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Lost Planet 2

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So Capcom's big new game that's for the 360? It's as the title states, Lost Planet 2. Trailer is up now on the Live Market place to download. Or if you can't be bothered downloading the 463Mb trailer, you can watch it at the link below instead.



Here's some snippits of info on the game so far:


- Has an intro by Jun Takeuchi (RE5 producer). Said he will have to take off his Resident Evil jacket for this video, that this is his "other big project".

- "Kenji Oguro" is director

- Powered by "MT-FrameWork 2.0".

- "massive change in climate which has melted the snow and created brand-new environments such as jungles."

- "story won't be confusing on one main character like in LP1"

- "have been some big changes in how the game plays"

- "players wished they had been able to take on the Akrid enemies in a co-op mode. You should be able to see our response to those requests in the trailer you just saw"

- Portable cover/shields like Gears 2

- Mechs with passenger seats and turrets

- Looks like a co-op squad-based game

- Story is told from the perspective of various Snow Pirate factions


They only mention it in relation to the 360 so seems like it's exclusive for the time being. However, with the original having been released on the PS3 a little later it's likely this'll make the jump at some point as well.


I personally didn't get much of a chance to play the first one and have been looking into getting it again so as to play it more but it's nice to see that the environments will be a bit more varied in this with jungles but with also the original snowy areas.

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Im happy about this woooop. I loved lost planet 1, online was also quite good on it, although the single player characters were a bit cheesy.


Should be goood, i might give 1 a replay cos of this lol.

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The co-op looks good and it seems like they've borrowed quite a bit from Gears which isn't necessarily a bad thing as people always go on about how good the co-op is in Gears. Think it's also nice to see them break away from total snowy environments and mix it up a bit. Do hope they sort out the online though as the first one was just ridiculous. So many cheaters doing various things meaning you couldn't kill them at all no matter what you did or used.

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Do Capcom love Gears or something!? They're referencing it in all their games.. I even saw a copy of Gears next to a Lost Planet demo in a photo of the Capcom office.

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Visually this looks superb to me, great scale and the foliage is amazing.


I just seriously hope it's a lot less clunky and slow than the original. The footage I've seen doesn't suggest that, which is a shame.


When I first played the original it seemed like a great game but the gameplay already feels heavily dated now.

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Visually this looks superb to me, great scale and the foliage is amazing.


I just seriously hope it's a lot less clunky and slow than the original. The footage I've seen doesn't suggest that, which is a shame.


When I first played the original it seemed like a great game but the gameplay already feels heavily dated now.


At the times the controls feel like an Atari 2600 game in 3D.

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I've been planning on getting this game, and thought I might as well get the original whilst I was waiting, but I saw some screens and it looked totally different to Lost Planet 2, how "similar" are they?

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Thanks for the new screens Dante! I for one like them. And they're very nice screens too, although that's down to CAPCOM not you lol.

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Screenshots of him.



Fans that pre-order Lost Planet 2 at GameStop locations in North America (Euro details forthcoming) will be able to unlock Resident Evil’s most famous character, Albert Wesker, as an exclusive playable skin when they play Lost Planet 2. Also, players who take advantage of the pre-order bonus will get their hands on some additional firepower via a revolver added to their arsenal of weapons. A nimble yet extremely powerful firearm, the revolver will help players hone their "one shot kill" skills.
Edited by Dante

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So nobody bought this game apart from me... :blank: I can understand people's skepticism after the first game - I only played the demo of the first and that was enough for me - but really this game has changed for the better, its only main drawbacks are its strange control scheme which takes a little while to get used to and strangely implemented co-op which works well once you figure out how to use it.


The change of scenery helps the game a lot and lends itself to being something a lot more 'epic' than the first ever was - in-fact the first felt kinda low budget in comparison - plus the ability to create your own character after completing the game is a plus.


Be warned though it's a game best played with friends, so if you have none then don't get it! - I jest - it can be played solo as the A.I is actually relatively capable which surprised me but if you actually want to have a blast then this is best played in co-op.


If you're interested and look around for the best deal you can find it a good deal cheaper than its full RRP - which it isn't worth - for instance I acquired my copy for £25 from eBay, or you could always... y'know wait for it to drop in price in about a month or so :p anyway, my point is, you can still do a lot worse if you're looking for something new to play so I just thought I'd give the game a fair trial and let you all know my thoughts on it. : peace:

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My main problem with the two demos was the same "delayed" feeling that the controls still have. I couldn't reach the half-way point of the first game with them, and they seemed no better in the demos.

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No love for this game?


Personally I am really enjoying it, more than I thought I would. The Co-Op is awesome, especially with 3 mates. Theres something inherently badass about 4 dudes armed to the teeth, in Mech Suits, taking down an enormous bug online.


Also, its less than £20 @ ShopTo, including a free T-Shirt!

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