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Metal Gear Touch


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iPhone/DSi/Wii + ! (Ac!d or perhaps the ! refers to the ! that appears when you're spotted) = The power symbol could refer to many things. It could mean the project is started, it could mean the game is online. Who knows.


But I don't know why people think the power symbol automatically means 360. There are 8 things on my desk that have that symbol and I don't even own a 360.

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Lol I'm not really bothered either way tbh... I already have MGS4 on the PS3 and it was awesome, if it came to the 360 I might buy it again but I'm not too fussed, tbh I'd like to see a more classic top-down Metal Gear but with upgraded gfx obviously and maybe a cutscene here and there, the DS is perfect for it or even make it Wiiware, won't happen though so w/e. :heh:

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