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I told you, you'll know when you start the last mission, it starts in the Brotherhood of Steel base and as long as you have a save before you go in the very last door of the mission, you can run off and do whatever else you want.

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I got the game after Christmas, during the sales, and I've just completed it. Took me around 45 hours, and I still haven't done everything! I'm deffinitely going to play again and go for bad karma this time, being as I completed it with good karma first time.


I have to admit, it was slow at first, but once you get into it, it's brilliant! The ending was a bit dissapointing, but not as terrible as I thought it'd be. However, there's a few things I don't get, regarding the upcoming Broken Steel DLC...


I decided to sacrifice myself at the end, so how the hell are Bethesda going to follow that up, eh? I guess they'll get your partner to do it, or something...



Also, will my current save allow any of the dlc to work, or would I need to start the game again for it to show up?

I am apparently the only one who adored the ending :/

It might contribute that I had over 40 hours played before finishing it :Þ


your not alone


after having spent 70 hours crafting a virtual version i felt was as close to me as i could (all decision i made thinking, whats would i do?) and finding that the people of the wastes addored me, i realised the choice i had to make. the death felt such a blow, a real sacrafice. the fact that it made me, a man who hasnt cried in years have a lump in my throat is testiment to how much it meant to me



It wasn't that bad for me, it was a kind of 'damn' moment. I saved before it though so all was fine, just would have been nice to walk around Megaton asking for thanks.


Is it normal to spend hours on this at a time, like, a day. I must have been exploring and wandering for most of today. I'm really starting to get the hang of it, may even bump it up to Normal.


Once I start playing it's hard to get off it. Probably because running through the wastelands takes ages and there are quite a few load times. But it's an awesome game so you can forgive it for that. I just wish that some buildings were easier to navigate through and had slightly fewer/ different enemies.


Can become a grind when you've mullered 50 ghouls to find out there's another 20 glowing variants that also want a slice of your brain.

Is it normal to spend hours on this at a time, like, a day. I must have been exploring and wandering for most of today. I'm really starting to get the hang of it, may even bump it up to Normal.


thats how i most enjoyed to play. go from objective to objective and you'l see like, 5% of the world. it was the excitment of finding a new place i enjoyed, exploring, getting a sense of what had happened there. i found a pretty awsome easteregg the outher day, slight spoilers so


in rockopolise, which i stumbled across i found the body of argyle, the ghoul manservant of dashwood off the radio. gutted he was dead, but he had a bobble head of unarmed combatwhich made me smile, he was a kungfu expert.



I only ever found 1 bobblehead in the game lol, and that was the easy one in the Lab where doctor Li was. (I remembered the name :o!)

The others I probably came close to just didn't realise they were there. That's what made them cool and special I guess.


A friend was telling me about how he collected 11 out of 12 bobbleheads and then realised he couldn't get the last one - it was located in Megaton and he blew it up XD

I can't really remember any places with loads of computers, though. Each of the power plants on the map has one to unlock a safe, and there's at least four of those, amirite?


There's a few in Megaton, Rivet City and Tenpenny Towers (you get bad Karma).


Yea I got a few there. I always save before hacking even if they are easy. I had made 160 saves before I finished.


If you back out of the terminal before you use up the last go you can start again.


I told you, you'll know when you start the last mission, it starts in the Brotherhood of Steel base and as long as you have a save before you go in the very last door of the mission, you can run off and do whatever else you want.


It's possible to get into the last door before the big thing starts moving. You can then get whatshisface's stuff and get out of there and be free.

thats how i most enjoyed to play. go from objective to objective and you'l see like, 5% of the world. it was the excitment of finding a new place i enjoyed, exploring, getting a sense of what had happened there. i found a pretty awsome easteregg the outher day, slight spoilers so


I decided to explore up North today, bumped into Paradise Falls. I decided to take on the slaver task. Went to Rivet city to enslave some guy and everyone went apeshit at me!

I'm so surprised =O


I just killed everyone in Paradise Falls...


The mission you can get from little lamplight


I did that after getting a few slaves. Which incidentally, after you capture them, if you free them they love you unconditionally.


Slavers who have taken kids from little Lamplight. If you say the right things to the mayor of LL it's a mission (as in, worth 20G) to get them back.


Speech bobblehead


About 5 Quantum Nuka Colas


If you talk your way in you can get a crazy slave lady as a body guard.



Ah right I remember the place now. Yeah, I managed to do the mission without killing all the people there. Later on I did though cause you don't lose karma for it.


Just finished ^_^ Gleeee! Had to get shorty to tell me where oasis and paradise falls are so I could complete about five missions. For some reason the game never gave me the achievement for Scientific Pursuits, even though I clearly did the mission.


I think there's about 65 hours racked up, 140 locations discovered (found the Irradiated Metro right during the end bit, too. 10 bobbleheads, so I need to find the other 10, then the only achievys I need are hte neutral/bad karma ones.


Just found that there are 21/22 places left for me to find -- I may be cheeky and use a guide to find their locations, but not to see what's there or anything. Once I've lurked all over these places, I'll succumb to a bobblehead guide. This should probably rack up another 10/15/20328 hours before I get round to a new quest, no doubt!


Tempted to just gamefaq the last 10 bobbleheads, but first I'll look up

Well I figured why bother, I'd find them all naturally. It would've been a bit of a waste getting the perk, to be honest.


i didn't first time round, but then i didnt realise 20 was the level cap, i actualy got one that got my lockpick up to 100.


second play, i got explorer, going for the trophy and it seemed wise.


I just started playing this last night, the tutorial was pretty fun. But I basically killed most people in sight... Which was fairly bad of me. Ah well.


My "friend" told me the ending a week ago... :(


And then when I said I hadn't completed it he then went on to explain the ending further to show that he hadn't ruined it completed. Thus, ruined it completely.




I hate people.


Slavers who have taken kids from little Lamplight. If you say the right things to the mayor of LL it's a mission (as in, worth 20G) to get them back.


Speech bobblehead


About 5 Quantum Nuka Colas


If you talk your way in you can get a crazy slave lady as a body guard.


You forgot the bitching Pimp suit (complete with pimp hat and everything) you can get there and some gun that makes people not see you or their heads explode.


That is if you kill everyone there.


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