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Why do we game?


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everywhere else has been infected with 4chan meme crap and I haven't noticed it here as much. :-/


Well, there are some, but it's not overshadowing.


Good point there, it is basically just killing time.


But isn't that what fun is about? Gaming ... watching movies ... being on N-E ... masturbating ...


They're all just different ways of killing time while enjoying ourselves/having fun. Nothing productive comes out of it, but not everything has to be productive.

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I'm 18 now and I've been gaming since I was about 3 or 4. I've found that I've been playing games a lot more. I play for fun and to escape sometimes. I play my DS (Any Mario or Mario-related games, Tetris, Phoenix Wright...) and Wii (Samba de Amigo, Any Mario games, Any Resi Evils...) and I don't play my XBox hardly anymore. I've never really wanted a 360 (I had a go on my friends and it never really appealed to me) but I have wanted a PS3...which is unfortunately too expensive :( haha

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I'm the oposite to many of you. Im not a big fan of online gaming. I prefer a one-player experience that can captivate me and hold my attention. Even if its just for 10 hours, i'd much prefer that then a game with excellent online features. I just cant be bothered to play online. The people are annoying and its unsatisfying even when you win.

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I game for stimulation. Games are one of the most stimulating forms of entertainment. Advancements in not just the graphics processing, but the central processing too, can genuinely show us new things and make us feel greater immersion.


However, there is also gaming for compulsion, which I think explains you buying and not enjoying the games you list, Nicktendo. I can't pretend I'm immune to this either. I want the console for stimulation, but then feel compelled to try a huge amount of games for it.


But for some reason I'm always compelled to buy one when I don't have one because I'm blatantly dissatisfied with my Wii.


I feel exactly the same. The PS3 and Xbox 360 are both fantastic bits of hardware, and I keep saying I'm going to buy a 360, but I've bought neither so far because no games give me the "must have" feeling. I haven't had this feeling since the Dreamcast, when I wanted the new generation to start, but wasn't actually blown away with anything until the GameCube (Wind Waker and Mario Sunshine in particular).


Don't get me wrong I think in terms of A.I, graphichs, physics etc. there have been improvements but not enough to warrent separation from the previous gen, of which I switched constantly between a Gamecube and an Xbox.


Maybe, but the better games late last generation were really pushing the hardware. I'm thinking of Shadow of the Colossus and Zelda: Twilight Princess. Both fantastic games, but both proof that we needed a new generation.


The fact that all of my gaming friends don't own one and constantly discuss other consoles makes me feel like I'm missing out. I know it sounds stupid but if you've experienced it you'll understand.


The vast majority of people I know have a 360, lots have a PS3 and lots have the Wii. It doesn't bother me what they play, though, because I know what I like.


I will always support the little guy, yet I can't seem to work out who that is.


As you imply, there's no little guy any more! The little guy was Sega with the Saturn and Dreamcast, and Nintendo with the GameCube (and maybe N64).


I know it's sad, but I used to be pro-Sega, pro-Nintendo and anti-Sony, but recently I just thought "ah, stuff it!" Glad I scooped up a PS2, because it was very good after all.


Basically, gaming is not the domain of the enthusiast or aficionado anymore. Sony took it into the mainstream, Nintendo even more so.


I don't say the following to be controversial, but if you're anything like me, these are the reasons you're less than stimulated with gaming at the moment:


1) You're a Nintendo fan.

2) Nintendo aren't actually in the current generation.

3) The current generation hasn't really got going, even for the 360 and PS3.


Nintendo are keeping the quality of the games up, but it's impossible to show us genuine improvements without more powerful hardware. Mario, Metroid and Smash Bros are fine, but they're the equivalent of new GameCube games. The main improvement is better textures thanks to the DVD. You owned a GameCube, Nicktendo, so it's only natural that you feel you're still playing one.

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Gaming for me gives me a break from the real world life. It allows me to enjoy myself with no worries about life outside. I do like online gaming, it allows me to get better at games by playing people i never played before. Single player action is also good for me as well.


I'm not a hardcore gamer like i used to be once upon a time, but a casual to hardcore gamer who likes to play games to enjoy them and beat them in his own time.

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I game for stimulation. Games are one of the most stimulating forms of entertainment. Advancements in not just the graphics processing, but the central processing too, can genuinely show us new things and make us feel greater immersion.


However, there is also gaming for compulsion, which I think explains you buying and not enjoying the games you list, Nicktendo. I can't pretend I'm immune to this either. I want the console for stimulation, but then feel compelled to try a huge amount of games for it.




I feel exactly the same. The PS3 and Xbox 360 are both fantastic bits of hardware, and I keep saying I'm going to buy a 360, but I've bought neither so far because no games give me the "must have" feeling. I haven't had this feeling since the Dreamcast, when I wanted the new generation to start, but wasn't actually blown away with anything until the GameCube (Wind Waker and Mario Sunshine in particular).




Maybe, but the better games late last generation were really pushing the hardware. I'm thinking of Shadow of the Colossus and Zelda: Twilight Princess. Both fantastic games, but both proof that we needed a new generation.



The vast majority of people I know have a 360, lots have a PS3 and lots have the Wii. It doesn't bother me what they play, though, because I know what I like.




As you imply, there's no little guy any more! The little guy was Sega with the Saturn and Dreamcast, and Nintendo with the GameCube (and maybe N64).


I know it's sad, but I used to be pro-Sega, pro-Nintendo and anti-Sony, but recently I just thought "ah, stuff it!" Glad I scooped up a PS2, because it was very good after all.


Basically, gaming is not the domain of the enthusiast or aficionado anymore. Sony took it into the mainstream, Nintendo even more so.


I don't say the following to be controversial, but if you're anything like me, these are the reasons you're less than stimulated with gaming at the moment:


1) You're a Nintendo fan.

2) Nintendo aren't actually in the current generation.

3) The current generation hasn't really got going, even for the 360 and PS3.


Nintendo are keeping the quality of the games up, but it's impossible to show us genuine improvements without more powerful hardware. Mario, Metroid and Smash Bros are fine, but they're the equivalent of new GameCube games. The main improvement is better textures thanks to the DVD. You owned a GameCube, Nicktendo, so it's only natural that you feel you're still playing one.


EXACTLY! This generation really hasn't got going, there isn't much NEW out there to play. Few upcoming Wii games are looking tasty though. I also respect EA for Mirror's Edge and Dead Space, two wholly original games that look really good, rather than Need For Speed 12. I think Nintendo is slowly getting there as well with Disaster Day or Crisis but I would like to see them put more cash into original games.


Also I think Nintendo would do well to make SNES style games, try something new or fresh in that department. I think Wiiware has a lot of potential if Nintendo choose to use it.


I have stopped checking news sites and haven't been into a games shop for a while and already I'm feeling the difference. I'm really concentrating on finishing Crackdown and Burnout Paradise and I'm immensly enjoying both of them! : peace:

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New Mario and Zelda on new HD Wii i say. They are reluctant to say anything about them, they say we wont see them for a few years, so why not go the whole hog and release them on a nice looking system.


Fact is, you need all three consoles these days. All of them have their appeal, its just that 360 and PS3 have more going for them at the moment. Nintendo will pick up again next year i hope.

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New Mario and Zelda on new HD Wii i say. They are reluctant to say anything about them, they say we wont see them for a few years, so why not go the whole hog and release them on a nice looking system.


Fact is, you need all three consoles these days. All of them have their appeal, its just that 360 and PS3 have more going for them at the moment. Nintendo will pick up again next year i hope.


But how many years have we been saying this, now? ;)

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I don't even know what I'm trying to say here, just trying to make sense of it all.

I know exactly what you mean mate. I used to have a lot of rants here about how Wii and DS excited me and stopped me from drifting away, and I've had my share of that "phase" you speak of. When I was little, many people talked about how you grow out of gaming. I remember thinking that that isn't possible for me, but then, some decade later I almost came close to it at one point. I was just bored of mainstream. Then came DS, then Wii. Push comes to shove I still love gaming though. Just not as obsessed as I used to be.


Reading your post it sounds like there are more than a few frustrations merging together there. You should probably just play other games, more complex games, like a lot of games on the PC. Or not play at all. I've done that a lot over the past decade. It comes in and out of phase for me, although with my mates I play Wii VERY regularly which then inspires me to practice on my own as well. Otherwise there's very little incentive, other than just to buy a new Nintendo title and play it for a bit just to make sure I get my share of Nintendo (especially Miyamoto-san's) experience, which I've idealized for years. That man is a genius. One way or another I always enjoy his work, regardless of how long it lasts.


In the end, gaming for me is like food. Something I need here and there, yet I never look at it with particular obsessiveness. But a necessity nonetheless, and I get bored if I have the same stuff every day. In fact I do exactly that with food. Sometimes I get into a "pizza mood" and I eat pizza every day till I exhaust that interest. I might then get into "pasta mood" and live on pasta till I get bored. Then "BigMac mood". Then "Fish&Chips mood". And so on.

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Lately I haven't been motivated enough to even want to play a videogame yet alone actually do so. I'm hoping for my passion of playing games to be re-ignited by something fresh soon. I'm going to TGS where i'll be playing games for the first time in over 2 months so perhaps it will...Mirror's Edge maybe.

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