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Your country and the idiots who run it


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Discuss! I feel like the most unpatriotic bastard American lately but everytime i turn on the news i understand why.


The US government, which contributes NOTHING to the gross national product

is continually bailing out mismanaged banks and insurance companies which also contribute NOTHING to the GNP. But wait, we have Obama and his non-taxpaying cabinet to handle the situation.

Their solution? Continue with futile bailouts and pass a stimulus package that will double our deficit and weaken our already useless dollar. Good job team!


Whats the situation in your country?

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Whats the situation in your country?


Pretty shit but then it was even before this economic crisis, pretty depressing tbh when all you hear is credit crunch this 'n that, I hear it so often that I've given up caring about it. :/ [/apathy]

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The phrase 'credit crunch' is becoming so popular over here they have even found a way to get it into tv adverts.


'Come to this store for credit crunch beating prices!' etc etc




And yeah like S.C.G its getting pretty boring hearing bout it now, we all know its around already.

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The credit crunch seems like an overly popular excuse to blame shit (that the public aint going to appreciate happening) on.


Seems as though everyones bored of it now..... just waiting for the next shitty news story to rear its ugly head and stick around like a fart in a lift.

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The former government did nothing while bank owners and large business owners set a world record in exporting money for luxuries and buying companies in other countries which let to a situation where the ISK is worth nothing and a lack of foreign currency which works very bad with each other.

But protesting got them down and there will be an election soon.


But yeah the general "credit crunch" blabla that is going on everywhere.

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It's not that the politicians in Britain are particularly incompetent (well, not all the time anyway). They just don't seem to give a shit. Who the hell do you vote for when both the main parties are giving you nearly identical policies, all vote the same way and tell you all the same bull? The only alternative is the Lib Dems who are basically incapable of kicking up a fuss about anything, even when they try. Especially when they try, to be quite honest.

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Everything is blamed on the "C-C" these days, why can't the government see the bankers who are leaving with pots of money and take it off them to save the mess that these bankers made.


Instead, its the tax-payer who has to cough up and atm there isn't that many working due to job losses etc, so how can we cough up with already tight budgets.

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Over here we've been in economic crisis for near 10 years, due to people having living standards above their capabilities making the country's deficit way to big and a political crisis of successive government.


When the current government was finally changing the situation for the better, this credit crunch thing came falling down fucking up the countries we export to.

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I think that's the nastiest thing I've read you say, CB.


Haha, I felt mean as I typed that. :D Even this is pretty tame!


But seriously I just think it would be funny if he had done! just disappointed that that wasn't the news this morning!


Indeed. I didn't think he was actually capable of hosting negative feelings in his body. :)


I was listening to him talk this morning and he didn't make sense, which annoyed me slightly! :p

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yes the banks have been mismanaged, but if they go under then everyone is in the shit, that's why they get the bailouts.


the stimulus package may or may not work, but remember George W took over with the largest federal surplus in history and turned it into the largest deficit in history by reducing taxes on the wealthy and big business, and by doing several tax rebates, including one last year when this situation was developing.


Everyone is to blame for the situation we are in, not just the bankers. People buying houses they can't afford, maxing out credit cards, taking out loans to fund lifestyles they can't sustain.


Tbh I think Gordon Brown will handle this better than David Cameron would do and I'm sure Obama's package is better than anything the Republicans would have came up with.

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I haven't experienced it to an acute level... I haven't lost my job (for once its great to be employed in a job with the NHS) I live with my parents, so I don't really pay bills..


But I'm really fucking sick of hearing the term credit crunch, and how siiiick companies use it to reel in customers... Credit crunch sale - urgh how I hate thee. *shakes fist angrily*

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