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I totally agree, can't believe they're putting out a game where all you do is throw a disc. Pshaw.


But we've only seen 3 of the 10 games. Sure, Dog Frisbie and pencil sharpening sound shit, but Jet Ski is surely worth the asking price.

But we've only seen 3 of the 10 games. Sure, Dog Frisbie and pencil sharpening sound shit, but Jet Ski is surely worth the asking price.


Check your sarcasm detector, I think it may be broken.


TBh those will sales aren't surprising at all. Wii has most likely hit/past it's peak sales in Japan, because unfortunately whereas in the West people are buying more and more games for the system, most of Japan's market seem to only be buying it for wii sports, especially because it's cheap as hell (comes to like £110 or something, does the Wii). I mean, look at sales of mario galaxy; barely up to a million in japan right? Yet almost 8 million worldwide...weird.

Codemasters Interview:


You mention Wii there. But Codemasters has been focusing on next-gen mainly. Is that changing?


AB: You can’t ignore Wii, but it’s bewildering watching what other publishers are doing. Codemasters has taken a more cautious strategy on Wii which has been the right thing to do. We are not going to make cheap, crappy ports. DIRT on Wii, for instance, is not Mario Kart. Overlord 2 is a gamer’s game. We’re not planning to compete in this ‘big head sports arena’ that everyone is obsessed with – the shelves are cluttered with those games. What you’ll see from us is quality games for gamers built for the Wii.


JW: That’s where we can excite retail further. There’s only a number of times I think you can go to a retailer with a DS or Wii game which is that type of mass-market product. Those games just become white noise.


Excite DiRT.




it;s sad but so far the only thing I can think of that will raise wii sales IS wii sports resort.. NIntendo can't piss around with this one though.. I hope they have learned a hard lesson from wii music..


They DID seem rightfully disappointed of it..

But again e3 we shall wait for.. I except a major suprise announcement..

not necessarily a core major game but a brand new non-gamer experience..


perhaps wii airplane or pilotwings will finally be unveiled? Could be anything?


TBh those will sales aren't surprising at all. Wii has most likely hit/past it's peak sales in Japan, because unfortunately whereas in the West people are buying more and more games for the system, most of Japan's market seem to only be buying it for wii sports, especially because it's cheap as hell (comes to like £110 or something, does the Wii). I mean, look at sales of mario galaxy; barely up to a million in japan right? Yet almost 8 million worldwide...weird.


japanese gamers are idiots..though..

they have been for years.

They only like what they like and will accept nothing else.

At least over here final fantasy games sell extremely well,mario games sell , sonic games and many other japanese series.. I struggle to think of a western game that sells over there.. They hate fps games.

I realise I'm generalising here though.


But I don't really take japanese sales very seriously.

TBh those will sales aren't surprising at all. Wii has most likely hit/past it's peak sales in Japan, because unfortunately whereas in the West people are buying more and more games for the system, most of Japan's market seem to only be buying it for wii sports, especially because it's cheap as hell (comes to like £110 or something, does the Wii). I mean, look at sales of mario galaxy; barely up to a million in japan right? Yet almost 8 million worldwide...weird.


Only Sqaure-Enix and Nintendo games count judging the "Japan's All Time Top 50".





yeah that top 50 shows another problem really, and that's that japan is shifting more and more towards the handseld consoles (PSP and DS, the latter especially over the last 3 years), yet DS sales are now slowing down. Obviously it's completely pointless to release a brand new handheld (as in a sequel to the DS, not the DSi) because Western DS sales are larger than ever.


list just amplifies my point really there is not ONE western game on that list!!


(im not including gran turismso because it's still sony and tetris cause it's published by nintendo)


but something like wii sports resort will set the sales on fire.. They seem to love the wii series of games


Nintendos mistake was expecting Animal Crossing and Wii Music to hold steady pace untill Motion + and Wii Sports Resorts hits Japan and announcing games in the space of two months release date.


I'm tempted but Resi 5 & Madworld this month & i need to pick Dead Space up, i saw it in Asda a couple of days ago £19, hope it's still that price tomorrow when i go.

Get it nando. You want it. You need it...


I'd like it.. but I don't need it.. and certainly not right now :heh:


Since there's no rush, I think I can keep waiting with it for a good few months til it drops further (when hopefully the Collector's Edition is still available..)


Jeez I'm supposed to be saving for the DSi, but I keep spending. I also have MadWorld and GTA: Chinatown Wars preorders down... I want the Collector's Edition, not sure if it'll ever drop beyond that price, or whether SEGA will continue to manufacture it.

Jeez I'm supposed to be saving for the DSi, but I keep spending.


Just keep spending. Until Nintendo sort out some decent titles, downloadable or not, the DSi is pretty worthless. A handful of Brain Training and Wario minigames makes not a console worth buying.


Another conformation that another R Evil game is heading for the Wii.


“It (Resident Evil 5) was made for the Xbox 360 and PS3. That being said, Nintendo Wii fans will be very happy very soon.” - Capcom’s Associate Product Marketing Manager, Matt Dahlgren


When Mr. Dahlgren was asked if we could expect a GDC or E3 announcement, he once again responded with ‘very soon’. GDC is very soon…so that’s my guess. I bet we get Resident Evil 2 remade on Wii, in the style of the Resident Evil 1 remake. What’s your guess?



As much as it'd be cool to get a RE 2 remake in a similar vain to the RE 1 remake on the GC, I think many of us would prefer an original scenario and not another re-release of one of the older games. That being said, I guess we have to take what we get.


Japan Media Create Sales: 02/23 - 03/02


Hardware | This Week | Last Week |   YTD   |    LTD    
NDS      |    47,601 |    51,814 | 779,417 | 25,899,060
PS3      |    36,513 |    16,149 | 232,001 |  2,854,429
PSP      |    35,588 |    29,552 | 476,922 | 11,840,941
WII      |    17,876 |    16,973 | 319,866 |  7,798,767
360      |    11,795 |    25,334 | 110,867 |    941,407
PS2      |     5,099 |     5,029 |  55,896 | 21,455,420
DSi      |    35,827 |    41,839 | 611,153 |  1,842,520
DSL      |    11,774 |     9,975 | 168,264 | 




01. [PS3] Yakuza 3 (SEGA) 372,000 / NEW

02. [PSP] Shin Sangoku Musou MULTI RAID (KOEI) 219,000 / NEW

03. [NDS] Mario & Luigi RPG 3 (Nintendo) 52,000 / 307,000

04. [WII] One Piece Episode 2 (Namco Bandai) 45,000 / NEW

05. [NDS] Game Center CX: Arino no Chousenjou 2 (Namco Bandai) 44,000 / NEW

06. [NDS] Shounen Sunday x Shounen Magazine Nettou! Dream Nine (Konami) 23,000 / NEW

07. [PS2] King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match (SNK Playmore) 19,000 / NEW

08. [360] Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope (Square Enix) 17,000 / 179,000

09. [WII] Taiko no Tatsujin Wii (Namco Bandai) 16,000 / 400,000

10. [WII] Wii Fit (Nintendo) 16,000 / 3,277,000


11. [PSP] Kiniro no Corda (KOEI)

12. [360] Chaos: Head Noah (5pb)

13. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP the Best) (Capcom)

14. [360] Halo Wars (Microsoft)

15. [PS2] Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 (Konami)

16. [NDS] Rhythm Tengoku Gold (Nintendo)

17. [PSP] Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 (Konami)

18. [PS3] Demon's Souls (SCE)

19. [NDS] Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (Square Enix)

20. [NDS] Shining Force Feather (SEGA)

21. [PSP] Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 (Namco Bandai)

22. [NDS] Wagamama Fashion: Girl's Mode (Nintendo)

23. [WII] Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo)

24. [NDS] Penguin no Mondai: Saikyou Penguin Densetsu! (Konami)

25. [PS2] Yakuza 2 (Playstation 2 The Best) (SEGA)

26. [PSP] Idolmaster SP: Perfect Sun (Namco Bandai)

27. [360] Samurai 3 (Spike)

28. [PS3] Street Fighter IV (Capcom)

29. [NDS] Pokémon Platinum (Pokémon)

30. [WII] Wii Play: Mario Tennis (Nintendo)


31. [NDS] Uchida Yasuou Mystery: Meitantei Senken Mitsuhiko Series... (D3 Publisher)

32. [PS2] Kidou Senshi Gundam: Giren no Yabou - Axis no Kyoui V (Namco Bandai)

33. [PSP] Idolmaster SP: Wandering Star (Namco Bandai)

34. [NDS] Inazuma Eleven (Level 5)

35. [NDS] Tongariboushi and the 365 Days of Magic (Konami)

36. [PSP] Idolmaster SP: Missing Moon (Namco Bandai)

37. [NDS] Kirby Super Star Ultra (Nintendo)

38. [PSP] Kidou Senshi Gundam: Giren no Yabou - Axis no Kyoui V (Namco Bandai)

39. [WII] Wii Sports (Nintendo)

40. [WII] Animal Crossing: City Folk (Nintendo)

41. [PS2] Sacred Blaze (Flight Plan)

42. [NDS] Chou Gekijouban Keroro Gunsou: Gekishin Dragon Warriors de Arimasu! (Namco Bandai)

43. [NDS] DS Style: LEC (Square Enix)

44. [PSP] Tenchu 4 PSP (From Software)

45. [PS2] Yakuza (BEST Reprint) (SEGA)

46. [NDS] Animal Crossing: Wild World (Nintendo)

47. [NDS] Taiko Drum Master 2: The Seven Island Adventure (Namco Bandai)

48. [PSP] Mimana: IYAR Chronicle (GungHo Works)

49. [NDS] Mario Kart DS (Nintendo)

50. [NDS] Momotaro Dentetsu 20th Anniversary (Hudson)


First Day Sales (03/05)

[PS3] Resident Evil 5 (Capcom) - 222k

[360] Resident Evil 5 (Capcom) - 56k

[NDS] 7th Dragon (Sega) - 60k

[PS2] Super Robot Taisen Z Special Disc (Bandai Namco) - 21k


I don't get what you're trying to say Dante?


Anyways Resi 2 REmake FTW!!

Or maybe a game based on Resi: Degeneration, in Resi 4 style.


Better not be another Resi light gun game!

I don't get what you're trying to say Dante?


Anyways Resi 2 REmake FTW!!

Or maybe a game based on Resi: Degeneration, in Resi 4 style.


Better not be another Resi light gun game!


its actually most likely to be 2 remake.. but i hope its done in the vein of the other remake.. I don't really want it in the re4 format.. I think it's a bit unrealistic too..


the only thing putting me off the remake in the old format is how well the wii controls will be handled..


in other words I haven't got a clue.. But best bet is resident evil 2 remake.

its actually most likely to be 2 remake.. but i hope its done in the vein of the other remake.. I don't really want it in the re4 format.. I think it's a bit unrealistic too..


the only thing putting me off the remake in the old format is how well the wii controls will be handled..


in other words I haven't got a clue.. But best bet is resident evil 2 remake.

Yeah people have been asking for a Resi 2 REmake for too long for Capcom to keep ignoring it; makes sense!


I agree, I think it would be best to do it in the style of REmake, than any other way; though I get the feeling there might be a few surprises with it, like some unnecessary first person elements or something, but hey ho!

RE2 hasn't got the right environments for over the shoulder, open landscape gameplay anyway!


And yeah we'll have to see how they handle the controls; I imagine it'll be analogue nunchuck controls with perhaps Wii-mote knife swing and added QTE events etc...

Just have to see if they keep the 'clunky' approach or how smooth they go about making everything!

Yeah people have been asking for a Resi 2 REmake for too long for Capcom to keep ignoring it; makes sense!


I agree, I think it would be best to do it in the style of REmake, than any other way; though I get the feeling there might be a few surprises with it, like some unnecessary first person elements or something, but hey ho!

RE2 hasn't got the right environments for over the shoulder, open landscape gameplay anyway!


And yeah we'll have to see how they handle the controls; I imagine it'll be analogue nunchuck controls with perhaps Wii-mote knife swing and added QTE events etc...

Just have to see if they keep the 'clunky' approach or how smooth they go about making everything!

You know I cant think of a single way they can make the controls workm if they do it the old way.. That's the thing putting me off the idea that and "resident evil fans" have got in into their heads that this is a dated system of play.. I completely disagree..


What I would love most of all is a resident evil 4.5..

you know what I mean more of the same. That's the dream.


Doubt it's a sequel to UC.. I mean without creating an all new storyline there's nothing left to work with.. unless they...either create a new storyline or make an on-rails version of 5...

But I don't think they are THAT stupid.

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