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Post your christmas tree.


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Heck to the yeah! : peace: Did anyone else get these eBay lights last year?


What are these lights you speak of?



No tree up here yet (or anything else for that matter), as it's still too early. Waiting until after Sinterklaas/Saint Nicolas, which is at the end of this week. Looking forward to putting up the tree though. =)

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I love getting the tree..didn't get one last year as we were in Florida all of December.

Can't wait to put ours up!


I insist on a real one, quite big, and taking AGES decorating it. Since I'm a romantic fool about christmas. No fakirs around my house.

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I'm directly across from mine now, and I shall post a piccy of eet later. Looks pretty cool though, although its only a tiny one, since we are poor students.


There's a mega-tree at the front reception in my placement school. Then, there's another in the school hall.



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Can't wait for the tree to go up! :yay: All about the Scots pine with white lights, and strictly red/gold/glass decorations for me. I will openly admit I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to this, at work it just looks like christmas has thrown up everywhere. Was hoping we would decorate this weekend, but apparently mum's got an Ofsted type inspection next week and hasn't got time. God, some people are so selfish! ;)

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We used to fetch a real tree each year from Sherwood Forest. However since we got a new cream carpet (Which is now no where near new), we invested in a fake one and still use it to this day. Although you can't beat the smell and excitement of getting a real one, our fiber optic does look bloody good if i say so myself.


Pix tomorrow probably.

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Nobody else find that a bit weird? o_o

Yup, I did. Them females be psychich, I'm telling ye!


There won't be a Christmas tree in my house again this year. We have two cats, enough said. :heh: Plus, I have nowhere to put one in my own room...

We've got 4 cats AND we're getting a Christmas tree. ;)


Does any rain or rivers flow?


In fact, do you know it's Christmas time at all?

Brilliant. :bowdown:


We don't get a Christmas tree till the 20th december, but we go to a pine tree plantation were you pick your own tree and cut it down yourself. Very Christmassy. :) Pics when it's decorated.

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