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Guest Captain Falcon
To be fair there has still not alot been shown of the game. When the previews start surfacing thats when the hype or bitching will start :)


Aye I'm quietly hyped for Punch Out!! Like H-o-T says, theres not a great deal of info on it for the time being so we can't go over the top with our hype levels. :heh:


Punch Out!! doesn't strike me as the kind of game that will be getting super levels of hype.


Wii boxing wasn't exactly horrendous, but if I never played it again, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. Now this is sure to have tighter controls (not difficult mind), higher production values and more content, but it's a boxing game and there is only so much you can do with it.


If controls are aiming to replicate your punches with the controller as best as possible, it limits the impact of multiple characters as they can't offer much in terms of differences without seemingly crippling the control.


I've never really played a Punch Out!! before (played the NES version a little but hardly worth mentioning), and that probably goes a long way to explaining my apathy towards this one.


But even if this got perfect scores across all reputable sites (even if that is a dwindling number these days), I still don't see it changing this generation.

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From GoNintendo.






There latest patent filing surely points in that way. From the images above, you can see that Nintendo is looking to target toddlers and pre-kindergartners, as well as those with disabilities. The various images within the patent show more pictures like the ones above, as well as pictures that show children how to perform daily tasks such as making the bed and brushing your teeth. This might just be what Nintendo plans to talk about at GDC.

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I guess we'll find out on wednesday for sure, but I doubt they're just going to reveal something like this. Iwata's giving the keynote for the first time since the Wii came out, Surely he wouldn't give it just for this. This looks like one of those patents that nothing will ever happen with.

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FFS. ***keels over and dies. Resurrects self and continues***


Like that fricking iTeddy thing off Dragons Den, its lazy parenting. What the hell is wrong with parents taking responsibility for their kids?


Yes and no.


Parents shouldn't just buy something like this and leave their kids with it, taking no interest in them. However something fun like this would be a useful alternative for parents who have a kid with learning disabilities. It would be a fun way to not only teach but to get their child familiar with interacting with a computer.

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Regarding GDC, I assume they really want to push the DSi, so I'm excpecting a big DSiWare exclusive or a big game with DSi features. I'm hoping for Metroid Dread.


On the Wii, I think we'll see the other sports in Wii Sports Resort.

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Likelyhood is, there won't be any announcements at GDC that core gamers will be too interested in. It would be lovely if Nintendo execs empathised with the forum community as much as the forum community think they do/should, but at the end of the day, it just isn't the sort of event that sees exciting unveilings.


But whoopee if I'm wrong.

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Regarding GDC, I assume they really want to push the DSi, so I'm excpecting a big DSiWare exclusive or a big game with DSi features. I'm hoping for Metroid Dread.


On the Wii, I think we'll see the other sports in Wii Sports Resort.


fuck no that would force me to buy a dsi.. for now I can't be arsed. I can't see nintendo releasing anything major on dsi yet but we'll have to wait till e3.

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There was a Nintendo rep in my local GAME store today demoing the DSi (well, screaming "HEY KIDS, ARE YOU DS FANS?!"). I only got a glimpse of it as she targetted young children (I don't imagine children that old can afford it, so I've no idea why this was her focus), before she moved on to showing it off to some snotty employee. "Oh I just think they're copying Apple with all the things you can do with it!" "Why?" "BECAUSE APPLE ROCK!!!" *sigh*


Likelyhood is, there won't be any announcements at GDC that core gamers will be too interested in. It would be lovely if Nintendo execs empathised with the forum community as much as the forum community think they do/should, but at the end of the day, it just isn't the sort of event that sees exciting unveilings.


But whoopee if I'm wrong.


I'm expecting a lot of DSi-related stuff from Nintendo, I read an article a couple of days ago which kind of revealed that that would be their main focus.


If not, we saw some decent third-party announcements last year. LostWinds and Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People were two of my personal highlights.

Edited by Tellyn
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^ the same place that Four Swords on the DS is, in the can. Probably. Would be nice though. I think if they're going to announce anything game wise, and I'm sure they will, it'll be smaller things and they'll keep the bigger titles under wraps until E3. So hoping for Kid Icarus to finally get an unveiling is a bit of a big ask. But yeh, hoping for some new high profile WiiWare titles to be announced/shown such as LostWinds 2 and Shantae.

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For some reason, i thought Iwatas keynote was Monday... Its not, its Wednesday 9am (SF time)- thats about 6pm, right?


Any live feeds that we know of?


I didn't even know there was a keynote speech this week.

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Wait, the official Wii cleaning kit has been/is getting a release(d) in the UK? It's listed on the NoE website (at the bottom).




Edit: Found it on Amazon http://www.amazon.co.uk/Wii-Lens-Cleaning-Kit/dp/B001GZT1UI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1237731141&sr=8-1


The image of the box is in English. Was gonna order one but they want nearly £5 for postage.


Edit 2: Oh play.com has it, but it's out of stock.

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Pete Wanat trolls Wii:

(Scarface - Chronicles of Riddick - Wanted)


- Nintendo and Ubi are only companies making money on Wii - Nintendo with the 1st party software and Ubi with the Petz games.

- Wii compared to 360/PS3 is like "a fucking Genesis"

- "Who cares about Kirby?"

- You'll probably never make your money back if you spend $500k/$600k

- Unless you spend $350k/$500k - you will not see any return on the investment.

- Guaranteed to lose money if a development is over $2 million

- MadWorld must sell 2-3 million copies to make a profit.

- In order to port a 360/PS3 game to Wii, you will need to make a thats "less than a PS2 game".

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