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People Who Need To Be Punched In The Face


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Not another one of our Prides :'(


Why do you hate us so much? :'(


To be fair, though; while Cristiano Ronaldo is probably hated by every non-Man United/Portugal fan (Even then, some in each camp probably hate him as well.), not everyone thinks that way about Jose Mourinho.


I have respect for Mourinho, top manager who gave Chelsea the greatest period in their history. Plus he can be quite funny at times.

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To be fair, though; while Cristiano Ronaldo is probably hated by every non-Man United/Portugal fan (Even then, some in each camp probably hate him as well.), not everyone thinks that way about Jose Mourinho.


I have respect for Mourinho, top manager who gave Chelsea the greatest period in their history. Plus he can be quite funny at times.


Mourinho gave them nothing, Abramovich gave them a shitload of money which in turn bought them a few titles.


Add Abramovich to the list. along with Diego Maradonna and of course...


...Bob Dylan.


Sing the words in the right places, asshole! What makes you think you're so damn special singing all contrapuntal-y?

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For that, you've just been added to the Face-Punching list, Iun... :nono:


You'll have to come through me first, Iuns a sweetheart.


Going back a page but Graham Norton ain't all that bad, I'd shake his hand for how much he makes me giggle when he's in Father Ted!


He wasn't too bad back then, but once he got popular and got his own show he just got unbearable, stereotypes juat aren't funny.

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Enough, what next international star coming from Portugal are you going to punch? :'(


(Thinks about Nelly Furtado)




She is Portuguese :P

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I agree that JK needs a punch, but at the very least he does verbally rip the utter shit out of people who should not possess human rights.


I agree.


Sometimes he does get carried away, but I think most people he does it to deserve it....and then more and more until they die a horrible death.


Paris hilton, paul burrel, that guy who cheated on millionaire, jade goody, tom cruise, old people, the gay guys who can't believe that they're gay so have to let everyone else know too, people who don't clear up their dog poo, most 11 year old kids, the queen.

She got enough from apparent and unfair "rascism" accusations, which the public swallowed like the idiots they are


Definately; they should be forced to lick cunt as punishment or something; I was going to suggest something up the arse, but y'know...


Most kids born after 1992/3 you mean


She just needs to grow a backbone and kick Brown out



























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  • 1 month later...

You know, I've always thought if the oppurtunity presented, I'd punch Duffy in the face. No reason at all, I don't have anything against her that I know of, I just think she's kind of face punchable material. Maybe it's just because I really really shouldn't, I really want to.

Second to that, people who c*nt me off royal should get a punch in the face, and in fact a few of my friends have recieved a slapping or a punching, though with fair warning and way back in the day.

Thirdly, I think myself(and some other people here) need a good punch in the face, punching people in the face isn't nice you know! Save it for people who reaallly deserve it(or reallllly don't, for comedy value of doing it). In fact, I have been rather heinously punched in the face a good while ago completely unprovoked(it left a lump in my lip :(), so I feel I have a face punching left to dish out. Who wants some!!

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You know, I've always thought if the oppurtunity presented, I'd punch Duffy in the face. No reason at all, I don't have anything against her that I know of, I just think she's kind of face punchable material.


Actually, after the performance she gave at Microsoft's conference at E3, I'd happily punch her - repeatedly.

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  • 6 months later...

Wow I didn't realise this thread existed.


I've already mentioned Kanye West in the music thread.


I'd also like to punch Christ "his own biggest fan. If he could suck himself off, he probably would" Moyles to the list of people I would like to beat like he had just pissed on my shoes.


And all the people on TV who fill the role of "Arrogant twat that thinks it's big and clever to be a twat on TV". Namely Simon Cowell. Seriously, he treats some of the contestants like utter scum. Sure, they may be a bit miguided on their talents, but their only crime is wanting to make something of their lives. It really is a case of some rich prick making fun of the peasants who dream of bettering their life.


Honestly? If I saw Mr Cowell fall into a wood chipper I'd probably be closer to laughing than being distraught.


Plus I'd like to give Christian Bale one punch in the face for the way he treated that light technician guy. It's not the fact that he ranted about it, it's the way that he wouldn't stop humiliating the guy. I really admire the light guy for not clocking him one, I'd have picked up the first heavy thing I saw and started swinging.

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I want to punch these talentless c*nts.


Plus I'd like to give Christian Bale one punch in the face for the way he treated that light technician guy. It's not the fact that he ranted about it, it's the way that he wouldn't stop humiliating the guy. I really admire the light guy for not clocking him one, I'd have picked up the first heavy thing I saw and started swinging.


I'm totally on Christian Bale's side with this. He was justifiably livid.


And just to remind everyone,




That is all.




Edited by Daft
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