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I would be very surprised if Nintendo wouldn't swap over your stuff. Also extremely disappointed.


If I get a second Wii, I'll be ringing up Nintendo beforehand to see about it.


Iwata's Financial Results Briefing Q&A [English]


Some of the answers:


Miyamoto: I was hoping you'd ask about the most recent Zelda for DS. On December 23rd in Japan we are going to release The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, a sequel of Phantom Hourglass. It's really fun and challenging. On the other hand it might be a bit difficult for many new Japanese Zelda players who experienced their first adventure on Phantom Hourglass. I believe Spirit Tracks have achieved a unique style and I think you can anticipate the core value of Zelda!

And the new Zelda for Wii is beyond that. On developing the recent Zelda for DS, I found out that one of Zelda's core appeals is its uniqueness. Of course we are preparing gorgeous graphics for the sake of users' anticipation for a grand role-playing adventure. But what I believe is very important is the realistic, actual feeling players have experienced themselves; the feeling to have really been on an adventure, to have explored the unknown terrains, to have solved the puzzle through trial and errors, to have themselves grown through various experiences! In that sense, a personal sense of creativity is becoming important among us. We have assembled one of the most creative team for the recent Zelda for DS, and we want to be as creative as possible for upcoming Wii Zelda.

And on a more tangible note, we are utilizing Wii MotionPlus. What has been disclosed so far is that we are finding the most efficient way to utilize Wii MotionPlus to realize the realistic and actual feeling of fighting with the sword. As for targeting, we are utilizing the pointing system of Wii Remote on the previous title. This time we are planning a more convenient and comfortable pointing system.

And as for Wii Vitality Sensor, I think Iwata will explain later since he is hard at work on it. Based on my experiences, to measure something invisible and have it turn into something tangible like a number like weighing myself on Wii Fit, or to give a numeric value to something invisible in our daily life will be materials of new plays which will feel familiar to us or can improve our lifestyles. We are currently developing an efficient utilization around that factor.

That is all that I can say for today.



I cannot understand at all why some people come to think that Nintendo has lost its edge as soon as they hear such news that other companies are newly applying for motion sensing technology. If fun and interesting software to take advantage of the technology could be created that easily, a number of other titles which are more fun than Wii Sports must have been already launched for Wii. Why in real life are not so many? The total power factor to combine both the technologies and software at the appropriate level must be the reason why Nintendo has been appreciated in the marketplace, and when someone argues that Nintendo has lost its edge when the actual products have not been launched yet, I feel something must be wrong here.

The same thing can be said about the talks over iPhone and iPod Touch. Some articles suggest that Nintendo is trying to leverage the Nintendo DS business because iPhone and other game machines are gaining momentum. As I explained to you with some data today, it is true that the current Nintendo DS business is not that heated up as it used to be sometime ago, when no one could tell how far ahead Nintendo DS might be able to grow. On the other hand, the data also showed that Nintendo DS has not lost its footing at all. Actually, it has been even increasing its footing all around the world. Under such a circumstance, I do not know why some people make such a remark. I have to feel that, probably, there are people who want to write the story that Nintendo is competing against Apple, and they are picking up fragmented information here and there and connect them to write their own stories. I cannot agree to such an argument. I want to believe that some of you who have listened to my presentation were able to understand our position.



According to Reggie, Wii HD isn't coming any time soon and possibly never!


Guess we may have to wait on the Wii 2 then in what 2011? launching with the new Zelda?


We don't need new consoles until three years time.

Guess we may have to wait on the Wii 2 then in what 2011? launching with the new Zelda?


That does sound very feasible to me, considering the current Wii slowdown and the fact they're reluctant to truly announce the next Zelda as a Wii game. I suspect a lot hinges on how successful Wii Sports Resort, Wii Fit Plus and New Super Mario Bros will be, ie. whether people are really still buying games for the Wii. Maybe they are, but I think that'll pretty much be the end of the "2nd Wave".


Zelda delayed to the Wii 2 would be fine by me (as long as it's actually designed for the new hardware). I did have a problem with Twilight Princess being changed for the Wii, but that was because the Wii can't do everything the GameCube can (assuming Wii owners don't have the pad). The Wii 2, on the other hand, will probably be better than the Wii in every way. MotionPlus is brilliant and if they put a gyroscope in the Nunchuk as well, we could tilt the shield.

We don't need new consoles until three years time.
That's the case with 360 and PS3 which will be able to keep building and building upon themselves.


But I'd welcome a new Wii tomorrow if it meant developers would be able to 'realise their dreams' on Wii (a phrase we've been hearing more and more of lately), and could get a Wii version of 360/PS3 games at launch instead of down graded ports a year later if we're lucky!


Could someone please explain why we are getting Mario, Zelda and Metroid games as of late, over and over again....?


Is that NINTENDO's vision of hardcore games? I mean, they're all awesome, but there's a lot more characters and franchises they are forgetting.



Could someone please explain why we are getting Mario, Zelda and Metroid games as of late, over and over again....?


Is that NINTENDO's vision of hardcore games? I mean, they're all awesome, but there's a lot more characters and franchises they are forgetting.




To try and stop "hardcore" gamers from complaining about Nintendo focusing on the "casual" players and ignoring the "hardcore" ones.


To be fair, we've had a few of their franchises - Punch Out, mario Kart, Excitetruck/bots AND bike, strikers, WarioWare, Smash Bros....And Galaxy is that good I'd take a sequel of that over everything. And Zelda Wii is really the first Zelda on the Wii and I'm sure it will play completely differently (with motion plus and all). Only Metroid other M is an odd (but still exciting) one.


Saying this, I'd love new versions of all the others too (Starfox, Pilotinwgs etc)


I think Zelda Wii is at least a year away...might be delayed till Spring 2011.


After all if they release Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid Other M, Sin and Punishment 2..and all others..i can't see them releasing Zelda in the same year.


^ I'd agree there, but I expect Zelda Wii even later. I'd say Xmas 2011 as a release because we know what will happen: they'll get to E3 next year, show it and give it a tentative 'early 2011' date and then delay it. It's always been the case for Zelda games, with I think Spirit Tracks being the only one in recent times that's going to hit it's originally stated date.


I'm also slightly skeptical that Metroid: Other M will make it out next year as well. Depends how long the Team Ninja partnership has been going really but I think that'll be a game that gets delayed. Still, there is certainly enough to get excited about from Nintendo in 2010 even if we only get Galaxy 2 and S&P2. But I think there's a few other surprises that they're holding onto for now, some of which will be for the end of next year.


@ Fused King - I think the over reliance on Zelda, Mario and Metroid as of late is basically Nintendo knowing what games will sell for them. They know those 3 franchises will sell enough to justify the continual releasing and unless there's a mass boycott (which would never happen anyway) then they'll stick to it. I personally don't mind but I do think Nintendo should bring some other franchises to the Wii table. They did it for Punchout, which was one hell of a gamble really if you think about it, so why not others.


Zelda for Christmas 2010, or most likely, early-mid 2011. But that's just my 2 cents. Honestly though, if Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid: Other M come out for Christmas next year, I can't see them wanting to put Zelda up with the other two titles. That's just crazy.


As for a "Wii 2", personally, I feel the next home console won't be an incremental update to the Wii, that's really just a handheld thing and I can't see Nintendo doing that with their console any time soon. The next Wii (I'm calling the name to be Wii HD), I believe, will be the next generation. My guess: 2012.


My 2 cents.




Metroid Other M - Q3 2010

Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Q4 2010

Pikmin 3 Q3 2011

Zelda Wii Q4 2011

Wii HD/2/ect. - Q4 2012 Maybe even Q4 2011 with Zelda and Pikmin as launch titles. If it hits in 2012 I expect Project Sora, and something from EAD Tokyo (Mario) to be launch titles.

Nintendo have trademarked the title ’The Last Window’, but what does it all mean?.


Back in September, the mysterious phrase ’The Last Story’ was trademarked by Nintendo. We are yet to hear anything what-so-ever about ’The Last Story’, but just to pique our interest, a second phrase beginning with ’last’ has been trademarked by Nintendo: ’The Last Window’.


We are unsure as of yet that the two trademarks have any connection with each other; however, the ’last’ mystery certainly is something to ponder about. Will this be the last we hear about the ’last’ trademarks?

Link to Article via Vooks


Okay. So me getting a second Wii is looking ever more likely (as soon as something gets in my head, I should just do it there and then because it doesn't leave til I do).


So, Black Wii with Wii Sports Resort and m+ and a choice of game (I will choose new Rabbids game) is £179.99


Here is my rationale


- I will give WIi Sports Resort to my nephews for xmas = £40

- I want to buy a controller and nunchuk combo anyway = £45

- Rabbids Game = £30


SOOOOOO, that leaves the Wii console costing £60. I have £40 on game card so cost me £20....


I know this is a backward way of looking at it.


I would like a new wii for three reasons


1. It's black

2. My Wii makes a horrific buzzing/whirring noise

3. I want a hack wii to play import games and spectrum emulation without the worry every time an update comes out


What I want to know is does anyone know of a better deal. Or the same deal with different games? Wouldn't mind Winter Olympics for example. What's the betting that there will be better deals after xmas?!


Just now need to get nintendo to let me swap over all my VC games and such.


I have most games... But sell on value is important. Is Mario Kart and Tiger Wood 10 worth more than Rabbids and £20....? Possibly!! Could sell Tiger Woods to my mum for £30 to then give to my brother :) Then sell Mario Kart for £20-30... Don't know though. Sounds like more effort...


I have most even remotely good game for the Wii.

You make your family buy their Christmas presents from you?


Haha, no, I mean that's what I WOULD spend on them anyway. As in I'd spend £40 on buying Wii Sports resort for my 2 nephews. So that can be taken off the main figure of the Wii :)


Zelda in 2011 might not be so bad. With New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid: Other M, Red Steel 2, Monster Hunter 3, No More Heroes 2, Sin & Punishment 2 and Epic Mickey within the next 12-16 months I don't think I'll miss it.




These pics are best viewed with this song. :D


Broadcast Yourself





I snapped up the deal Dazzy was on about, the one with Rabbids Go Home. The whole trade in Wii Sports Resort won't work as Nintendo have done a Wii Sports and slapped the game in a cheap cardboard case. :( At least I have a spare copies of both of them now. :)

The whole trade in Wii Sports Resort won't work as Nintendo have done a Wii Sports and slapped the game in a cheap cardboard case. :( At least I have a spare copies of both of them now. :)
Couldn't you trade in your original cased Wii Sports Resort?
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