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It's like going to a supermarket and while at the fruit section eating a grape.)


I always try before I buy grapes, that's the extent to my stealing.


A couple of weeks ago someone stole the whole front bumper off my brothers car in the middle of the night. Unbelievable. My dads response was... ''credit crunch''.

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I don't think I will ever steal intentionally. Basically, why steal a chocolate bar or something so small in proportion to your income, something you will forget about a day later, when there is the possibility of being caught and having to live with the guilty, humiliating memories? That and the fact all of your friends and locals will find out. Not really worth it.


I have, however, had a round of golf without paying. With a feasable excuse in event of the 1:500 chance of being caught I thought it would be wise to save a few quid.

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Never from shops, though often I've found little things like toys or something out of packets, and could easily have taken them.


I think I once stole a Yu-Gi-Oh card from a friends house (they had doubles of it), just to see if I could.

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Anyone ever got caught stealing? I got arrested for it once. Lame. Stupid boy.

Yeah once at Games Workshop. I tried putting on the water works but I don't think any tears came out. Got let off, they didn't check my other pocket. pr0.


I only really steal things when pissed, and even then it's nothing bad like someones' vodka or a traffic cone etc.

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Thats not stealing though, stealing would be if you put the wrapper back down.


Yeah, it isn't stealing- it's stupidity. As David Mitchell has previously said, people should leave themselves enough time to go to the supermarket before starving to death. :heh:

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I did once steal an entire school lunch.


I'm not sure how the hell I managed to get past the tills holding quite a lot of food. They probably thought I had already paid for it, and I was waiting for my mate to pay for his food.


I got away with it. But I didn't dare do it again.

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Oh, I take back my previous statement of "never done it".


Half the time when getting the train to Edinburgh nobody checks your tickets, so instead of buying them at the station I wait and buy it from the guy on train. If he does ask for it, I say the machine was broken and get it from him, if not, free ride!

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Until you pay for it, it is considered theft by consumption. I believe the store can force you to go straight to the till to pay for the item.


Technically true but i would be suprised if that came into force as so many ppl do it, only if they put the item back on the shelf after eating of course...


Thats what i used to do anyway, watch them to see if they dump it. (I used to be one of the evil security guards in ASDA ;) and now i work as security for a whole shopping centre muhahahaha <cough>)

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Technically true but i would be suprised if that came into force as so many ppl do it, only if they put the item back on the shelf after eating of course...


Thats what i used to do anyway, watch them to see if they dump it. (I used to be one of the evil security guards in ASDA ;) and now i work as security for a whole shopping centre muhahahaha <cough>)


Once I saw a guy take a red bull off the shelf, crack it open, drink it all(i actually just followed him a little bit as I was amazed by his audacity) then he plonked the empty can back down on a shelf in another isle. Crazy.

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Once I saw a guy take a red bull off the shelf, crack it open, drink it all(i actually just followed him a little bit as I was amazed by his audacity) then he plonked the empty can back down on a shelf in another isle. Crazy.


lol, it is crazy what some ppl do.


Not related to theft but take a look at this link:




It happened on the shopping centre i work on, why would u do such i thing? Me and a colleague had the pleasure of going into the shop to see what he had left beind...

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I stole a few little things from Woolworths when i was at school. Mainly chocolate bars. The biggest was probably a 500ml bottle of coke (fits up a sleeve nicely!).


But i wouldnt do it again. I was scared shitless everytime i did it, which was only when i didn't have enough money. I wouldn't dream of trying it these days.

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