Munch the Cow is a great new addition to the Munch Bunch family"


Great new addition?


Isn't an addition something that is added to something previously there....isn't something which is put in place of something that used to be there...isn't that called a replacement? Or in this case, due to the severity - face rape.

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I can't stand for this shit. Bits don't belong in Yoghurt (unless its a Corner....then you control the flow/digestive chunks don't count as "bits) or juice. If I wanted bits I'd eat the fruit itself.


I hate the feeling of crappy straggling bits down your throat. (awaits misquotation)


But seriously though, they don't add to flavour....they effect the drink negatively in texture terms...what could anyone like about this?


If you squeezed your own fresh orange juice it'd have bits. People are silly - only reason they find bits odd is that they're used to drinking from concentrate pisswater that has no bits in. The bits are there as they constitute real orange juice. And they're lovely.

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Then drink water with the crap still in it! Don't go for the purity of tap/bottled water.


But bottled mineral water is natural and how it was intended to be! No meddling involved for specific requirements made by the fussy.

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Not liking bits is like not liking the crusts on bread. Its the way it was intended. You're just whining like spoilt little children :p


I don't like the crusts on bread.


And surely if you had it the way it was intended then you would be eating the fruit rather than drinking it's juice.

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Raises an interesting theory, when the creator made water, did they want the plankton etc kept in? [Mountain water excluded]

Yes 'the creator' wanted plankton in water to ultimately support all ocean life, just as the orange bits in Tropicana support human life. Good humans that is :p

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