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Your Official Reactions to the Revolution Controller.


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lol, well I hadn't meant to stay up to see it, but a coincidental occurence meant I was up about 40 minutes before it was revealed, I figured I may as well stay up an extra few minutes (time flies early in the morning). when it was eventually revealed, I didn't believe what I was seeing. at all. I wondered where the buttons were. I knew it was serious, not a joke. my initial thought was "This is the worst controller ever"

and it was. my head was looking without taking that paradigm shift in thought.


after a bit of a chatter on another forum with another guy who had stayed up too, my hopes had been restored, to the point where I was accepting the controller was ok-ish, perhaps on par with the Nes controller, but certainly not as good as any of their other controllers. but still passable.

went to work a few hours later, tired, but it was sinking in, the shift in thinking was taking place.

now I'm pretty excited, seeing new ways games can be explored.


I mean, really, looking back, it seems obvious, 1-d control in the nes and snes, 2-d control in the N64 and cube, and now 3-d control.

what I'm thinking, is what happens in the 7th generation?


one bad thing, I look at my cube, and it suddenly looks restrictive :P


anyway, I feel I can now see what was meant by a "paradigm shift", and infact I think it will gel worse with current gamers, simply because we need to change our perception of what it means to control a video game. new comers to gaming will have the opportunity to begin with this way of thinking, so in fact this shift may actually put us experienced gamers at a disadvantage in some ways!

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When I came on the site after work and neighbours I saw a pic with a bit of the controller next to rev on the front page (link to the article about it), at first I thought wtf, why is there a remote control, but upon reading the article and watching the video I thought omg this f00kin AWESOME!

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I'm impressed with the brave move Nintendo has taken but I see it being quite clumsy to play on racing games say.


But I suppose that's what the traditional pad is for right?


But if you think about it this is going to bring gamers even closer to their games, The immersion in games like Zelda will utterly suck us in to Hyrule. rather than pressing buttons for actions you will actually feel like you're putting proper input in - almost like you're there; well that's what I think.


First Person Shooters would be AWESOME too and could potentially match the PC but i'm worried about having to play with one arm; our arm's are gonna ache for sure.


My initial reaction: 474HHFHSF77436718QT!!!111!!11!!!1


My reaction now: The games better fecking rule and live up to the consoles' potential.

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My reaction was one of shock when I first saw it, but I quickly watched the video and read how it worked and I was sold on it. The idea sound fantastic and I cannot wait until I get my hands on it and try it for myself. Once I knew what it was going to offer my biggest shock was that it hadnt turn out to be big let down. This really could change the way we play and lives up to Nintendo arguement that graphics wont matter for there console. I am also a lot less interested in what the specs of the new machine will be, A baseball game on Revo will have something X360/PS3 could never offer, so what if there version looks a little better.


I just really hope Nintendo can put all this together and make it work floorlessly.


My reaction were and are, what a lot of piss.If I want to use a remote i will watch television, or play games on sky interactive.


Once you get over the look of the controller and read how it works I think you will relise that its like no TV remote you have used before.

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Can you please explain to me how the nex controller was 1d? :)


Oh, and who is the dick who says they dont want to play controls on a remote. Its not a remote, its the shape of a remote but its not. What kind of an argument is that anyway, if I want to play games on a remote ill use my tele?! Do you realise how closed minded you sound?

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When I first saw I was like: "WTF is that!??!?! A TV remote? Congratulations Nintendo, you completely failed it." Then I downloaded the trailer and got a better idea of it. I really loved the swordfighting idea :) (If that kind of game comes out I'll be the RE-champion :yes:)

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Yes, Nintendo as really surpassed my expectations. The more I think about it, more ideas come to my mind. Just imagine what a Star wars game would feel like played on Revolution. Imagine holding a lightsaber just by holding the controler. Imagine what it would feel like to wave and fight with the controller, strike down enemies, deflect lasers, control ships with the movement of your hand... The possibilities are endless. If a new Rogue Squadron is shipped with Revolution, you bet your ass that I sleep in front of a store one week before the Revolution launch, waiting it to come out.


Honestly, I never expected that Nintendo would come out it such a controller. After months of wild especulation, and tons of fan-made mockups, Nintendo still managed to surprise the industry. Wether people agree or not with the concept, we must understand that our opinions are irrelevant. Just like the N64 pad revolutionised the industry (and became a standard), this pad will revolutionise the gaming experience, and I honestly expect to see these controller become a industry standard.God damit, the wait is so painful...

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When I saw the controller I started to laugh. The first thing that came to my mind was: "omg, and that was the oh so innovative controller - a remote!?" and I also laughed because that was the crazy, wierd type of thing I would have expected from Nintendo.

But I quickly realized it had style and was a very unique way to play games and again started laughing looking forward to playing games with it.

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My reaction were and are, what a lot of piss.If I want to use a remote i will watch television, or play games on sky interactive.

I can respect what you say, but the way you express your opinion makes you look like short-sighted moron. There's no better way to use 3D pointing/movement in gaming.

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When i first saw the image of it i thought, what have Nintendo done this time -_-


But after reading about what it can do and watching the video (in reverse order), i was sold on it.


For years ive been screaming out for a new way to play games, i was tired and bored with all the games available, both on consoles and the PC, they were all just clones of each other.


This controller is exactly what i wanted, and im greatful to Nintendo for giving me that.


Thinking about how the controller can be used made me want games that i never thought id buy, like a tennis game, a golf game and a FPS, i never really liked console FPS's ever since PD on the N64, but now with the controller thats the main games genre i want to play.


Cant wait will a get my hands on one.

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My reaction was pretty much of surprise.


Didn't think Nintendo had liberty bell size balls to pull this off. But they do.


I think that once everybody handles one of these controllers for the Rev, they will reach the same conclusion the developers have reached: IT'S FREAKING AWESOME!


I hope that they have kiosks in the States soon so I can try it for real and not come up with half-baked theories on the controller like some here do.



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