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Why Zelda Wii will probably be the best game ever.


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I don't think it needs to be a "drug dealing space age with guns and gang warfare" to be more advanced. What if they added a railroad to hyrule, or perhaps some very simple machines. Imagine a scene where you have to chase a group of moblins down who are trying to rob the train. Twilight princess already had a lot of wild west themed stuff in it, and that felt very zelda. Why not take that a step further? I don't mean have the whole game have a wild west setting but perhaps just try a bit more of it. I'd also like to see some sort of combat between Ganon's army and the hyrule army, it just seems like the hyrule soldiers are all a bunch of lazy c***s who just sit there and occasionally throw you out of the castle. I know link's supposed to be a lone hero, but its like hyrule never really tries.


A train could fit, maybe, yeah. They just don't need to go and turn Hyrule into a victorian city to do so. Just like they wouldn't need to turn Hyrule into New York, should they ever want to add guns, or cars.


Although medieval-looking guns and cars would be much harder to do than a medieval-looking train...


Let's look at OOT, Metroid Prime, Super Mario Galaxy and Mario 64 too, please.


When its Nintendo, they can do everything, they could make Mario a gangster and it would still rule as much as the others did


As DCK said, they were all gameplay changes, not setting changes.

Hyrule was still Hyrule, Samus was still exploring alien planets, and Mario was still visiting surreal worlds.


As for Mario being a gangster...I honestly believe Mario could do anything, yet not seem out of place. :heh:

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But yes, you're right, those were Gameplay changes. I still think Nintendo could do anything and have a great game anyways

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I'd love to see what a modernised Zelda would be like, but something much darker. A homeless Link who is obessed with a rich socialite version of Zelda who is in line to marry her fathers business partner Ganondorff, but they'd need to give them all modern names so it didn't sound shitty.


I envision that Link finally meets them when he is stealing food from an art gallery opening and ends up kidnapping Zelda. Of course, with this kind of set up there's no way that it could work on the typical Zelda gameplay style with temples and vicious beasts. It'd have to more of a task based/lifestyle thing like Majora's Mask.


I haven't really thought it through and there's no way that Anouma would ever do such a thing, and i hope they don't do it, but as an idea i think it's alright. I just hope that Anouma makes a completely different game to TP and makes it in a similar vein to Majora's Mask and Wind Waker, which took the basic Zelda formula but adding fantastic new ideas to it. As long as it still feels like Zelda, i'll agree with any decision they make, but as far as making it first person goes, i'm a little weary.

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if zelda was mobernised it either needs to be made steam punk, with guns and strange mecks but keeping swords and outher such weapons, or hyper future, like phantasy star online.


kill the nets idea is interesting, but link being obsesed with zelda dosent feel very zelda to me.


id have that story line in a victorian era, link could be a farm hand, zelda royalty to be amrried off to ganandorf, the king of a neighboturing kindgom in a last attempt to bring peace between them and hyrule.

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None of those involved completely flipping the storyline and classical elements of the series, using nothing but shallow fanfic.


Those didn't involve any such story change at all, they were gameplay revolutions, mate.

Mario actually changed its graphical style a lot.


There were warppipes everywhere, the hills in the background were round and colourful.



Three warppipes in the entire game, and much more realistic surroundings.


Putting Zelda a bit into the future wouldn't be strange at all. It would be much less strange than, let's say... making the game toony:awesome:

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I'd love to see what a modernised Zelda would be like, but something much darker. A homeless Link who is obessed with a rich socialite version of Zelda who is in line to marry her fathers business partner Ganondorff, but they'd need to give them all modern names so it didn't sound shitty.


I envision that Link finally meets them when he is stealing food from an art gallery opening and ends up kidnapping Zelda.


It's funny you should mention socialites and art galleries, because I had an idea for a sequel to Wind Waker where Link needs to break into a mansion and steal the Master Sword from a rich art collector (it is, of course, wedged in a stone that would look, to the untrained eye, like a statue or sculpture).


I suppose the snobby aristocrat on Windfall Island put the idea in my head. Oh, how I laughed when he chastised me for breaking his pots...!


I just hope that Anouma makes a completely different game to TP and makes it in a similar vein to Majora's Mask and Wind Waker, which took the basic Zelda formula but adding fantastic new ideas to it. As long as it still feels like Zelda, i'll agree with any decision they make, but as far as making it first person goes, i'm a little weary.


I completely agree. Majora's Mask and Wind Waker are the two best so far. They set the correct tone and have that Japanese weirdness. Whilst Twilight Princess had a good atmosphere in parts, a lot of it felt westernised.


Putting Zelda a bit into the future wouldn't be strange at all. It would be much less strange than, let's say... making the game toony:awesome:


Personally, I wouldn't mind a Zelda set in the present day or a Space Ace style sci-fi. To me, Zelda is about reincarnation and, as such, can be set in any time.


Imagine a modern Zelda where Link wakes up to find Tingle at the end of his bed!


The grumpy, Bill Murray style protagonist has to follow him down warp holes to Hyrule. Eventually, Ganon comes through to the modern world and there's a big fight in Times Square.


As for the art style, I really hope they can make an even better style that satisfies everyone. I loved Wind Waker, but it needn't always look like that. Advancements in horsepower, cel-shading or even a new technique could provide a cartoony look that everyone likes.

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Darkjak: we're not discussing graphical styles, we're discussing story and setting.


I don't think anyone would mind a brand new graphical style for Zelda, or a heavy revision of the cel-shaded or realistic graphics. Nobody would mind gameplay revolutions either (in a limited sense), but people would mind Nintendo completely throwing away the Zelda formula.


The stories you describe make as much sense in the Zelda universe as the Mario universe. I don't see why Zelda must be used to create your fanfic to be honest.

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Mario actually changed its graphical style a lot.

That's a pretty bad comparison, the game still maintains the same artistic vibe, lots of green things, cure enemies, etc...

Now, I'm not saying the Zelda setting needs to stay static, we can surely see a few advances of the sort here and there, after all there already is a camera and cannons and whanot, but exagerating and making it completly steampunk or sci fi would be a disgrace. Sure, they would pull it off, but still.

Also, why does everyone talk about steampunk now? It's like a freaking trend, someone talked about it in a forum and it spread like wildfire.

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I think the limitations of the N64 (much as I liked it) may have made both Mario and Zelda feel more realistic in the same way the NES ones look less cartoony than the SNES ones. Nintendo should certainly try to make the games feel like living cartoons when they have the machines that can achieve it. It doesn't mean it has to be as bright and simple as Wind Waker (much as I'd like that).

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Darkjak: we're not discussing graphical styles, we're discussing story and setting.


I don't think anyone would mind a brand new graphical style for Zelda, or a heavy revision of the cel-shaded or realistic graphics. Nobody would mind gameplay revolutions either (in a limited sense), but people would mind Nintendo completely throwing away the Zelda formula.


The stories you describe make as much sense in the Zelda universe as the Mario universe. I don't see why Zelda must be used to create your fanfic to be honest.

Setting doesent need to change the story very much.

I don't really see how the story would change because Zelda is set a bit further into the future. Link would still have to save Hyrule from Ganondorfs monsters, the whole Zelda lore would remain. The Master Sword would still be the weapon needed to defeat him. The difference would be that Hyrule castle town would have somewhat more modern buildings, more different machines would exist.


Ocarina of Time:

Ganondorf, king of the Gerudos acts loyal to the Hylian Royal family, but only does so to get the Triforce. He overthrows the Royal Family, and then conquers Hyrule using magical beings. He destroys Hyrule in the search. Link, a young boy from the outskirts of Hyrule must find ancient relics with magic powers as well as the Master Sword to defeat him.


My "fanfic":

The same, only castle town has more modern buildings, and the Hylian soldiers have rifles rather than spears. The Gerudos are also enemies you get to fight in the game. Perhaps the Hylians resist, rather than just giving up straight away.



Some small differences in the story would exist. After all, it's not a remake. The differences in the graphics wouldn't even be as big as between TP and WW. Gameplaywise, graphicswise and storywise it would be as much of a Zelda, or more of a Zelda than Wind Waker.




Agreed, I wouldn't like Zelda to look like Starwars. I've continuously been writing "a bit" into the future. And by that I mean future for Hyrule, not for us.

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Personally, I think all this discussion about art style is silly, I don't think the problem with any Zelda game has been art style. Whilst I'll admit graphics can add alot to the game, in my mind they're low down on the list of what makes a game good.

It SHOULD be all about the gameplay, even if it had a ridiculously pants story(albeit not one of these crazy futuristic space age ones) if it kept all the gameplay elements that makes a zelda Zelda, it'd be a good game. By that I mean, as I mentioned before, side-quests, minigames, useful collectables(partially or fully optional), capacity upgrades, heart pieces etc

TP fell in that it didn't have much in the way of side-quests, the mini-games were a bit sparse and shallow, the collectables weren't too useful. Poe souls and bugs for money? Bit shallow, in Oracles you could collect rings which actually had their own uses, gave some depth, in MM you had the masks. In OoT you had the Skulltulas, with certain upgrades and things at different collective intervals.

I don't remember how I got capacity upgrades in TP come to think of it, though I can remember for most other Zeldas. I was excited when I found out heart pieces were in 5 pieces too, but dissappointed in the game cos the processes for getting them didn't seem so interesting. I'll admit, I haven't played TP since it came out, so my memory is a bit vague and possibly a bit biased, as I've played the other Zeldas through more than once usually(if only halfway through), but maybe it's some sort of sign that I've never felt the same motivation to replay TP?

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It was sort of done already with Ages and OoT :heh:

It could be quite an interesting concept if done well though(again by future I don't mean too futery). With OoT it was basically the same world with small differences, with Ages there was quite a significant difference between the past world and present, and they made excellent use of the colour pallette to give the past a slightly...browner look? I must say, the whole time/clock thing was an aspect I really loved about OoT and MM, though I think there's the obvious problem of the clock like in MM, taking up alot of the game's space like(like, to have things happening at a set clock time, keeping track of all of them must take up alot, right?)

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I don't really see FFVII as steampunk, although there's a bit of it I suppose it's more cyberpunk. Not that it matters :P


I don't see FFVII as steampunk either. What was steampunk about FFVII? Steampunk usually refers to a Victorian style setting, lots of brass and woody objects, where steam is still used to power things. FFVII looks more like our world but gone wrong, yet still modern enough and using electricity.

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Eiji Aonuma aint leaving until he betters OOT!




The Zelda series will be supervised by Aonuma for the foreseeable future.


We’ve been posting snippets from the Nintendo Power interview with Eiji Aonuma over the past week or so, but there is one last significant response to be shared. When asked about the success and longevity of Ocarina of Time, Aonuma said,


“I’m happy that a title I worked on some time ago remains highly praised to this day, but that also shows how none of the subsequent games in the series have surpassed it. As someone who is still working on the series, I have mixed feelings about that. Because I haven’t yet surpassed it, I can’t quit. Surprisingly, that simply motivation may be the reason I continue to work on the Zelda series.”


As Aounuma explains, he will overseeing the Zelda series (alongside Miyamoto) for a longtime to come. Quite honestly, I can’t imagine a Zelda game without the two of them being involved in the game development, considering how much they have influenced the series.

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