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The House of The Dead: Overkill


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Nope, there's only been the Ghost Squad and HotD2&3 cash-ins mind!


But I take it Sega do a good job then, where Capcom and even Nintendo themselves did not!?


What? I have Ghost Squad, HotD, Link's Crossbow and REUC, all of them are amazing! Plus, how can people complain at HotD when it's 19.99 for two great games? That's just insane value!

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I don't know about shooting zombies; my postie is gonna get a bullet before too long. Today, she delivered a bank statement and a letter from the RSPB offering me a free ladybird box if i subscribe for 15 months (three of which are actually free too).Neither of these have satisfied my need for hardcore violence.


*disclaimer for the poor Police Constable trawling the internet for crimes. I wouldn't really shoot my postie- i don't have a gun.

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Ive just finished the game now and it was very enjoyable. The one thing that I don't really like is the use of the F-Bomb. Sure its very funny used in the right context but the developers seem to have just thrown it in left, right and centre and it isn't really needed.


I thought the ending was funny where...

You go to fight the last boss and then it cuts to a Reel Missing cinema scene, you then see G and Washington walking off with miniguns, classic!



There's still plenty to do in the game as it has achievements such as get a 50 hit combo, finish levels in DC mode, etc.

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Got my Hand Cannon today, so it’s time for…


Hand Cannon vs. Perfect Shot. :D


First thing that you are going to notice with the HC (especially if you have used the PS or any other gun shell) is the size. It is bloody huge!

Check it out, HC and PS comparison pic:




I spent a good couple of minutes just laughing at it once I took it out of the box, laughed even more when I put it next to the PS.

Obviously, the size carries over to the weight. Therefore, the HC is a lot heavier than the PS. I chucked them both on the kitchen scales :geek: (complete with Wii Remote) for verification, the PS weighs 244 grams and the HC comes in at a whopping 348 grams! This can be either a good or a bad thing I suppose, the pro being that you get a bit more of a workout using the HC, the con being that you will obviously tire quicker with it too.


On to the grips, having now used both guns I would say that the HC wins over the PS in this department. The grip on the PS is made of the same rock hard plastic as the rest of the shell and has a square-ish shape so after a long use it will start to leave an imprint on your hand. The HC though features a nice rounded grip that is made of a softer kind of rubbery material so it is much more comfortable to hold.

It would be perfect, were it not for the gap along the back of the grip that is designed for the nunchuk cable:




The problem with this, is that it breaks up the soft rounded feel on the grip and means you still end up with an imprint on your hand after a while, just in a different place to when using the PS. :rolleyes:

Shame when you consider that Overkill doesn’t even require a nunchuck to play it. Plus they could have used a pass through system (like on the PS) to have the cable come out of the base of the grip, therefore removing the need for a cable groove.


Next up is the triggers, in my opinion the PS wins on this one. It feels a lot more responsive and requires a bit more force to activate meaning you get much better feedback from it. The HC trigger is pretty loose in comparison and just feels a lot less robust than that of the PS, still an improvement on the Wii Zapper mind you.


Overall, I would say that you can’t really go wrong with either the HC or the PS. It basically comes down to the following…


If you want to look completely badass and are more interested in just having a laugh, then I would recommend the HC. It looks hilarious, works well and still makes shooters much more enjoyable to play than with the Wii Remote only.


But, if you’re the type to take it a bit more seriously, going for high scores, accuracy etc. or you are just going to be playing for long periods of time, then the reduced weight and better trigger system of the PS are going to be more beneficial.


Anyway, hope that helps people to decide which gun shell is right for them. Personally, I am quite happy to have one of each. I’ll use the PS as my single player gun and the HC for co-op fun / dual wielding. Hope I don’t end up with one arm bigger than the other though! :laughing:

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The zapper isn't perfect for this game, because like in UC, the shaking is really hard, is that easier with these shells? Also, it's pretty awkward changing weapons with the 1 button.....


Does anyone know if you can dual wield in 2 player!


I've played through the first 4 levels. Great game, though 2 things. I'm doing it in co-op and the slowdown is extremely bad, which is disappointing, is this better in one player? Also the amount of swearing gets old fast.


Other than that I'm really loving it, not quite UC standards for me, but a great game, great style and I know I'm going to play through it a lot!


Actually, I have one more question, the EXTRA MUTANTS. Is this a hard mode, or does it not have any bearing on anything and can toggle on or off at your leisure?


Oh, and if the HC's only plus is that it 'looks' better, than I think I'll pick up a couple of perfect shots!

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Hand Cannon vs. Perfect Shot.


Nice one. I think i'm going to opt for a couple of hand cannons, simply to look bad ass.


The calibration does remove the cursor, right? And does it work properly (assuming you've tried it). Is the game in Prologic 2?


The two player slow down sounds worrying though. Thankfully, Mrs D has made it very clear she'll be avoiding playing. But does this also occure in Dual Wield?


If only they could have added online co-op. That could of proved to be immense fun. Hopefully if there's a sequel...


Yeah, i like the idea of that, with each player perhaps taking different routes through the levels- meetin up at key points (save your buddy, bosses, etc).

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Got it today, loving it, only stopped for lunch..gonna get to it again in a minute... I was meant to trade in some DS games but forgot to bloody bring them so had to pay full price...damn


Think I'm gonna get two handcannons...just for the bad ass look of them...and would be awesome when I unlock dual weild mode

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Just got home from Uni about 50 mins or so ago and after doing some stuff around the house, I was finally able to crack this open. Got the collector's edition (was the same price as the normal edition in GAME for some reason so thought I might as well get it with the free comic) and bought the Hand Cannon as well (the girl serving me egged me on to get it so I caved in a bought it. To her credit, she did a good sales pitch for it and plus she was very nice and chatty to me and she was good looking :D). The Hand Cannon is very OTT, a bit like the game. But that's a good thing. It's all very comical, even the use of the f-bomb is used to comic effect. Hasn't been as much use so far as others have eluded to but so far it has been done for comical effect and I think that's the main reason behind it. Love the cutscenes. Nice touch with them. And the game as a whole looks superb although I have had a bit of slow down just playing through the first level.


But really enjoying it so far. Makes me want to try out some of the other light gun games on the Wii. Will delve further into the horror later on. Oh, and the music is great.

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Bravo TV are doing an "Undead Weekend" this week, Evil Dead: Army of Darkness is on right now and just noticed the whole weekend is being sponsored by Overkill, cool, considering its the first and only TV advertising I've seen.. hope Sega don't pull a Nintendo and do very little marketing

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HELLFIRE: How easy or difficult is it to press other buttons on the wiimote with both pistols?


Just to clarify before making my order, the PS is better in every way, other than the HC looks cooler?


Put it this way... I found the Wii Zapper adequate for HotD 2&3 and the Handcannon (according to RedShell's comparison) is an improvement on that which is good enough for me, the grip on the HC is better and lets face it, looks better than the perfect shot which has those ugly neon blue and orange bits on it *shudder* whereas the HC is almost pure white and well... badass lol.

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I got paid today so gonna go out and purchase this. Still undecided on whether or not the handcannons are worth. I have the zapper which I never use and prefer the remote on its own, but they look so darn badass...




Comments like this I found in the videogamer.com review kinda put off the hand cannon;


The problems arise when, from time to time, certain enemies get up close and you need to shake them off - something that's quite awkward when the Wii Remote is strapped inside a plastic gun. It's not a game breaker for lightgun fans, but we preferred to play using the Wii Remote without the gun shell.
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Yeh, so far the only enemy to get hold of me was the boss on the second level. And even then it shaking her off with the hand cannon was easy enough.


Anyone else using the hand cannon using two hands with it? I can use it with the one hand but find myself holding it like a shotgun or something mainly due to the size.

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Well with regards to the Hand Cannon, I decided if the sales assistant in GAME asked me if I wanted it for the cheaper price (there weren't any HC's out on the shelves but they were behind the counter) I would buy it but he didn't offer me it, so I didn't buy it, didn't even ask me if I had a reward card.


Not played the game yet...but will tonight...

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Just beat the Fetid Waters level, the cut scene before the boss was classic, I love Washington, haha.


Though not finding it too hard, only died once, and that was on the 1st level at the boss when I was still getting used to it.


I've got my magnum upgraded to the max too, that could be helping me ease through the hordes, I've got a shotgun and automatic shotgun, only upgraded to sliver, but don't use them the first time I play a level.


To try stretch my first play i've been replaying the first two levels with extra mutants trying for high scores... and just got my longest Gorgasam time of 259 seconds

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