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I passed my driving test yesterday but I wanna know...


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...what went through your mind when you took your first driving test? Did you feel happy because you knew you were going to pass or did you just not think of anything at all?


Me and a friend of mine had this discussion and he said that he couldn't think of anything, he literally couldn't talk. Everything he was saying to the examiner, he screamed his words out. So I wanna know what the N-Europe forum did when they took their first driving test.

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Guest Captain Falcon

All I could think about was that I really didn't want to fail it. Not because there's something wrong with failing, but because I really didn't want to fork out for more lessons and a test again.


Seemed to do the trick mind.

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About 2 thirds through the test I took a roundabout/came off it in the wrong lane. From that point onwards I was going through my head over and over "Fucking idiot, you failed, Fucking idiot, you failed, Fucking idiot, you failed" and I passed! Was shocked and soooo over the moon!

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...what went through your mind when you took your first driving test? Did you feel happy because you knew you were going to pass or did you just not think of anything at all?


Me and a friend of mine had this discussion and he said that he couldn't think of anything, he literally couldn't talk. Everything he was saying to the examiner, he screamed his words out. So I wanna know what the N-Europe forum did when they took their first driving test.


First thing, congrats on passing.


I passed my test in June and i had it in my head that i was going to fail. Anyway while driving to the test centre i remember thinking how i wasn't nervous at all, which i thought was strange. Once i actually started the test (with the examiner) my brain started thinking "hey, you're still not worrying... why arn't you worrying? Your in a test!", so then i started to realise where i was and thats when i got my 'butterflies' and jelly clutch leg.


To be honest i thought i'd failed when i did a slight skid on the emergency stop, although it turned out fine. Only ended up with 3 minors aswell.


I was more nervous about the theory test for some reason, i just remember going in and thinking "right you're going to pass this, it's a horrible place and i never want to come back to it again".

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When I finally passed on my third attempt I just felt neutral afterwards. Had a small cheer in the car with the examiner, smiled and shook hands with my instructor, telephoned my mum and texted a few friends, and then life went back to normal. Some say passing their driving test is one of their best moments in life, but for me it was just another day/exam. I wasn't returning home to my own car either (brought one 2 months later) so maybe that could of had been a factor for not being that happy.


Oh, and incase anyone's wondering I failed on my first attempt because I tapped the kerb while reversing during the turn in the road, and on my second attempt for tapping the kerb again while pulling out of a turn in the road. :indeed:


d666, are you going to do Pass Plus now?

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The driving instructor I had for my first test was a right grumpy sod and didn't even attempt any small talk. I knew the exact moment I failed though and it was an arse because I drove amazing for the rest of the test despite the atmosphere. 2nd test the instructor was awesome, I had just got my A-level results and he spent the whole time talking to me about uni and stuff was a much better atmosphere I was able to do things more naturally and I passed.

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Congratulations :yay:


I was just thinking that I wish my instructor would shut up cus it was off-putting. Then when I asked him what the speed limit down some road he wouldn't tell me :heh:


My mate had a hindu instructor and he asked her what she was doing for christmas. A frosty silence ensued hence forth

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Guest Stefkov

It felt just like a lesson for me. The first time I was just focusing on trying to get my clutch and go pedal right. I thought I did pretty well until he told me I failed.

Then the second time I just focused on roundabouts, trying not to mess them up. Then I didn't come across a roundabout...

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I was nervous as fuck for my test, I'd had a car for 2 months when I took mine, knew I was fully ready to drive, and knew it's be another 2 months before doing it again if I failed. Passed first time luckily. I was going down a road at 60mph, and nearly missed the junction round the bend in the road, had to slam the brakes on. Luckily I only go a minor for it cos I still stopped in time. :D


I love driving, I can't imagine not having a car now.

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I love driving, I can't imagine not having a car now.


When I passed my test I was happy to play taxi for anyone. The thrill of being able to drive gives you so much more "Freedom" to roam. But after a couple of weeks then the novelty kinda worn off. I still like driving but there are some days it feels like a real chore.


Guessing you took your test at the Lichfield test centre? I'd had to test 3 times before I passed one of my instructors there was a pre-op transexual, and the other one an old guy. Once we reached the end of the test and I'd learnt I passed I was over the moon. It was a long time coming and the relief of knowing I wouldn't need any more lessons was a great feeling. My Driving instructor gave me a keyring (something he gave to everyone that passed with him) I also took a passplus course as well (2hrs of motorway driving) just to get a feel.

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First thing, congrats on passing.


Thanks everyone.


I literally couldn't breathe and started to choke a little, because it was my first test and I REALLY didn't want to fail, lol. The guy asked me two questions about the car and my brain froze but luckily I answered in time. But after about 20 minutes driving, I was alright. I thought it was funny when he asked me to pull over and then drive back on the road about 10-15 times, but I thought "Hey, as long as this passes me". Towards the end, I was like "I'm gonna pass! I'M GONNA PASS!" but he asked me to park in a space where it was so tight, that I would be lucky I didn't hit either of the cars and the first thought that went through my head was "Bollocks!", lol, so I made sure I was so careful to not hit the cars that it took me a while to park it. But thank God it's all over :)


8 minors in the end, was alright about that though. How many minors did all of you get?



d666, are you going to do Pass Plus now?


I was thinking about doing that but I'm not so sure yet. I think I'll do it though. But for now, I'm just going to relax : peace:

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i never did pass plus ~ my tomtom forced me onto the motorway for the first time ALONE when i was coming back from jamba's house last christmas O_o

my learning curve on that one was a total right angle >__> but it was easy!! i just turned up my radio to drown out the nervous squeaking noises i was making and everything was fiine :smile:


my test was kinda weird... it was my first, and i'd been reeeally rubbish at maneuvers since i started lessons - then on the day - something just *snapped* inside me and i could do them all semi-perfectly O__o


what went through my head[b/] though was a LOT of "rescue remedy" ..i was literally swigging from the bottle before the instructor sat down in the passenger seat ^__^

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i never did pass plus ~ my tomtom forced me onto the motorway for the first time ALONE when i was coming back from jamba's house last christmas O_o

my learning curve on that one was a total right angle >__> but it was easy!! i just turned up my radio to drown out the nervous squeaking noises i was making and everything was fiine :smile:


my test was kinda weird... it was my first, and i'd been reeeally rubbish at maneuvers since i started lessons - then on the day - something just *snapped* inside me and i could do them all semi-perfectly O__o

what went through my head[b/] though was a LOT of "rescue remedy" ..i was literally swigging from the bottle before the instructor sat down in the passenger seat ^__^

Exact same thing happened to me! I never completed a maneuver without fucking up, on my test not 1 mistake during them =]



I also stalled it, blocked a can from getting passed, and went the wrong way to what the instructor told me =]/=[.

Passed with only 3 minors(maybe 4 not sure now).

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Driving test back in '95, stalled and forgot to cancel a left signal off a roundabout, but back then, there was no theory test - the examiner asked you questions on the highway code afterwards. Normally, if they weren't 100% happy with something, they'd ask you about it on the questions and if you gave the right answer, they'd let you off, so I got away with it.


First attempt at ADI advanced driving test, did it in an unfamiliar town (no real excuse) missed a 20mph sign and failed - did ok other than that. Passed second time in the same town.


The ADI instruction exam involves the examiner doing role play - for the first half, he plays a beginner at the subject you are trying to teach and the second half he plays a part trained pupil. So you have to be careful not to overinstruct. Only 5% pass first time, and after the disappointment of my earlier test, I was determined not to fail and nailed it first go.


Passing my instructor exams was a different feeling as you're only allowed three tries and it's a career change if you make it.


Now, I go through the mill every time one of my pupils goes for test.

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My test I was put with the worst examiner, he's got reports against him, so I didn't have conversation with him, so all I did was think I'd failed.


Pass plus was easy, dead easy for me. I love driving after two weeks, hopefully the novelty will stay because soon I'm off to university.

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First time I remember thinking, "Easy... pass, pass, yyyyyyyyyaaayyyyyy" I failed.


Second time I remember thinking, "This guy has a nice voice. It's a commanding voice, I wish my voice ends up like that. I wonder how they get those white lines so well placed on the road... Is that a dog over ther? Wow that's a big dog."


Pass! Yayyy!

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I thought I was going to be really nervous, I couldn't stop thinking about it the night before. Driving was a big thing for me because the buses around here are terrible. Morning of the test I was actually very calm and collected. Got to the test centre and was still fine and it just seemed like another lesson when I was doing the actual test. I passed. :)

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I failed my driving test three times, but passed on the fourth. When I failed my third test, I was really downbeat and didn't know where I was going wrong, and it had my instructor baffled as well, as he said that I was "a tidy driver." It doesn't help that I had the same examiner twice in those three tests, and he was really striiict. Other people I know had their test with him, and I can't remember anyone ever passing with him.


When I passed though, I was over the moon. The exact conversation went like this:


"So...I'm pleased to tell you that you've passed."


"....whaaaa? Meeee? Shut uppp...get out of it! Me?"


"Yes, you. You've passed, well done."


"....thank you, sir."


*whistles all the way home*

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9 days ago I failed my third. I say failed because thats what the examiner said at the end. Im coming around the corner of the high street to go into the DSA place to end my test with 8 minors. I see this cyclist ON THE PATH (YES MR.CYCLISTSHAVERIGHTOFWAYEVENIFTHEYAREONTHEPATH) looking as if she is going to stop on the curb of the road im turning into. Becuase thats usually what anybody does on the path... stops...looks... and if its clear cross. But NOOOOOOOOO the examiner had to slam the breaks on and tell me that the cyclist had right of way. So Im sitting there in the car having a argument with him 'the cyclist was going to stop' 'she was on the pavement'. He tells me to start the car, we finish up, he tells me Ive failed. He tells me why and I start having an argument again, shaking my head and shouting NO!. He uped and left the scene, telling my instrutor on the way that I had 'Thrown it away'. I couldnt believe it. I wouldve passed. It is in the highway code and the head of the centre said otherwise. My instructor and another just laughed at it but I was distraught. This is the same guy I had on number 2. I fucking hate him. If I see him again all I will see is a white flash as I go into uncontrolable rage. Im carrying a copy of the highway code aswell as a fucking bat next time though.

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9 days ago I failed my third. I say failed because thats what the examiner said at the end. Im coming around the corner of the high street to go into the DSA place to end my test with 8 minors. I see this cyclist ON THE PATH (YES MR.CYCLISTSHAVERIGHTOFWAYEVENIFTHEYAREONTHEPATH) looking as if she is going to stop on the curb of the road im turning into. Becuase thats usually what anybody does on the path... stops...looks... and if its clear cross. But NOOOOOOOOO the examiner had to slam the breaks on and tell me that the cyclist had right of way. So Im sitting there in the car having a argument with him 'the cyclist was going to stop' 'she was on the pavement'. He tells me to start the car, we finish up, he tells me Ive failed. He tells me why and I start having an argument again, shaking my head and shouting NO!. He uped and left the scene, telling my instrutor on the way that I had 'Thrown it away'. I couldnt believe it. I wouldve passed. It is in the highway code and the head of the centre said otherwise. My instructor and another just laughed at it but I was distraught. This is the same guy I had on number 2. I fucking hate him. If I see him again all I will see is a white flash as I go into uncontrolable rage. Im carrying a copy of the highway code aswell as a fucking bat next time though.


Unlucky, mate. Don't worry, I'm living proof that even if you don't succeed, try...and try...and try, again. You know what they say, the best drivers pass fourth time around.


Something similar happened to me on my second test. I was on fine form that day, and I had either 3 or 4 minors coming back into the test centre. To finish, I had to baypark, which is a piece of piss for me. So, I'm reversing my car, and I notice that there's one in the bay next to me. However, I remember what my instructor told me: "the examiner doesn't always know what you're thinking, so always tell him what you're doing. Verbalise it." So, I did. I talked my way through the move, and the examiner said "you're too close to that car."


I replied: "I know, that's why I'm correcting it." So, I did that. I corrected the move, and I was talking my way through the whole thing. To add insult to injury, he made that comment just as I had taken the gear out of reverse and into first, so I was ready to drive forward, and re-correct my position.


So, finished the bay-park. And, got told I had failed, on that final move. Needless to say, I was livid, and explained to him that I had spotted the danger, and was blatantly correcting it before he even said a word. Furthermore, my instructor was watching the whole thing through a window, which was barely metres away and thought I had passed.


After that test, I made huge exaggerated movements with my head, and with every single thing I was doing, to make a fucking point. "This is me sitting in the seat." "Engine is starting up." "I'm looking in the relevant mirrors."

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