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I did enjoy the demo, everything looks and feels great, but I do have this horrible feeling that it will just be room after room of gargoyle statue hopping. Also batsy should have some method for taking down an armed enemy other than 'zip away and get shot to ribbons as you do'.

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If you press up on the D-pad there are 8 slots for gadgety type things so hopefully that'll add to the variation.


I do love freaking the grunts though. There was one guy left and I was just messing around and the Joker goes 'He's behind youuuu!....Just joking!' over the intercom and the guy freaks out (All the while I was suspended from a gargoyle waiting to do an inverted takedown :heh: ). Love it.

Yeah I love leaving a badguy hanging upside down and watching all his mates crowd around him then cutting his line


Ha! I didn't know you could cut the line. Guess I'm going to have to play the demo one more time.


I just played through it again a minute ago and did the takedown through the glass roofs for the first time. Does make me wonder what else ive missed.


Ive got the Riddler trophy but ive also heard theres still one more in the demo.


Yeah, there's one in the first room where Joker beats up the guard and then the other is in the room with the electric chair.


I didn't know about the glass takedown either. I checked to see if there was a takedown when you hide under the floor but alas, there wasn't.


The demo is quite cool, but it just seems a bit meh! Cant see me buying this until its pre-owned for cheap!


Those physics make the place look a lot cooler, why the fuck aint we gettin them?

Do want! I found it a bit wierd that batman cant jump (unless im missing something), otherwise the demo was excellent

You can kind of jump-roll with double tapping A, and use A to flip over enemies (on 360, probably X on PS3) but there's no standard jump, he'd look a bit stupid jumping though. Remember, Link can't jump either (without a feather)....


So nobody else thinks this game is in danger of being repetitive? I hope you're right... I'll probably pre-order the regular edition.


The standard combat may be a bit repetitive - the counter-attack is a bit too easy to pull off (but at least you can't hold down block and press Y to win every single fight, like Assassin's Creed), so hopefully standard enemies get a bit smarter.


Still, the demo was surprisingly good fun.


I just hope the story and it's integration is good (which it looks like it will be). I can deal with repetition; I loved Assassin's Creed.

You can kind of jump-roll with double tapping A, and use A to flip over enemies (on 360, probably X on PS3) but there's no standard jump, he'd look a bit stupid jumping though. Remember, Link can't jump either (without a feather)....


So nobody else thinks this game is in danger of being repetitive? I hope you're right... I'll probably pre-order the regular edition.


strictly speaking, Halo is really repetitive. So is L4D.


the key to those games is a varied toolset in an otherwise rigid series of situations. Hopefully this game will follow suite by offering a wide variety of takedowns and tactics from the gadgets you get your hands on later in the game.

Remember that this is the first level.

One thing I keep noticing is that in the demo you have the dark blue cape but then on the trailer that plays when you finish the demo Batman has his black one ingame


Dark blue?! I thought it was...hmmm.... Maybe I need to look again.


I think I heard when you complete it you unlock special Bat-armour. It's a pre-order bonus in America but I think you can unlock it anyways.


Hm, I must be alone in thinking it was quite a boring demo. I did enjoy it but I don't see the full game being much of an expansion on the idea. Playing as Batman is awesome though, and the Joker's personality keeps it flowing. I just wish there appeared to be more variety.

Posted (edited)
Hm, I must be alone in thinking it was quite a boring demo. I did enjoy it but I don't see the full game being much of an expansion on the idea. Playing as Batman is awesome though, and the Joker's personality keeps it flowing. I just wish there appeared to be more variety.
Yeah that's what I was trying to express. I just hope there's a lot more to it, creepy bosses and complex things to figure out, the demo basically had three rooms where you had to swing on gargoyles, it would've been better if one of the rooms had taken a different approach such as having to sneak from underneath, or smash in through a skylight or something.


I'd also like it if Batman felt a bit more alone, in the demo you're isolated, but you can talk to Oracle, Gordon and even meet up with lots of security guards. And I'm thinking I might be the only one who thinks Batman looks a bit poor. I don't like the super fancy body-suit or the tree-trunk arms. I prefer a simpler Batman who disappears in the shadows, like this:




Also the bat animation whenever you beat an enemy... that is going to get annoying after a while....


In the plus column, Harley Quinn. Rawr.

Edited by Shorty
Yeah that's what I was trying to express. I just hope there's a lot more to it, creepy bosses and complex things to figure out, the demo...

Right about there is where you should have switched to giving the game the benefit of the doubt. I can see where your concerns are coming from, but it's rather premature to call out the game for a lack of variety when all you've played is the first 10 minutes or so.


On top of that, it's clearly a more varied game than, say, Gears of War. There's combat, stealth, and at least light puzzle solving, on top of which there's Metroidvania elements of gaining new equipment to access previously inaccessible areas — and take down thugs in new ways, of course. It's worth mentioning that Arkham isn't just one building, so who knows how the different areas will affect gameplay.


I'm not really a fan of Batman (a Batfan?) but I'm still going to pick this up simply because I like the look and feel of it. It's also clear from all the little touches that it's made by a genuinely enthusiastic team, which in turn makes me much more confident in the final product.

Right about there is where you should have switched to giving the game the benefit of the doubt. I can see where your concerns are coming from, but it's rather premature to call out the game for a lack of variety when all you've played is the first 10 minutes or so.
The beginning of a game should grab me like the beginning of a great book. In Bioshock my plane crashed into the ocean and I discovered an underwater city, guns, zombies and genetic modification in the first ten minutes. In Batman I repeated the same type of fight sequence six times, all linked by identical ventilation shafts. It's not about the action, what you press etc, it's about how the scenery changes and how big new enemies spring upon you that keep a game fresh. That's why games like Halo, L4D and Gears don't get boring despite the way, on an aesthetic level, they all repeat the same actions from beginning to end.


Despite my list of cons I am in fact going to do as you say and give them the benefit of the doubt (you need to doubt them in the first place to do that, after all) - I'll buy this game on release, assuming it doesn't get 5/10 from everyone but Gamesmaster.

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