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Rate the last game you played

Chris the great

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inFAMOUSE or who cares about morals, i can fire lightning from ym hands! (final review, good and evil)


having played as both good and bad, i can say the following things about the game:

  • in either case its alot of fun to just explore the city, super hero style, and gringing NEVER gets old
  • the exclusively evil power is way better then the exclusivly good power
  • the story is pretty good actualy, though dosent change very much at all for morality
  • the boss fights are pretty good
  • the difficulty is just right
  • the side missions are mostly pretty fun, with decent varity
  • moral choices are not really moral at all, its just be good or be evil no need to think
  • the city could have done with a little more character, as could the residents
  • the comic book stlye is well done
  • i want electical powers
  • a sequal is needed!


having completly finnished the game, to platinum trophie, i can say i really enjoyed it, more then i usualy enjoy sand box games which tend to get boring after a while (GTA4, as good as it was, did get slightly dull when you spent hours driving some were only for your friends too call up for a bloody man date, sending you back across the city with no way of getting there on time).



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Uncharted: Drakes Fortune. Only a quarter of the way through mind.


Plays very well and looks even better. Nice controls, fluid movement, good animation, excellent pacing, decent voice acting (even by proper standards rather than just game standards) ok characters, pretty good story, great events.


BUT a huge lack of originality, save for the story (so far). Combat/characters = Resi 4, exploration= Tomb Raider, quicktime events= everything. Slight overtones of racism, not enough to be off putting, but just slightly and very typical villian (though maybe the point.


Massively unoriginal and brings nothing new to the table except it's story. But with execution this good it's impossible to care.


8/10 (thus far) :)

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Halo Wars


A solid attempt at a console RTS and certainly one that had me entertained. The controls felt fluid and they worked, which was a nice surprise. I think it's important to note that had this game not been set in the Halo universe however, this would not have drawn me in neither would I have found it so much fun. Controlling armies of Warthogs and Marines offers a totally fresh and welcome spin on things, and you can tell they were trying to keep as close to the main games as possible. My only gripe is that the unit selection seemed to be a bit bare, and base building was lacklustre. But I did like the fixed position of bases and having in-house resource producers. A good game with some fun achievements.




Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X


Having played the demo I was really looking forward to playing this game, as the amazingly simple controls allowed for so much fun in a flight combat game without being overly complex to the point of boredom. The assistance off mode was fun for doing some aerobatics with your plane and it felt damn good when you flipped your aircraft over to lock on to an enemy who was on your tail, taking him out and flying through the space in the air where his ship once was. Achievements were enjoyable. The problem with this game is that as fun as it was, it was only fun for about 2 hours. After that the whole thing felt irritatingly repetitive and there was just no innovation or draw to the game in its; later stages. As a result of the lack of replay value I can only give this game a low score and recommend that you rent the game - and whilst you're at it, do give the online a spin as well as it's actually quite good fun.



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Gears of War 2


Played the whole campaign through in co-op with Eddage, and really enjoyed it.


Don't think I enjoyed it as much as the first one, as whilst the sequel is on a much larger/grander scale [which was a nice direction for the second game], I thought the first had more of a co-op feel. There were more moments of working together/protecting one another etc...

And also I thought the boss battles in the first were a bit better. What battles there were in the sequel it often felt a bit like you were 'protected' against them in some sense. You were usually on the back of a creature, in a tank, on a raft or what have you.

The game didn't seem to quite offer the same sense of tension or danger at any time, but perhaps that's because having played the first you know what to expect more.


However, had some great set pieces and overall it was a great game and worthy sequel.

Really looking forward to the third now!





Also watched Eddage play through...


Mirror's Edge


Thought it looked fantastic [though the cutscenes were pretty crap and the story completly blah], and I really enjoyed working out the route to get to places, but it was a very unforgiving game... and thus a frustration to play.

The whole combat side of it seemed far to harsh at times, where upon entering a room you were continually pelted with gunfire. Think the combat side of it should have just been about hand to hand combat.


Pretty good effort though, and when you're really on it the freerunnings great!

Definately can be improved however, which should make the sequel an exciting prospect.

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Uncharted: Drakes Fortune. Only a quarter of the way through mind.


Plays very well and looks even better. Nice controls, fluid movement, good animation, excellent pacing, decent voice acting (even by proper standards rather than just game standards) ok characters, pretty good story, great events.


BUT a huge lack of originality, save for the story (so far). Combat/characters = Resi 4, exploration= Tomb Raider, quicktime events= everything. Slight overtones of racism, not enough to be off putting, but just slightly and very typical villian (though maybe the point.


Massively unoriginal and brings nothing new to the table except it's story. But with execution this good it's impossible to care.


8/10 (thus far) :)

I've played it through 3 times and haven't come across racism. But yeah it isn't that original but it is in the way that it's an experience that's very much like an interactive story. The game is so compelling to play and you can't help but wonder what happens next so in this respect it's almost perfect which is why I'd give it a high 9.

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I've played it through 3 times and haven't come across racism. But yeah it isn't that original but it is in the way that it's an experience that's very much like an interactive story. The game is so compelling to play and you can't help but wonder what happens next so in this respect it's almost perfect which is why I'd give it a high 9.


I'm probably just being a tit, just the way all the enemies and bad guys were foreign and you were the big american superhero killing them all. They were very....dehumanised. Not that video games are known for the portrayal of things mind. It just struck me a bit. Like in Resi 4 and apparently 5. It's not that compelling, it moves along nicely but it's pretty hard to give a shit about Drake really.

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I guess but the enemies are pirates so if they were English or whatever it wouldn't really make sense - if you think about it protagonists in most films or games are distinguishable because they are nice or favourable over the rest, the voices and violent nature just let you know who you need to kill.

Drake - I wouldn't want him to die because of his personality, you wouldn't get people making cynical comments when they're confronted by hoardes of armed men.


You may like the ending more than the start though.

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Wolfenstein 3D


The original FPS just got a re-release on XBLA, is it still worth it? at a mere 400 points I would say so...


What you get for that is a game split into six episodes with 9 floors - plus one bonus - within each said episodes; you move around 3D environments which while rudimentary in appearance are solid in their design.


You play as the American soldier 'William B.J Blazkowicz' and basically go around blowing up Nazi's, Generals, German Shepards and a variety of bosses including Hitler inside a Mech-suit.


There are keys to collect, a small set of four weapons consisting of a Knife, Pistol, Machine-gun and the Chaingun not to mention a whole load of hidden areas behind pushwall emblems to be discovered.


Overall some of the level designs are pretty ambitious and some of them will have you cursing the game especially if you opt to play it on the 'I am death incarnate!' difficulty setting like I did :heh: thankfully though there as a save slot system which allows you to record your progress wherever you choose.


Generally it's quite an entertaining game despite being very dated and not aging so well in the technical department but for the price it's very good and there is a decent amount of basic fun to be hard here for a minimal investment.



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We played the trial of that the other night. One of our mates got motion sickness and the rest of us just wanted to stop. Hasn't aged well at all imo.


I've never been a particularly sentimental gamer though.




Street Fighter IV


The Tits.

I'm putting in the serious effort on this now. Ryu is my Weapon Of Choice and I'm slowly, slowly getting good with him. Soon, I shall be unstoppable (or at least able to smash Dyson's Akuma in the balls as is right n proper in this day and age)

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Earth Defence Force 2017


Well... where do I start? I picked this game up cheaply recently after hearing nothing but good things, it has been sitting on my desk for about a week and today I decide it's time to give it a 'quick go'...


Just over seven hours later and I have played the game from start to finish, I wasn't sure what to make of it at first when I saw how basic the presentation was and how terrible the voiceovers are but after a few missions, I was hooked.


Sure, this kind of game has been done before, the Earth vs Aliens plot is nothing new but I don't recall it ever being done with such dramatic scale or it ever being this much fun either! Whole buildings can be levelled with a single rocket, huge mutant ants and spiders can be gunned down without mercy and - if your so inclined - your annoying A.I team-mates can be disposed of if they happen to 'get in your way' all this can be done with very little thought or consequence oh and did I mention that your supply of ammo is INFINITE? :o


Bring all these factors together and you have one game that is so strangely satisfying that you won't care about it's weaknesses because what it does, it just does so well; sure if they were to make a sequel then there are plenty of things that can be improved but as it is the game delivers entertainment on a huge level, which is what matters.




:yay:Eeeee Deeeeee Effffff! Eeeee Deeeeee Effffff!


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I'm probably just being a tit, just the way all the enemies and bad guys were foreign and you were the big american superhero killing them all. They were very....dehumanised. Not that video games are known for the portrayal of things mind. It just struck me a bit. Like in Resi 4 and apparently 5. It's not that compelling, it moves along nicely but it's pretty hard to give a shit about Drake really.


i can see what your saying, all the bad guys are non whites, but id not say that makes it racist, its really more to do with setting. as for the baddies being dehumanised, again, this is true, but id say it was more in the spirit of indiana jones, can't really have a lot of fun when you realise your making orphans and widows.


i found drake a great character, thats one of the things most players ive spoken to really like him, but thats really just opinion, i'd imagine he'l grow on you.


not got a clue what resi 5 your seeing in there. mind.


anyway, onto my review


mirror's edge or FUCK SAKE!


ok, im a pretty patient guy, and i like a challenge, but dear god is this game testing me. i keep losing my patience with it, its like, i know what to do, i do it but im slightly off so its death. at one point i was ment to grab a pipe, i jumped dierectly at it, had it dead center of the screen as i slid down the wall it was attached too. i was starting to belive there must be a grab button id fogoten about. i love what they were trying to do, but in all honesty, the game isnt really my cup of tea. i think that the level design is a little unclear, and when a few seconds woth of slowing down gets you killed, it gets kinda irritating. it seems almost unfair, like if your doing to well, it'l just screw you over so you die. hopefully the sequal will be better.

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Hmm... Uncharted is ok. No, it's good. It's a poor man's Gears Of War + puzzles. Still a good game, mind. Just not enough of a reason to warrant the purchase of a PS3. (Good thing I already have one, ah!)


Yeah, it was one of those 'must-have' games that was really enjoyable at the time even though it borrowed most of its elements from elsewhere.

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Cliché OTT story, awesomely bad voice acting, overkill fighting and cutscenes.


This is just to awesome of a game.

Fans of Shenmue should definitely get this.


It's an awesome game. Really should go back to it at some point.


The fights are much better than the ones in Shenmue, which is good since there is a lot more of them in Yakuza. But I'm having a hard time getting into the story.

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Crazy Taxi (Dreamcast)


For pure arcade high score racer thrills it cannot be beaten.




God of War Chains of Olympus


Completed this last night. My first GoW, great game, quite short, but actually felt for a handheld game it was a good length...



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Hmm... Uncharted is ok. No, it's good. It's a poor man's Gears Of War + puzzles. Still a good game, mind. Just not enough of a reason to warrant the purchase of a PS3. (Good thing I already have one, ah!)

You serious? Gears of War is nothing like Uncharted! Gears in a nutshell:

Knee-high walls - take cover. What? No knee high walls? BAM! Ahhh there are now! 'Look at how big my muscles are.'

Seriously Uncharted looks incredible the way it's so action-movie based, take it over Gears any day of the week.

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You serious? Gears of War is nothing like Uncharted! Gears in a nutshell:

Knee-high walls - take cover. What? No knee high walls? BAM! Ahhh there are now! 'Look at how big my muscles are.'

Seriously Uncharted looks incredible the way it's so action-movie based, take it over Gears any day of the week.


well, i can see some simularity in the shooting mechanics, in that theres cover and shooting, but then that can be said of alot of shooting games, and its hardly a unique feature to gear of war, hell i remeber taking cover in goldeneye.


ive played a bit of gears of war, and my preference is for uncharted, just due to a more likable lead and more appealing environments.

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It's an awesome game. Really should go back to it at some point.


The fights are much better than the ones in Shenmue, which is good since there is a lot more of them in Yakuza. But I'm having a hard time getting into the story.


Yeah the story is not very interesting, especially since this is a game that gets a lot of comparison to Shenmue which had a good story.

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