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Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympics

Emerald Emblem

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Here's a few tunes from the game.

Super Mario Bros Remix


Super Mario Bros 3 Remix


New Super Mario Bros Remix


Super Mario Galaxy Purple Coin Remix


Super Mario 64 Remix


Super Mario 64 Remix 2


Super Mario Galaxy Gusty Garden Remix


Super Mario Sunshine Remix


Mario Kart Wii Coconut Mall Remix


Sonic & Knuckles Sky Sanctuary Remix


Super Mario Bros/Super Mario World Remix


Various Sonic Remix


Sonic Heroes Special Stage Remix


Battle Vs Jet



Edited by Hero-of-Time
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Damn they hate this game big time!!




Closing Comments

In all seriousness, knowing Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games will still sell incredibly well off the back of star-power alone, it's hard to give this one a pass just because it contains these two almighty gaming deities. We suppose that for some of you out there, that might be enough – but we always hope that developers will continue to push themselves and this category of entertainment further with each sequel and iteration. Pardon the bad pun, but this one left us cold.

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Damn they hate this game big time!!




IGN OZ are a bunch of fucking morons. Have you read their reviews? Honestly, it baffles me these are even attached to IGN. They gave the original 5. something... just idiots. PROPER IGN will give it much higher.


As a side, how abolsutely idiotic is it that IGN review everything three times? Are US, OZ and UK audiences THAT different? And which one do the rest of the world listen to? RIIIIIII-DICULOUS!!

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Why this game is going to a) sell big and b) be as frickin' awesome as the first game.



Looking for instant gratification and stress relief? Mario and Sonic at the Olympic games: Nothing in this life comes close to the extraordinary amount of pleasure that is brought on by beating that idiotic hedgehog in a 100m sprint with a short, fat, middle aged Italian bloke.


Unlike typical video gaming fare (where killing is often the goal) instead of terminating the blue rat's existence, you are adding to his humiliation of not only living out his remaining years starring in dreadful, dreadful 'video games,' but you are now stripping away the one thing he was ever good at 15 years ago - Speed.


You can then rest, safe in the knowledge that he has done nothing semi-decent since the Dreamcast days and now he's just a washed up has been that gets his name dragged through the mud. He will probably die cold, sad and alone harking back to the days when he was once, the king of speed, but little all else. Now those days are over, he'll probably turn to heroin and every Sega fan boy will die inside a little too.


*The above statement glosses over the fact that all Sega fan boys are probably dead inside anyway*


1st day purchase.

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Ive just had a quick blast of the campaign mode which consists of 16 days of games to see who will be crowned champ. Ive played 4 days and so far im enjoying it, just tanned King Boo in a downhill ski race! :)


Ive already earned quite a few stars to spend in the store, time for a little shopping methinks.

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You played it with the balance board? I really like the first game in this, and balance board support sounds great. Have you got the first one? How does it compare? Does it do that stupid thing of giving you double points for your first event? Does it do the stupid thing of if players have the same score it gives the victory to the highest player (i.e. player 1)?

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I don't think it does Dazzy. I got to play a full campaign of this the other day and it was great. Loads of 'challenger appears' moments which were (for the most part) really fresh. Seeing a figure skating event based around Mobius was too cool. The music is brilliant, the events all work extremely well (no poor events like the target shooting crap in the first one) and the atmosphere, graphics and presentation are all top notch. The balance board is a personal preference but does work well - skiing/snowboarding is harder than Shaun White and as sensitive as Wii Fit which makes it hard but other events (like Bobsleigh) are utterly brilliant with the board. Same for the ski Jump events. (Which is very impressive in its 'dream' version.)


It has some of the best graphics and audio on the system and, sure, some of the games are lacking in innovation but when they control well and you are gathered around a system all taking part in something instantly accessible and fun this game shines.

It's WAY better than the first title, offers insta-thrills and has that 'one more go' factor that I haven't experienced in a Wii title for a long time.

Edited by tapedeck
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^ damn you Welsh_Gamer. Don't tempt me with this. I need to keep my money and not spend it :p I don't particularly want it but at £18.99, it's kind of hard to ignore seeing as I'd easily double my money should I choose to sell it on, which is the most plausible outcome. I shall take a gander in my local Morissons tomorrow.

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I picked up a copy today, I wasn't really bothered about the game but I might as well for £19. A lot of other people were buying it as well.


The amount of shelf space given to this in my local TESCO was unbelievable, they also had stands around the store. I should imagine they're expecting this to not only sell well initially but to have strong legs right over Christmas and beyond.

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5.2, that makes it a no from me then! Enough other people will by it anyways.


I think this game had so much potential. With such a simple and fun idea based on an already completed and well loved product, you have to wonder how SEGA managed to f*ck up.


After all, they simply need to polish and refine what was there earlier. Still, I suppose this is SEGA we're talking about.

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I think this game had so much potential. With such a simple and fun idea based on an already completed and well loved product, you have to wonder how SEGA managed to f*ck up.


After all, they simply need to polish and refine what was there earlier. Still, I suppose this is SEGA we're talking about.


not really though winter olympics means most the games would have to be different... or at least it should be.


but from what i've heard in the gt review the game is very much graphically cut and paste and the music is full of remixes.

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This seems to be getting very harsh reviews.


It's a stellar party game. Next best thing to Wii Sports & Wii Sports Resort for lols IMO. Nothing wrong with that. I think a lot of reviews have been harsh with their final scores. It's way better than the original and offers a great multiplayer (around the TV) experience. Throw in the optional BB support and it's good for unique laughs too. Sitting on the board for Bobsleigh is damn good fun! There's a surprisingly deep Hockey/Curling experience to be had and the music/graphics are all solid and work well.


I thought this would be getting 70%'s - in the realm of EDGE scores that would be 5/6's. Decent party game but only rendered for such occasions.

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