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Weight Loss 2009


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What's some healthy stuff to eat snack wise?


I constantly want to pig out while on the computer, eat crisps, sweets and will even cook meals to eat while on the computer. Bad stuff. Something healthy? It's like a smoking habbit of having something in your mouth and hands to fiddle with (so wrong.. sounds so, so wrong).

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What's some healthy stuff to eat snack wise?


I constantly want to pig out while on the computer, eat crisps, sweets and will even cook meals to eat while on the computer. Bad stuff. Something healthy? It's like a smoking habbit of having something in your mouth and hands to fiddle with (so wrong.. sounds so, so wrong).

It depends what you like.

I like to eat celery, but you might not like it.

I like stuff with a bit of crunch to it. Carrots are great, raw sprouts are mmmmmm!

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What's some healthy stuff to eat snack wise?


I constantly want to pig out while on the computer, eat crisps, sweets and will even cook meals to eat while on the computer. Bad stuff. Something healthy? It's like a smoking habbit of having something in your mouth and hands to fiddle with (so wrong.. sounds so, so wrong).


I've decided on certain fuits, like melon, I don't like oranges and I can't eat apples. Celery I detest.


Nuts are good also. Certain ones so becareful. I agree with war though carrots are great also.

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Celery is probably the best thing to snack on as you use more energy eating it than you do gaining it

Most people don't snack because theyre hungry though.

I eat that when i feel hungry but dont need to eat.

Be careful with some fruits as they do contain sugar and eating too much of them will also be unhealthy. Sugar is the bane of my existence

Too much of anything is bad for you.

There are also different types of sugars.

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Living off celery is not a healthy looking prospect, with exercise you need some calories regardless, otherwise you just become nothing, a twig. Besides as long as it's not excessive eating he should be fine.


Water melon sounds like a brilliant idea, specially if you like it. But like with everything, eating a whole water melon can be just as bad as eating a whole pack of chocolate bars.


I'm sure there maybe certain nuts to eat but really it's just common sense, non-salted nuts are your best bet, nothing covered in flavourings. Similar with dips. Home made dips might be a good idea, so you know they aren't full of fat. I used to know somebody who used yogart (not flavoured yogart!) as dipping, was tasty!

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I played squash today. I lost for three reasons;


1. I'm unfit.

2. It's only the third time I've played.

3. My serving is terrible. I can do it, I just don't for some reason.


Living off celery is not a healthy looking prospect, with exercise you need some calories regardless, otherwise you just become nothing, a twig. Besides as long as it's not excessive eating he should be fine.


But it's good for a snack. As most of the time with snacks you aren't really hungry, and are just eating for the sake of it.

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Before Christmas I ran at least 3 miles almost everynight and weighed a good 9 and a half stone. However we went to America for Christmas and I put on nearly a stone! So I'm looking to lose that again before my birthday in february. Running is a fantastic form of exercise btw, and I would recommend it without a second thought.

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I played squash today. I lost for three reasons;


1. I'm unfit.

2. It's only the third time I've played.

3. My serving is terrible. I can do it, I just don't for some reason.




But it's good for a snack. As most of the time with snacks you aren't really hungry, and are just eating for the sake of it.


I can understand that, but eating it all the time isn't going to be fun, you need variety even in snacking, not to mention the dullness of eating the same thing continually.

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Before Christmas I ran at least 3 miles almost everynight and weighed a good 9 and a half stone. However we went to America for Christmas and I put on nearly a stone! So I'm looking to lose that again before my birthday in february. Running is a fantastic form of exercise btw, and I would recommend it without a second thought.


Quite bad for joints though?

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Day 1


Breakfast= 0 (too busy sweeping snow off my car)

Lunch= Boots shapers wrap

Tea= Salmon fillet with salad

Snacks= 0


Exercise= Rower 10 mins, Cross trainer 15 mins


Status= Feeling good, Louis!



(don't worry, I won't do this again :heh:)

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Guest theegg

Can someone tell me if I'm a really fat bastard?


5 foot 8 inches and weigh 11 stone. I have noooooooooo motivation to lose weight what so ever and it's sort of becoming a problem now. People say I'm not fat but I think they are just saying that to make me feel better. Please help.

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Well your BMI is 23.66 which is within what the NHS class as normal so to be honest I wouldn't worry.


Quite bad for joints though?


Hmm depends how well you care for them. I guess if you supplemented with something you could avoid that. It's great for building bone density though.

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Can someone tell me if I'm a really fat bastard?


5 foot 8 inches and weigh 11 stone. I have noooooooooo motivation to lose weight what so ever and it's sort of becoming a problem now. People say I'm not fat but I think they are just saying that to make me feel better. Please help.


if you feel happy in yourself, really, who gives a shit what other people think. Maybe if you are concerned, try doing a little extra exercise, rather than going to extreme measures.

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Guest theegg
if you feel happy in yourself, really, who gives a shit what other people think. Maybe if you are concerned, try doing a little extra exercise, rather than going to extreme measures.


Yeah I suppose. Ill give it a go :)

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I'm sure there maybe certain nuts to eat but really it's just common sense, non-salted nuts are your best bet, nothing covered in flavourings.


Nuts are totally calorific. You've gotta be careful if you are counting calories. A couple of handfuls and !!!CHLAPPAPOW!!! you've eaten the equivalent of a chocolate bar.

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I cycle to and from work every day, totally about 35-40 mins. Thats enough exercise for me! It knackers me as it is. I'm sure ive put on weight over Christmas but, i'm not eating the same crap or drinking as much beer so i should naturally lose a little weight. Right?! Plus i'm having more veg at dinner. Who knows. I'm going travelling in June so i want to lose a little weight but i also know i'll lose weight while i'm away.

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