Emerald Emblem Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 I remember when people were saying that the 360 along with the Wii would cream Sony's PS3 after it's very poor start, yet here we are 1 year later, the PS3 is making a comeback and people have been converted or become sick of the 360's constant hardware troubles. Also the Wii appears to be losing appeal to a few of the hardcore crowd boosting both it's competitors but still looks like the runaway winner. Just my thoughts on the console war I wanted to share, the past year has been quite the year. Any thoughts?
Pit-Jr Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 well the PS3 is STILL getting creamed by the Wii and 360 so no change there but really who cares when it delivers so many good games at such an impressive rate. And as much grief as i give the Wii, it is what it is and i love the pointer functionality (while simultaneously hating the accelerometer) and the Virtual Console and a handful of Wii specific games. I cant say much for the 360 since i dont own one due to said hardware issues, but ive seen many a 360 game that i wouldnt mind having on the PS3
Dante Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 PS3 was getting beaten by 360 in Japan for seven weeks and PS3 is falling down in sales in US.
ViPeR Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 Personally the PS3 doesn't appeal to me at all. Anything I want I can get on 360. As for Wii, well i've given up on that completely. It's just aiming at an audience i'm not a part of. As far as I can tell nothing has changed.
McPhee Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 I remember when people were saying that the 360 along with the Wii would cream Sony's PS3 after it's very poor start, yet here we are 1 year later, the PS3 is making a comeback and people have been converted or become sick of the 360's constant hardware troubles. Also the Wii appears to be losing appeal to a few of the hardcore crowd boosting both it's competitors but still looks like the runaway winner. Just my thoughts on the console war I wanted to share, the past year has been quite the year. Any thoughts? Um, there's barely any change. The 360 still has twice the userbase of the PS3. PS3 sales are picking up in the US and 360 sales are picking up in Japan, Sony's console isn't likely to catch up for another couple of years at best. I'm not saying the PS3 experience hasn't improved, or that it isn't in a better market position than it was. Sony have made less mistakes this year but they are still WAY behind. 2009 could well be their year to make a real dent in the market, the PS3 needs to drop in price first though.
Goron_3 Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 I'd hardly say the PS3 is catching up. 360 has started to sell VERY well leading up to xmas in the states. Sony were banking on Metal Gear to be a massive system seller and that didn't go as planned, and now they're banking on LBP and Motorstorm to sell the console this christmas, but I don't know, i don't think those two are enough to challenge the 360, especially with the pricecuts and games like Lips which no doubt will sell well. I'm quite surprised the PS3 has done so poorly this actually; i expected it to be outselling the 360 by now. Hmm.
Dante Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 PS3 needs a price drop. Simple as. but would sony do it?
Emerald Emblem Posted November 24, 2008 Author Posted November 24, 2008 Well the PS3 is only 2 years into it's 10 year life span and it has had a big price drop already, we'll be sure to know next year depending how the sales turn out.
Strider Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 but would sony do it? Probably not seeing as you posted that. I don't know really, I don't think the PS3 is a bad price for what you get, it's just not competitive.
McPhee Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 PS3 needs a price drop. Simple as. Agreed. I'd have one if they were £200-£250. I tried to pick up a 40GB at that price but local shops weren't playing ball. Well the PS3 is only 2 years into it's 10 year life span and it has had a big price drop already, we'll be sure to know next year depending how the sales turn out. Five, tops. Sony won't hang about with replacing it. I'm pretty sure the "10 years" was based on the PS1 and PS2 and how they continued to sell in to the next generation anyhow. The PS3 likely won't live on quite as well as those consoles did, once Sony replace it it's sales will shrivle and die like the Xbox/GameCube.
Chris the great Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 ps3 might not be top dog, but its by no means a slouch. i agree with daft, a price drop would be necicary. it seems to have more then a couple of good exclusives, but not enough to seel a £300 system.
dwarf Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 I think Sony are banking on Resistance 2 for PS3 sales more. In the end it doesn't really matter how many users there are online, even the Wii has enough. You only need enough players to be able to get a game. It's the companies however that worry about the user-base. As long as I keep getting the games I'm happy.
Shino Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 I think 2009 will be the year of the Wii (it better be), I don't think either of the other two can keep putting out this kind of quality games.
The Lillster Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 I think 2009 will be the year of the Wii (it better be), I don't think either of the other two can keep putting out this kind of quality games. Brand new Zelda Wii with motion+ and same level attention to detail as SMG. Beleive!
Dante Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 Except PS3 wiped out the 360 sales quickly. And has been selling fine ever since. But the weak period since late summer was terrible. Its on an upswing now in Japan. Outsold Wii once afew weeks ago and not far from it nowadays. Game sales also improving which is very good. Lets see if they can make up it. Yeah is going good again in Japan but what games do PS3,Wii & 360 have coming out in next month in Japan without AC & WK?
Hellfire Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 I'm thinking you're projecting :P Tbh, most 360 and PS3 games are the same, then there's the matter of the few exclusives you prefer, so you can take the jump. PS3s free online and better hardware is a plus though. I'm happy with my 360 though *kisses 360* Personally I think PS3 improved, but it's still my least fav of the 3
Shino Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 If I had to choose between 360/PS3, I'd go with PS3 in a second.
Ashley Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 PS3 needs a price drop. Simple as. Rumours are there will be one in March. But you know, rumours. I'd like one for under £100 (mostly because I want a bluray player but am cheap). Don't think that'll happen for a while.
Aimless Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 I'd like one for under £100 (mostly because I want a bluray player but am cheap). Don't think that'll happen for a while. Given that the PSTwo's RRP is still over £100, I think you could be waiting a few years.
McPhee Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 I also find it amusing that people int his thread are saying 360 is selling well or even mention it alongside the Wii. The 360 is not in the same league as Wii. 360 sales in Japan are non existant (helps PS3) and its outsold massively in its strongest regions by the Wii. It should be outselling PS3 5x times over or at least close to the Wii given its price. But its not lol. I thought the 360 was only a couple of million units behind the Wii? The Wii is selling faster, but there still isn't a huge gap, the distance between the 360 and PS3 is about 5 times the distance between the Wii and 360. I would hardly call Microsoft's second console a failure, especially given they are actually turning a profit on it now...
Tellyn Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 I thought the 360 was only a couple of million units behind the Wii? The Wii is selling faster, but there still isn't a huge gap, the distance between the 360 and PS3 is about 5 times the distance between the Wii and 360. I would hardly call Microsoft's second console a failure, especially given they are actually turning a profit on it now... Try over 14 million units.
McPhee Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 Haha, just realised how out of date the numbers i was looking at are! Ok, ignore that post. I really need to look at the dates on these things
Sanchez Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 JFYI microsoft is turning the tide in europe and are now selling more 360's than ps3's per month in all countries.
Will Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 Not quite in all countries, and it's only delaying the inevitable overtaking of PS3 there. The price cuts and massive marketing spend have really helped 360 out here, it looked like PS3 would lead it for total 2008 sales even here in the UK, now it looks like 360 will be some way ahead in the UK and not as far off as expected across the continent. It's quite clear that the Wii has won again this year, 2009 could be very interesting imo. Sony look likely to give a massive push in March - possible price drop, big push on exclusive games and possibly more. I think they know they can't compete with the Wii at Christmas and so are waiting for a better time to go all out. 360 sales may be seeing it's peak this Christmas with sales doing well, a possible redesign next year along with the new casual approach could give it extra legs mind. Key thing for 360 is the userbase just love software, there's a massive demand for it so that will keep them going for a long time to come. With the Wii in 2009 there is the question of just how many more people want one? If it can match 2008 sales then that's great for Nintendo, not so great for everyone else. Personally I think it will be big but not at the levels we've seen this year.
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