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Most overrated songs


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I was genuinely bored when I saw Muse live the other year at the Isle Of Wight festival. But then I don't really like most Muse songs and find them on the whole to be full of unnecessary guitar wankery.


I just found them so sterile live they didn't interact with the crowd at all and every song sounded exactly like it did on the CD. I much prefer some improv live and getting the crowd to join in etc. However, Muse I can at least appreciate why people like them they just aren't for me.


Can I just say, dude, kudos to you for being diplomatic, actually giving reasons and not spouting the usual bullshit. Therefore I respect your opinion.: peace:

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People seem to confuse overrated with overplayed I think... which isn't exactly the same, at least not always.


I'd give you some examples but right now I can't think of any songs I think are overrated.


Abba are great though, their songs are just so catchy. Plus I don't hear them on the radio ever, so for me their songs are still as good as ever. =P


Villan, may I ask what exactly your problem is with Björk? Just interested, as you seem to hate her but haven't really given a reason I think.



There is a thin line. Stuff that people tend to overvalue gets played more, so seems overplayed as well as being overrated. A good game equivalent is Final Fantasy VII. I would say Abba songs are definitely overrated... they are catchy songs, but not exactly great songs. They don't deserve all the attention still in this day and age.

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This thread has become more a music warzone than anything! (exageration) There are a few songs on here that have been mentioned that I agree are overrated in my opinion, but I'll leave it that.


Lol. I see intelligent lyrical content doesn't mean anything to you (unless you're referring to all that mainstream jazz).


Finally, I'm going to say Lose Yourself by Eminem. it's a great song, but come on, FAR better stuff available (not just in the genre, by himself).


And thank you Goron, if I weren't playing MK Wii when writing my short response, I would have said something along those lines. And I agree with you about Lose Yourself.


And I'll throw in 'Feels Just Like It' should by Jamiroquai. It was supposed to be a return for JK, but sounded more like his post "Emergency on Planet Earth" and "The Return of The Space Cowboy" stuff, but worse! (Note that I think 'their' the first two albums were the best)

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Anyways, Anything by Panic at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, My Chemmical Rommance, Midina Lake (who I had the miss pleasure to here though a music channel) basicly all all the kiddie 'emo' guitar music that is mainstream rock now.


Anyone caught agreeing with this is just as bad as whoever stereotyped "rap" in to an overrated genre. The majority of it is shite. Some of it is great. I'd say there's a huge difference in the music between P!ATD and MCR personally.

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(and I'm aware I just defended McFly and then blasted 'classics' but its personal conjecture. Let's not get too elitist and quick to threats and angry words)



It's cool, you have your opinion, I have mine :)


I get what you mean by 'everything's been done before' but what I mean is that every song McFly do, sounds like a Busted song, if you get my meaning. I liked Busted (I still do a little) but McFly sounds like they've ripped them off. The tunes, the singing, everything just sounds a little like Busted.


And Bohemian Rhapsody. The chorus is nice but the rest is dull as fuck.


:o Bohemian Rhapsody is a classic, I'll love that song until I die, lol.

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It's cool, you have your opinion, I have mine :)


I get what you mean by 'everything's been done before' but what I mean is that every song McFly do, sounds like a Busted song, if you get my meaning. I liked Busted (I still do a little) but McFly sounds like they've ripped them off. The tunes, the singing, everything just sounds a little like Busted.


:o Bohemian Rhapsody is a classic, I'll love that song until I die, lol.


Bubblewrap and She Falls Asleep are quite different from what I remember of Busted, but never was a big fan.


Im not saying Bohemian Rhapsody is a bad song (as most people seem to have just come here to complain about music) but overrated. Everyone acts like its the best thing since ever. But really, it has about 50 seconds of goodness and the rest is buildup. If Wayne World's hadn't come out nobody would care :p

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Pretty much all of them.


again fail.




And overrated songs...I'm going to say November Rain. It goes on for about 2 years. And Bohemian Rhapsody. The chorus is nice but the rest is dull as fuck.



what chorus? it doesn't HAVE one! .. please sing me the chorus if you think it has?


Bubblewrap and She Falls Asleep are quite different from what I remember of Busted, but never was a big fan.


Im not saying Bohemian Rhapsody is a bad song (as most people seem to have just come here to complain about music) but overrated. Everyone acts like its the best thing since ever. But really, it has about 50 seconds of goodness and the rest is buildup. If Wayne World's hadn't come out nobody would care :p




it made number 1 twice.


first song to do that.

first song to have a decent music video

the list goes on

it revolutionised rock music forever.

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I was genuinely bored when I saw Muse live the other year at the Isle Of Wight festival. But then I don't really like most Muse songs and find them on the whole to be full of unnecessary guitar wankery.


I just found them so sterile live they didn't interact with the crowd at all and every song sounded exactly like it did on the CD. I much prefer some improv live and getting the crowd to join in etc. However, Muse I can at least appreciate why people like them they just aren't for me.


- Crowd interaction I can give you, because Muse don't really do that. They admit themselves that they would rather let the music do the business and be their connection with the crowds and fans. They choose the pacing of their setlists accordingly, fact.


They have the sort of relationship with their fans that an author has with their readership.


- Maybe they lost a bit of their edge because you saw them at a festival and not one of their own concerts. Festival performances I have seen are cut down versions of their concerts (unless they are headlining, in which case its pretty full blown). I suppose it just depends on the day and whatever. I'm showing my musical noobishness, but Live 8 is classed as a festival right? Well, in my opinion, Muses performance of Bliss at Live 8 in Paris is the best version of Bliss I've seen/ heard. Thus festivals can bring out the best in them. :)


- No improv? I wasn't at the festival, but no improv?? Seriously. ¬_¬


- I can absolutely 100% guarantee you that every song did not sound as they do on the CD. There are subtleties that are lost when going from the studio to the stage, however their are different subtleties that are gained. Their songs are completely different live! New riffs are added, other bits are changed and other layers are lost because, you know, they actually only are a three piece band at their core. (Yes other bits and pieces are added live to help them out, but you should be able to catch my drift.)


I would actually say Muse are HUGELY underrated but they have grown in popularity, I won't deny it. I can't believe I only had to look at the last page of this thread to see Muse mentioned. How dare you all! Do I need to go through the first three pages as well to name and shame everyone? :heh:

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I'm shocked at people saying Muse are overrated. Only listened to the more popular tunes of theirs then? And they are one of VERY few bands who can live up to expectations with their live performances. In fact, I would say I actually PREFER their live performances..


But then I do have Muse in my sig and avatar, maybe i'm just a little bit biased..


As someone who loves practically every genre of music, Muse are awesome. Their music is truly art.


This thread has become more a music warzone than anything! (exageration) There are a few songs on here that have been mentioned that I agree are overrated in my opinion, but I'll leave it that.



And thank you Goron, if I weren't playing MK Wii when writing my short response, I would have said something along those lines. And I agree with you about Lose Yourself.

And I'll throw in 'Feels Just Like It' should by Jamiroquai. It was supposed to be a return for JK, but sounded more like his post "Emergency on Planet Earth" and "The Return of The Space Cowboy" stuff, but worse! (Note that I think 'their' the first two albums were the best)


Take me now :heh:

Yeah, rap music gets a lot of stick, but tbh most people who don't like it haven't actually listened to the proper side of it. I mean, with all that mainstream shit getting pumped out, i'd probs hate it if i hadn't learned of the likes of Nas, Immortal Technique, Lupe, N.W.A, Public Enemy, Cyprus hill etc.

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Guest Maase

Rap is the 2K era, from 20 years, everyone will remember 2K as the era in wich we saw black guys ex-gangsters being famous and receiving a lot of money *sigh*


Maybe 2K1 will be a better Era for music...

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Rap is the 2K era, from 20 years, everyone will remember 2K as the era in wich we saw black guys ex-gangsters being famous and receiving a lot of money *sigh*


Maybe 2K1 will be a better Era for music...


Sorry to tell you this but this era seems to be ruled by mainstream R&B/Hip hop bullshit that's getting pumped out and somehow people are making tonnes of money of it. Infact, it's not even that genre that is getting incredibly mainstream; almost every artist is seeking to make more money now so therefore we're seeing more mainstream friendly tracks.


When hip hop was big it wasn't about making money at all. Illmatic from 94 is credited as the greatest hip hop album ever and it charted fairly poorly. Correct me if i'm wrong but so did Straight Outta Compton by N.W.A and 'It takes a Nation of Million to Hold Us back', and they are considered to be two revolutionary albums...and they certainly weren't about money; they were solely about rebellion.


Get your facts right.

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Guest Maase

Exactly, Disco was also created before 80's, but it was in 80's that it went mainstream, so, duh...


90 was the Grunge time, and now is the Hip-Hop/R&B thing, what next? Please, something good..

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Exactly, Disco was also created before 80's, but it was in 80's that it went mainstream, so, duh...


90 was the Grunge time, and now is the Hip-Hop/R&B thing, what next? Please, something good..


Erm Hip-hop was massive in the 90's. it's not hip-hop now; hip-hop was at it's best in the mid 90's when Tupac, Biggie, Nas and Jay-Z came about.


Now it's the era for mainstream music and it's been that way since the earlier 00's. It doesn't just apply to hiphop/r&B, it goes for almost any genre. I mean, why the fuck would Limp Bizkit release a song like Rollin? Easy, the money.


Again, get your facts right.

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