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Your Christmas List


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Time to show of what your getting for christmas this year.


My List:


Animal Crossing wii with wii speak


Dragon Ball Z Season 7


Zelda Ocarina of time Manga Volume 1


Zelda Ocarina of Time Manga Volume 2


I will be getting more, but those are the only things I know about as I picked them myself


How about you guys?

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I've only asked for Secret Files: Tunguska on Wii, there's nothing I really need nor want, and it was going cheap on Amazon or Play so I told my dad to go for it.


Err, I asked my sisters for headphones as they grilled me for hints and ideas. I think they will likely get me some toiletries as well.


I've forked out bigstyle on everyone this year but there's just nothing I fancy in return.

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- Sennheiser HD 555 headphones

- Family Guy Season 7

- Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles season 1

- Multidimensional Warrior by Santana

- And a couple of cheap games


My parent's don't give me pocket money and so they normally encourage me to ask for more stuff at xmas to stop the purchasing of stuff through the year. But this year I've gone for a cheaper xmas with what I want. Out of all that, I'm only really wanting the headphones. So if I get them and anything else it'll be a fantastic xmas. I know my brother is getting a £500 Epiphone Zakk Wylde guitar so I think I was being nice by being cheap.

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- Tomb Raider UnderWorld (PS3)

- Resistance 2 (PS3)

- Fallout 3 PS3 (PS3)


Those were the games i asked for. I know i'm also getting an Ipod Touch, i didn't particually plan to get one, but my mum kept saying she'd like me to have one (God knows why). My 1st gen Ipod nano is on it's last legs now, and scratched to bits. For her i chipped £50 into the family fund to buy our first HD TV, it wasn't particually expensive (in TV terms) but it's surely better than our 10 year old 28" CRT.

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From my literal Xmas list;


Christmas List


- Tomb Raider : Underworld (for PC)

- Wall*E (On DVD)

- Selmasongs by Bjork (CD)

- Wanted (On DVD)

- The Fame by Lady GaGa ( CD, Not out here, only in the US, so it would have to be off eBay or something)

- Twin Peaks Season 1 (On DVD)

- Invincible: Ultimate Collection Volume 1 (Graphic Novel – Amazon?)

- Mullholland Drive (On DVD)

- Southland Tales (On DVD)

- Thirteen (On DVD)

- The Virgin Suicides (On DVD)

- In Utero by Nirvana (CD)

- Helllboy 2 : The Golden Army (On DVD)



I forgot I asked for Twin Peaks. Just sounds so interesting.


Already got Virgin Suicides from my friend in the school secret santa, which was great...and I know I'm getting Southland Tales, as I showed my mum Woolies had it, and she bought it there.

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What, you people actually make christmas lists?? Dear lord, what are you? 5?


Well personally I just responded to the slightly altered question: "what have you asked for?"


No. I have not written a list but instead verbally asked for the aforementioned. I presume this is the case with most people....or maybe they would write a list. Its unlikely parents would (a) remember and (b) know what they're buying. So its more of a prompted list with the idea of helping than a pre-empted list with the idea of getting as much as you can.

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I have to physically write it as a list as my mum is such a waste of space, bless her, that she'd forgot 5 minutes later and suddenly remember in March or something strange like that (example, I asked for something I needed in February and got it in September randomly from her and she said she only just remembered). So its a way for her to remember and a way to make it slightly easier for her as I usually write down where to get the stuff cheapest so all she has to do is buy it.

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Well personally I just responded to the slightly altered question: "what have you asked for?"


No. I have not written a list but instead verbally asked for the aforementioned. I presume this is the case with most people....or maybe they would write a list. Its unlikely parents would (a) remember and (b) know what they're buying. So its more of a prompted list with the idea of helping than a pre-empted list with the idea of getting as much as you can.


I have to physically write it as a list as my mum is such a waste of space, bless her, that she'd forgot 5 minutes later and suddenly remember in March or something strange like that (example, I asked for something I needed in February and got it in September randomly from her and she said she only just remembered). So its a way for her to remember and a way to make it slightly easier for her as I usually write down where to get the stuff cheapest so all she has to do is buy it.


This is true and very useful..


My mum and sister writes me a list, I'm forgetful and its very handy :smile:

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What, you people actually make christmas lists?? Dear lord, what are you? 5?


Heh, what's wrong with a list? We all put one up here in our family, even my sister's boyfriend, so there's six lists attached to our kitchen door. =P


It's quite nice, and gives people an idea of what you might want. Makes things a bit easier (especially with dad, as he's impossible to buy things for otherwise). Doesn't mean you'll be getting everything on your list though (or even anything at all).


I have no idea what I'll be getting this Christmas. I put up a list of some CDs I'd like, some earrings or a gift card for some stores (art store, store where I buy my CDs and games...), but if I'll get anything from that I don't know. It's all a big mystery. =P

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I asked for a new acoustic guitar (my current one is a 3/4 size nylon string one that sounds rather awful). Went and picked it the other week, I fucking love it.


Asides from that, I asked for either Fallout, Dead Space, or Lost Odyssey (bit of surprise as to which I shall get)


And hopefully a bit of cheap tat that I don't know about yet - tat is great at christmas.


Got my dad Season 2 of The Wire, and La Haine as it was going cheap (and I want to watch it :P)

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