dazzybee Posted October 29, 2009 Posted October 29, 2009 What's annoyed me over the past....18 months + is Nintendos reluctance (arrogance? Blindedness? (not a word I know)) to see that they're not doing enough for the "core" gamer. After both E3's Reggie was quizzed, over the months Denise has been quizzed and they say they are providing content for both casual and core. Do they realise that they really aren't?! When they finally admit they're not, then they will get so many people who have left them to come back (actually A zelda could probably do this too). Now I will clarify that I have been delighted with the Wii games and when I say core I mean the gamers who think graphics are everything, Wii is Kiddy, Wiimote is all waggle and adult is blood, swearing and browns and greys. I don't like them, but they're important. Next years Wii HD will also help matters...
darksnowman Posted October 29, 2009 Posted October 29, 2009 dazzybee said: Next years Wii HD will also help matters... Hope springs eternal!
Retro_Link Posted October 29, 2009 Posted October 29, 2009 (edited) dazzybee said: when I say core I mean the gamers who think graphics are everything, Wii is Kiddy, Wiimote is all waggle and adult is blood, swearing and browns and greys. I don't like them, but they're important.Hang on a minute, surely you don't mean that, but instead all us gamers who have stuck by Nintendo throughout the years only to now be treated like shit now that they've struck gold with their new casual audience. I'd call myself a hardcore Nintendo fan, and I don't care about HD visuals (though they'd be nice!), adult games and all the other stuff you mention... and yet my patience with them is definately waning! Would it hurt them to release a Donkey Kong, F-Zero, Mario Tennis, StarFox, Kirby, 1080, Waverace, Mario Golf or Fire Emblem once in a while! Or actually listen to the fans and update the likes of Kid Icarus or Pilotwings etc... These are the types of games I've stuck by them for all these years... because contrary to what Reggie et al. would have you believe, there is life outside of Mario and Zelda! Edited October 29, 2009 by Retro_Link
Shino Posted October 29, 2009 Posted October 29, 2009 They couldn't honestly be expecting for this to last forever. This is the reason why new consoles are released.
Dante Posted October 29, 2009 Author Posted October 29, 2009 Retro_Link said: These are the types of games I've stuck by them for all these years... because contrary to what Reggie et al. would have you believe, there is life outside of Mario and Zelda! But some of the Nintendo fans do want Zelda and Mario. Nintendo seem to have start to hide the games that they are making or don't show anything about the games at all until it hits the release date. Other developers show some information and new screenshots often but Nintendo dont bringing more attention to those wii titles. We dont know anything about Sakurai's game, Retro game and the games that were shown in the Wii E3 2009 video.
Retro_Link Posted October 29, 2009 Posted October 29, 2009 Dante said: But some of the Nintendo fans do want Zelda and Mario.And they've already had them on Wii. Dante said: and the games that were shown in the Wii E3 2009 video.Of which there were no 'classic' franchises. And I couldn't care about any new IP's like Cosmic Walker and the like if they're gonna turn into half-assed attempts and missed opportunties like Disaster was. In reality however, Nintendo's sales may have slowed, but they're still regularly outselling their rivals, and by quite some margin... so this news isn't going to make them alter their strategy. However, hopefully it may have made them reappreciate their true fans a little more and they may do things slightly differently with the Wii HD or Wii 2.
Zechs Merquise Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 I think it's a very interesting time for Nintendo. Their sales have declined, but they are still on top and by a decent margin. I think several things have happened here all which need to be considered: 1) The Wii's success. It has shifted nearly 55 million units in 3 years. That is phenomenal. But it also means that you will start to reach some form of market saturation. 2) The Wii was initially helped by it's easy accessibility and simplicity. However those very same issues have since hurt it in the eyes of traditional gamers, thusly Wii has missed out on most of the this generations BIG cross platform titles. This has meant massive titles like RE5, SF4 and soon the next FF will all be missing. 3) The Wii's reliance on the public rather than 'gamers'. The public often adopt a fad for a few years then abandon it.
Dante Posted October 30, 2009 Author Posted October 30, 2009 (edited) Sony's Q2 results Quote Sony Corporation announced its consolidated results for the second quarter ended September 30,2009. Operating revenue was $18,458 million. An operating loss of $362 million was recorded. Sony Corp. posted a net loss of $292 million.An operating loss of Â¥58.8 billion ($654 million) was recorded, a deterioration of Â¥18.2 billion year-on-year, mainly due to a deterioration in profitability in VAIO PCs and the game business. Q2 Worldwide Unit Sales Hardware PSP PS2 PS3 Wii 360 FY 2007 2.5 3.2 1.3 3.9 1.8 FY 2008 3.2 2.5 2.4 4.9 2.2 FY 2009 3.0 1.9 3.2 3.5 2.1 Software PSP PS2 PS3 FY 2007 12.6 38.0 10.4 FY 2008 11.8 23.2 21.2 FY 2009 12.9 11.1 23.9 (Unit: million) PS3 Worldwide Unit Sales Price Hardware Software €/$ 499-599 5.5 28.4 €/$ 399 18.3 161.3 €/$ 299 3.2 23.9 LTD 27.0 213.6 (Unit: million) Business development Q3FY2006 PS3 introduced ( 20GB: RRP 49,980 Yen/ 60 GB: Open Price ) Q3FY2006 PS3 introduced (20GB: SRP 499 U.S. Dollars/ 60GB: SRP 599 U.S. Dollars) Q4FY2006 PS3 introduced (Europe) (60GB: SRP 599 Euro) Q3FY2007 New Price PS3 (40 GB:RRP 39,980 Yen/ 399 U.S. Dollars/ 399 Euro ) Q2FY2009 PS3 Slim introduced (120 GB:RRP 29,980 Yen/299 U.S. Dollars/299 Euro ) Edited October 30, 2009 by Dante
Pookiablo Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 I agree with Zech's 3rd point completely - I think Ninty are slowly realising that the public aren't gonna be on their side for much longer. Had they kept the core games coming frequently (let's be realistic here, they've got more than enough money and have had two previous generations to get this right yet they still can't seem to realise that when you release a games console, you usually make money by releasing games for said console), then I reckon we'd see a lot more Wii sales right about now. People are renowned for buying consoles for the games - but why would anyone with a PS3/360 want to get a Wii when it very rarely caters to their core "needs"? I can count all the blockbuster titles on 1 hand, and even then many of those games could've just been done on one of the other consoles with shinier graphics and better audio output. I think the only reason the 64 managed to get some semi-decent sales (considering how many problems it caused/had/yada yada at the time) was because it had titles like Goldeneye that were capable of convincing people to pick up a machine. I can only think of one Wii title that would make Hardcores consider buying one, that being Brawl and even then I imagine the majority of people who got Brawl were probably Nintendo core fans to begin with anyways. It just doesn't offer enough to make it look appealing to full-time gamers. Furthermore, there is no revolutionary gameplay mechanic - it's old games with pointless waggle. Why buy a poor-looking, often shipped-out-to-a-crappy-publisher Wii port, when you can get the nice shiny version for 360/PS3, which usually has better controls purely because you're not indiscriminately waving a wand around. Nintendo has not delivered a revolution, merely a gimmick dressed up as one, and now that the public is starting to get bored with it they've realised that they've got no gamers left who actually want to buy one of their consoles and furthermore no games to actually entice them into buying one! The only genre that seems to really be innovative on Wii is FPS and even then we've seen fuck all of those around! And don't even get me started on the party games, even they're crappier than they were on the 64/GC.
Shino Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 But then again, if they made more games, third party devs would bitch that there were too many first party games. And even if they did release more "core" games, it would be very difficult to capture the "core" gamer attention with the Wii's graphics.
mcj metroid Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 Pookiablo said: I agree with Zech's 3rd point completely - I think Ninty are slowly realising that the public aren't gonna be on their side for much longer. Had they kept the core games coming frequently (let's be realistic here, they've got more than enough money and have had two previous generations to get this right yet they still can't seem to realise that when you release a games console, you usually make money by releasing games for said console), then I reckon we'd see a lot more Wii sales right about now. People are renowned for buying consoles for the games - but why would anyone with a PS3/360 want to get a Wii when it very rarely caters to their core "needs"? I can count all the blockbuster titles on 1 hand, and even then many of those games could've just been done on one of the other consoles with shinier graphics and better audio output. I think the only reason the 64 managed to get some semi-decent sales (considering how many problems it caused/had/yada yada at the time) was because it had titles like Goldeneye that were capable of convincing people to pick up a machine. I can only think of one Wii title that would make Hardcores consider buying one, that being Brawl and even then I imagine the majority of people who got Brawl were probably Nintendo core fans to begin with anyways. It just doesn't offer enough to make it look appealing to full-time gamers. Furthermore, there is no revolutionary gameplay mechanic - it's old games with pointless waggle. Why buy a poor-looking, often shipped-out-to-a-crappy-publisher Wii port, when you can get the nice shiny version for 360/PS3, which usually has better controls purely because you're not indiscriminately waving a wand around. Nintendo has not delivered a revolution, merely a gimmick dressed up as one, and now that the public is starting to get bored with it they've realised that they've got no gamers left who actually want to buy one of their consoles and furthermore no games to actually entice them into buying one! The only genre that seems to really be innovative on Wii is FPS and even then we've seen fuck all of those around! And don't even get me started on the party games, even they're crappier than they were on the 64/GC. When I know most gamers, based on the wii aren't going to be buying a wii2 until improvements are met. i'm one of them. I agree entirely with you and zechs. The people nintendo are aiming at is dangerous. They can say everyone all they want but it's generally fad loving public.. and it's great for short term, oh it really. BUT these people aren't going to rsh out to buy wii2. There is no brand loyality. Shino said: But then again, if they made more games, third party devs would bitch that there were too many first party games. And even if they did release more "core" games, it would be very difficult to capture the "core" gamer attention with the Wii's graphics. Depends on what you mean by core gamer. NIntendo will never ever appeal to the general core gamer;You know the halo fan or the gta fan ...and having nintendo criticised for graphics is nothing new. Back in gamecube times the same people would call the graphics too cartoonish despite being better than ps2. So they can't win either way
Dante Posted October 30, 2009 Author Posted October 30, 2009 (edited) Sony Nintendo Microsoft Total Y/E 1998 $902,811,090 $1,023,333,867 $1,926,144,957 Y/E 1999 $1,102,563,557 $1,301,350,000 $2,403,913,557 Y/E 2000 $722,738,949 $1,368,207,547 $2,090,946,497 Y/E 2001 -$449,776,290 $677,576,000 $227,799,710 Y/E 2002 $629,101,056 $895,872,180 -$1,135,000,000 $389,973,237 Y/E 2003 $935,569,253 $834,333,333 -$1,191,000,000 $578,902,586 Y/E 2004 $627,195,212 $993,161,303 -$1,337,000,000 $283,356,515 Y/E 2005 $419,888,799 $1,056,056,202 -$539,000,000 $936,945,001 Y/E 2006 $69,129,058 $774,478,055 -$1,339,000,000 -$495,392,887 Y/E 2007 -$1,970,923,859 $1,914,666,388 -$1,969,000,000 -$2,025,257,471 Y/E 2008 -$1,079,994,103 $4,322,637,887 $426,000,000 $3,668,643,783 Y/E 2009 -$577,207,240 $5,691,428,301 $169,000,000 $5,283,221,061 Y/E 10Q1 -$413,541,667 $420,843,750 $312,000,000 $319,302,083 Y/E 10Q2 -$653,333,333 $710,655,556 N/A N/A Total $264,220,482 $21,984,600,371 -$6,532,000,000 $15,659,498,630 Full Year Average $110,924,623 $1,737,758,422 -$1,001,857,143 $914,270,499 Profitable Years 8 12 2 10 Non Profitable Years 4 0 6 2 Average in Loss Year -$1,019,475,373 N/A -$1,251,666,667 -$1,260,325,179 Average in Profit Year $676,124,622 $1,737,758,422 $333,000,000 $1,389,625,094 Edited October 30, 2009 by Dante Automerged Doublepost
Hero-of-Time Posted December 3, 2009 Posted December 3, 2009 The Wii becomes the UKs fastest selling console. Quote System becomes fastest-selling console in territory’s history Nintendo’s Wii has become the fastest-selling home console in the history of the UK, surpassing six million sales after just three years on the market. According to GfK-ChartTrack upweighted data, the console hit the milestone in week 48 this year – exactly two years and 51 weeks after it went on sale. The console was given a boost by the launch of the black Wii in mid-November. “Wii launched in December, 2006 and sold 185,000 in just a few weeks,†explained GfK-ChartTrack director Dorian Bloch. “In calendar year 2007, it sold 1.81 million – but really took off in 2008, with 2.73 million sold. So far in 2009, it’s hit 1.31 million – but it’s got a few weeks to build on that before Christmas.†The Wii still has some way to go to catch the UK’s best-selling console of all time, which at last count was Sony’s PS2. The system has sold through a whopping 10 million units to date.
Dante Posted January 5, 2010 Author Posted January 5, 2010 (edited) Japan - 2008/12/29 ~ 2009/12/27 2009 Market Size HW Value = 216.49 bln yen (-13.6% YoY) SW Value = 326.16 bln yen (-1.8% YoY) Total Value = 542.64 bln yen (-6.9% YoY) 2009 Hardware Sales NDS - 4,025,313 (29,160,589) PSP - 2,307,971 (13,386,455) Wii - 1,975,178 (9,501,999) PS3 - 1,727,041 (4,391,407) 360 - 331,706 (1,197,873) 2009 Software Top 5 1. [NDS] Dragon Quest IX - 4,100,968 2. [NDS] Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver - 3,382,597 3. [WII] New Super Mario Bros. Wii - 2,485,150 4. [NDS] Friend Collection - 2,311,948 5. [PS3] Final Fantasy XIII - 1,698,256 Japan: Mario Series 01. [NFC] Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo) - / 6.810.000 02. [NDS] New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo) - 865.024 / 5.602.410 03. [NGB] Super Mario Land (Nintendo) - / 4.190.000 04. [NFC] Super Mario Bros. 3 (Nintendo) - / 3.840.000 05. [sFC] Super Mario World (Nintendo) - / 3.550.000 06. [NGB] Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins (Nintendo) - / 2.700.000 07. [NFC] Super Mario Bros. 2 (Nintendo) - / 2.650.000 08. [WII] New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo) - 936.734 / 2.485.150[ 09. [sFC] Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (Nintendo) - / 1.770.000 10. [N64] Super Mario 64 (Nintendo) - 162.111 / 1.639.921 11. [NFC] Mario Bros. (Nintendo) - / 1.630.000 12. [NGB] Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land (Nintendo) - / 1.590.000 13. [WII] Super Mario Galaxy (Nintendo) - 256.431 / 964.414 14. [GCN] Super Mario Sunshine (Nintendo) - 280.610 / 789.989 Edited January 5, 2010 by Dante Automerged Doublepost
The Lillster Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 Quote NINTENDO ANNOUNCES HEALTHY HOLIDAY SALES FIGURES Jan. 5, 2010 As everyone looks ahead to the possibilities in store for 2010, Nintendo of America is looking to extend the glow of the holidays with some fresh December sales information. The following items were announced by Nintendo President Satoru Iwata in Japan: Although official U.S. sales data for December and all of 2009 will be announced by the NPD Group on Jan. 14, it appears that U.S. consumers responded enthusiastically to Nintendo's Wiiâ„¢ home console in December. Nintendo estimates that December sales in the United States will exceed 3 million units. Nintendo estimates that the portable Nintendo DSâ„¢ lineup, including the Nintendo DSiâ„¢ video game system, set a new all-time calendar-year U.S. sales record for any console or hand-held system. Nintendo software also continued to perform well. Although the NPD Group will provide the full sales numbers for each game, Nintendo estimates that lifetime U.S. sales of New Super Mario Bros.â„¢ Wii are approaching 4 million. The game, which is the first Super Mario Bros. game to include simultaneous four-player action, launched in the United States on Nov. 15. "The millions of people who bought Nintendo hardware during the holidays can look forward to enjoying great games on those systems now and in the future," said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. "The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks for Nintendo DS, and Wii Fit Plus and New Super Mario Bros. Wii are all currently providing Nintendo fans with amazing experiences and fun adventures for the whole family." Source: http://press.nintendo.com/articles.jsp?id=21708
mcj metroid Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 I think they are in trouble.. It's surely going to be hard for them when sony and microsoft release their motion equivilant... but that's on paper. They MAY make an arse of it in the end though.. I think we'll be able ti judge nintendos fate based on this years e3.
Shino Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 mcj metroid said: I think they are in trouble.. It's surely going to be hard for them when sony and microsoft release their motion equivilant... but that's on paper. They MAY make an arse of it in the end though.. I think we'll be able ti judge nintendos fate based on this years e3. Haha, only you to find a negative point in this.
The Lillster Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 mcj metroid said: I think they are in trouble.. It's surely going to be hard for them when sony and microsoft release their motion equivilant... but that's on paper. They MAY make an arse of it in the end though.. I think we'll be able ti judge nintendos fate based on this years e3. If Nintendo thought like you, I'm sure they would be third party by now. I'm not saying Nintendo shouldn't care, but if you look at the facts (sales data), you will see that it's the Playstation and XBOX brand which have the highest mountain to climb. And another thing, if Nintendo releases Wii Zelda this year, along with Mario Galaxy and Metriod Other M. I think this will be one of Wii's best years, to date. Almost everyone believed Nintendo was doomed, when Sony announced the PSP. Almost everyone believed the Wii wouldn't be market leader. And now, funnily enough, some people believe Nintendo is in trouble because the competion is coming out with its own version of motion control games? What I'm trying to say is, just because the competition is doing something similar to Nintendo, does not automatically mean Nintendo is doomed.
Daft Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 I think part of the problem, and why people say Nintendo are teh doomed, is because the other consoles are so far ahead in other respects (Power, online, extra services). Nintendo would have to do much more to catch up there than the competition would have to do to catch up with motion controls (obviously, since Microsoft and Sony are launching next year in Xmas and Spring respectively). Likewise I think it is getting harder to argue that Nintendo clearly have the best first party game (In fact, I'd say they definitely don't). You can't really compare with previous situations because it's just not the same thing.
The Lillster Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 (edited) Daft said: I think part of the problem, and why people say Nintendo are teh doomed, is because the other consoles are so far ahead in other respects (Power, online, extra services). Nintendo would have to do much more to catch up there than the competition would have to do to catch up with motion controls (obviously, since Microsoft and Sony are launching next year in Xmas and Spring respectively). If raw power and Online is so important, why isn't Xbox or PS3 market leader? Actually, I could use a counter argument and say PS3 and Xbox are in trouble when Nintendo announces their new console (which of course will be HD and I'm sure will have many improvements over the current console). Quote Likewise I think it is getting harder to argue that Nintendo clearly have the best first party game (In fact, I'd say they definitely don't). That's subjective. Besides, you don't play Nintendo games anymore, so how would you know what's good or bad. Unless your basing your opinion, purely on the grahpical and online capabilities of the DS and Wii. Which I think is unfair. I think games should be reviewed respective to the system they are on. Quote You can't really compare with previous situations because it's just not the same thing. It's never the same situaion. ___ I think the DS2 and WiiHD will be out sooner than everyone thinks and that will put another spin on things. PS sorry if I sound like an arsehole. Edited January 6, 2010 by The Lillster
Daft Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 (edited) The Lillster said: If raw power and Online is so important, why isn't Xbox or PS3 market leader? Actually, I could use a counter argument and say PS3 and Xbox are in trouble when Nintendo announces their new console (which of course will be HD and I'm sure will have many improvements over the current console). The Lillster said: I think the DS2 and WiiHD will be out sooner than everyone thinks and that will put another spin on things. PS sorry if I sound like an arsehole. If you look at the fact that the PS3 and the 360 offer pretty much the same thing, you'll see that the combined userbase is about 12 million more than that of the Wii. You might think combining the PS3 and 360 is a bit silly but people only really talk about having a Wii60 or a PSWii. You've got a clear segmentation of the console market; the family friendly Wii and the HD entertainment centres of the 360/PS3. (Bar the few exclusives they have exactly the same games and they make up the vast majority of the games for the systems.) The Wii is clearly built on fair weather gamers. The unrelenting sales of games like Wii Fit and Mario Kart, combined with continued under performance of 'core' games, show this. These people are not going to flock to a WiiHD of Wii 2 - no chance. They aren't gamers for the most part and they're having enough fun with the Wii. On top of that, why on Earth would Nintendo want to release a new console so soon?! It's a ludicrous idea. The PS2 hit well over 100 million units sold before the PS3 came out and the Wii is selling faster. Not to mention, Nintendo are making a killing. Yes, third parties aren't, but why does Nintendo care? On top of this, do you think now that Nintendo have exposed this idea of accessibility (I do NOT mean specifically motion controls) that Microsoft and Sony aren't going to, and have been, pouring millions into R&D? The one thing I'm sure Nintendo are praying for is that Microsoft (and I guess Sony, but I doubt it) don't try and match them on price point next generation because both companies are gunning for the Wii crowd and both have shown that the can adapt and improve a lot better than Nintendo. The Lillster said: That's subjective. Besides, you don't play Nintendo games anymore, so how would you know what's good or bad. Unless your basing your opinion, purely on the grahpical and online capabilities of the DS and Wii. Which I think is unfair. I think games should be reviewed respective to the system they are on. First of, I said it was my opinion. Secondly, I get games on any system if they appeal to me (actually I rent most of the time so it's never like I can't afford it). I haven't bought a Wii game this year because nothing interested me (I have rented a couple), I do plan on getting Red Steel 2 next year, and Zelda and the like. When I talk about Online I'm talking about the whole structure the friend's list, the DLC and most importantly the online ID. I don't see why it's unfair to compare games on one system to another. People do it all the time on the Wii boards in regards to the controls being much better. Games should be reviewed within the expanse of the medium - you pay pretty much the same money. Edited January 6, 2010 by Daft
Pit-Jr Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 They're certainly not doomed. Staying in business is what Nintendo does best, first and foremost. And id say they adapt to the market rather well considering the threat of having 2 behemoth corporations infiltrating the market at the same time. I just hate that they have to dance around the traditional console leap they themselves created
Daft Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 I'm not sure Nintendo have been good at adapting. Being ahead of the curve, yes. Adapting, not so much, I think. I also think the traditional console leap isn't going to happen this time. Neither of the HD consoles are lacking power and are selling steadily and the Wii is selling furiously on a crowd that is unlikely to want to upgrade that much.
dazzybee Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 Daft said: If you look at the fact that the PS3 and the 360 offer pretty much the same thing, you'll see that the combined userbase is about 12 million more than that of the Wii. You might think combining the PS3 and 360 is a bit silly but people only really talk about having a Wii60 or a PSWii. You've got a clear segmentation of the console market; the family friendly Wii and the HD entertainment centres of the 360/PS3. (Bar the few exclusives they have exactly the same games and they make up the vast majority of the games for the systems.) The Wii is clearly built on fair weather gamers. The unrelenting sales of games like Wii Fit and Mario Kart, combined with continued under performance of 'core' games, show this. These people are not going to flock to a WiiHD of Wii 2 - no chance. They aren't gamers for the most part and they're having enough fun with the Wii. On top of that, why on Earth would Nintendo want to release a new console so soon?! It's a ludicrous idea. The PS2 hit well over 100 million units sold before the PS3 came out and the Wii is selling faster. Not to mention, Nintendo are making a killing. Yes, third parties aren't, but why does Nintendo care? On top of this, do you think now that Nintendo have exposed this idea of accessibility (I do NOT mean specifically motion controls) that Microsoft and Sony aren't going to, and have been, pouring millions into R&D? The one thing I'm sure Nintendo are praying for is that Microsoft (and I guess Sony, but I doubt it) don't try and match them on price point next generation because both companies are gunning for the Wii crowd and both have shown that the can adapt and improve a lot better than Nintendo. First of, I said it was my opinion. Secondly, I get games on any system if they appeal to me (actually I rent most of the time so it's never like I can't afford it). I haven't bought a Wii game this year because nothing interested me (I have rented a couple), I do plan on getting Red Steel 2 next year, and Zelda and the like. When I talk about Online I'm talking about the whole structure the friend's list, the DLC and most importantly the online ID. I don't see why it's unfair to compare games on one system to another. People do it all the time on the Wii boards in regards to the controls being much better. Games should be reviewed within the expanse of the medium - you pay pretty much the same money. I don't know how to segment post...sorry... (someone tell me) - It'll be MUCH MUCH easier for Nintendo to match Sony and MS then it will be for Sony and MS to match Nintendo. It's not even close. MS simply don't have a chance with natal; Sony have it better but it's going to be too expensive - First Party Games... Nintendo ABSOLUTELY dominate this, it's not even close. Obviously it's a matter of opinion, but the sheer breath, variety and quality of Nintendos games is unbelievable. However innovative LBP is, it's not close to playing like NSMB; MS or Sony don't have anything like Mario Galaxy blah blah blah - Your point about people only going on one HD console I think is completely unfounded. I own them all. Loads of people on here own them all. Loads of my mates own them all. Other than at the very beginning, I've seen no evidence to suggest Wii60 or PSwii; in fact I'd say it's the opposite; people who had 360's and wii's sold their wiis and bought PS3's. - You sort of contradict yourself, but only so slightly. You mention that it won't play out like last generationl but then use last generation of an example of why Nintendo won't release HD (your Sony and PS2 point) - The general public, casual, gamer mums, "fair weather gamers" WILL upgrade... have you seen the DS model? Nintendo should (and probably will) follow it PS I may be wrong, but I really don't think you play many Wii games! Disclaimer: In My Opinion
Fierce_LiNk Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 dazzybee said: I don't know how to segment post...sorry... (someone tell me) It's easy, sucker. All you need to do is put the quote tags around each part you need to segment. For example, I'll take the first three paragraphs of Daft's. If you look at the fact that the PS3 and the 360 offer pretty much the same thing, you'll see that the combined userbase is about 12 million more than that of the Wii. You might think combining the PS3 and 360 is a bit silly but people only really talk about having a Wii60 or a PSWii. You've got a clear segmentation of the console market; the family friendly Wii and the HD entertainment centres of the 360/PS3. (Bar the few exclusives they have exactly the same games and they make up the vast majority of the games for the systems.) The Wii is clearly built on fair weather gamers. The unrelenting sales of games like Wii Fit and Mario Kart, combined with continued under performance of 'core' games, show this. These people are not going to flock to a WiiHD of Wii 2 - no chance. They aren't gamers for the most part and they're having enough fun with the Wii. On top of that, why on Earth would Nintendo want to release a new console so soon?! It's a ludicrous idea. The PS2 hit well over 100 million units sold before the PS3 came out and the Wii is selling faster. Not to mention, Nintendo are making a killing. Yes, third parties aren't, but why does Nintendo care? Now, what you do is put the quote tags around each paragraph. You can do this by just highlighting each paragraph and then clicking that quote button. This one: So, select that first paragraph of Daft's and hit the quote button: Quote If you look at the fact that the PS3 and the 360 offer pretty much the same thing, you'll see that the combined userbase is about 12 million more than that of the Wii. You might think combining the PS3 and 360 is a bit silly but people only really talk about having a Wii60 or a PSWii. You've got a clear segmentation of the console market; the family friendly Wii and the HD entertainment centres of the 360/PS3. (Bar the few exclusives they have exactly the same games and they make up the vast majority of the games for the systems.) The Wii is clearly built on fair weather gamers. The unrelenting sales of games like Wii Fit and Mario Kart, combined with continued under performance of 'core' games, show this. These people are not going to flock to a WiiHD of Wii 2 - no chance. They aren't gamers for the most part and they're having enough fun with the Wii. On top of that, why on Earth would Nintendo want to release a new console so soon?! It's a ludicrous idea. The PS2 hit well over 100 million units sold before the PS3 came out and the Wii is selling faster. Not to mention, Nintendo are making a killing. Yes, third parties aren't, but why does Nintendo care? Ta-daaa. Also, you can just do eet manually. Type in Quote at the start of the bit you want to quote and then [/quote*] at the end, minus the *'s, and there you have eet. So, you can put a Quote around the first paragraph, and then the [/quote*] at the end of the third paragraph, if you want to. Once you've got the quote stuff inserted, then it's simply a case of adding your text inbetween. Quote If you look at the fact that the PS3 and the 360 offer pretty much the same thing, you'll see that the combined userbase is about 12 million more than that of the Wii. You might think combining the PS3 and 360 is a bit silly but people only really talk about having a Wii60 or a PSWii. You've got a clear segmentation of the console market; the family friendly Wii and the HD entertainment centres of the 360/PS3. (Bar the few exclusives they have exactly the same games and they make up the vast majority of the games for the systems.)[/quote*] Then put your reply here. Quote The Wii is clearly built on fair weather gamers. The unrelenting sales of games like Wii Fit and Mario Kart, combined with continued under performance of 'core' games, show this. These people are not going to flock to a WiiHD of Wii 2 - no chance. They aren't gamers for the most part and they're having enough fun with the Wii.[/quote*] Reply here Quote On top of that, why on Earth would Nintendo want to release a new console so soon?! It's a ludicrous idea. The PS2 hit well over 100 million units sold before the PS3 came out and the Wii is selling faster. Not to mention, Nintendo are making a killing. Yes, third parties aren't, but why does Nintendo care?[/quote*] reply here If you do that (sans stars/*'s) then you'll end up with this. Quote If you look at the fact that the PS3 and the 360 offer pretty much the same thing, you'll see that the combined userbase is about 12 million more than that of the Wii. You might think combining the PS3 and 360 is a bit silly but people only really talk about having a Wii60 or a PSWii. You've got a clear segmentation of the console market; the family friendly Wii and the HD entertainment centres of the 360/PS3. (Bar the few exclusives they have exactly the same games and they make up the vast majority of the games for the systems.) Then put your reply here. Quote The Wii is clearly built on fair weather gamers. The unrelenting sales of games like Wii Fit and Mario Kart, combined with continued under performance of 'core' games, show this. These people are not going to flock to a WiiHD of Wii 2 - no chance. They aren't gamers for the most part and they're having enough fun with the Wii. Reply here Quote On top of that, why on Earth would Nintendo want to release a new console so soon?! It's a ludicrous idea. The PS2 hit well over 100 million units sold before the PS3 came out and the Wii is selling faster. Not to mention, Nintendo are making a killing. Yes, third parties aren't, but why does Nintendo care? reply here Ta-daa. So, put the quote tags around the bits you want to segment, then just leave a line or two, and insert your stuffs.
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