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We can say that about basically any game that has not been released. And I'm not gonna do a list war.


yeah but atleast we've had hands-on impressions of them OR we know they're 'more of the same' in the case of Galaxy :)

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yeah but atleast we've had hands-on impressions of them OR we know they're 'more of the same' in the case of Galaxy :)

This is off-topic and oh goodie the more of the same talk

Posted (edited)
Could you stop grouping me with you, please?


most serious nintendo fans own a 360 or ps3 by now and theres a reason for that.

Nintnendo fans arent just going to buy into simplified games after over 20 years of gaming.. Not going to happen so if they don't provide.. They'll go elsewhere..


Now nintendo always called their homeconsole a secondary console to be fair. If you judge it by these merits then it's a massive success all round.


Lol, no it won't. Apart from Monster Hunter, Metroid and Mario, not at all. I mean, all those smaller titles you mentioned; we've no idea if they're going to be of any quality and S&P2 is the sequel to a game with a very small following (smaller than the amount of metroid fanatics).


agreed this year sounded equally promising but either titles turned out to be smeh or delayed( see final fantasy:CC for that one)


it's going to be more of the same next year please don't think any different..At this stage I need solid.. there was ALWAYS something to look forward to on gamecube..


This is off-topic and oh goodie the more of the same talk


yes it does boring when nintendo doesn't change for 3 years doesn't it....


We can say that about basically any game that has not been released. And I'm not gonna do a list war.


I've heard it all before i'm afraid..I'm still going to get these exciting new games IF they turn out to be good and by good i don't mean " good for a wii game"...


where the wii lacks in features it should make up for in pure gameplay.. this is where a good zelda and mario game come in... but alas time will tell..

Edited by mcj metroid
Automerged Doublepost
Lol, no it won't. Apart from Monster Hunter, Metroid and Mario, not at all. I mean, all those smaller titles you mentioned; we've no idea if they're going to be of any quality and S&P2 is the sequel to a game with a very small following (smaller than the amount of metroid fanatics).


Seriously you could say that about any game. There are tons of games on the PS3 and 360 that people have been looking at lately and saying they're going to be good games. Take the new castlevania for example. There haven't been any sort of demos for the press, there haven't even been any real gameplay trailers, yet people are still expecting it to be a good game. Why? Its coming from a developer who is known to make good games. There haven't been all that many Nintendo first party titles that have sucked lately. Nintendo's studios make good games, so I really don't see why we can't expect games coming from Nintendo to be good games, while we can expect games coming to other platforms with similarly skilled development teams behind them to be good. BTW, I'm not talking about the 3rd party titles I mentioned. Monster Hunter 3 is obviously a good game, since its already out in Japan, and Red Steel 2 will probably be decent enough, if it fixes the problems from the first one. The Grinder, we'll have to wait and see. But those are only just examples. The 3rd party support in general is looking to be much better than the last 2 years.


Sin and Punishment probably has a small following because it was originally only released in Japan, and is now only available here through the virtual console. I really don't see how it could pick up a following outside of japan, and since the Japanese hate shooters...

most serious nintendo fans own a 360 or ps3 by now and theres a reason for that.

Nintnendo fans arent just going to buy into simplified games after over 20 years of gaming.. Not going to happen so if they don't provide.. They'll go elsewhere..


Maybe because the other consoles have good games too?


agreed this year sounded equally promising but either titles turned out to be smeh or delayed( see final fantasy:CC for that one)


You mean unlike all the titles that were delayed in every other platform? And to be honest the Wii probably has the most quality titles out this fall, just not Modern Warfare 2.


it's going to be more of the same next year please don't think any different..At this stage I need solid.. there was ALWAYS something to look forward to on gamecube..


Now you're just lying to yourself.





yes it does boring when nintendo doesn't change for 3 years doesn't it....


Nintendo didn't change in 25 years, the only thing different on the Wii is a bigger 3rd party support.



I've heard it all before i'm afraid..I'm still going to get these exciting new games IF they turn out to be good and by good i don't mean " good for a wii game"...


People who say "good for Wii games" are just talking about graphics. Not that I blame them, I get excited by good graphics too.


where the wii lacks in features it should make up for in pure gameplay.. this is where a good zelda and mario game come in... but alas time will tell..


Next thing you'll be telling us Galaxy isn't a great game.


This topic "I want Nintendo to cut the price because I want them too even if i own one." is going off-topic.


Nintendo are given Nintendo's fan another 2nd Mario console game unlike the Gamecube had.

Seriously you could say that about any game. There are tons of games on the PS3 and 360 that people have been looking at lately and saying they're going to be good games. Take the new castlevania for example. There haven't been any sort of demos for the press, there haven't even been any real gameplay trailers, yet people are still expecting it to be a good game. Why? Its coming from a developer who is known to make good games. There haven't been all that many Nintendo first party titles that have sucked lately. Nintendo's studios make good games, so I really don't see why we can't expect games coming from Nintendo to be good games, while we can expect games coming to other platforms with similarly skilled development teams behind them to be good. BTW, I'm not talking about the 3rd party titles I mentioned. Monster Hunter 3 is obviously a good game, since its already out in Japan, and Red Steel 2 will probably be decent enough, if it fixes the problems from the first one. The Grinder, we'll have to wait and see. But those are only just examples. The 3rd party support in general is looking to be much better than the last 2 years.


Sin and Punishment probably has a small following because it was originally only released in Japan, and is now only available here through the virtual console. I really don't see how it could pick up a following outside of japan, and since the Japanese hate shooters...


About Castlevania....maybe people are very keen on it because you know, it's bloody CASTLEVANIA?!?! Yes we've had nothing on it but we know its gonna rock.

You mean unlike all the titles that were delayed in every other platform? And to be honest the Wii probably has the most quality titles out this fall, just not Modern Warfare 2.


Just curious, what games are these? I'm looking for ANYTHING to buy for my Wii once I go back to uni and the only title I see coming out soon is New Super Mario Bro's, which although fun and a must buy feels somewhat like a let down to me, I really don't want another multiplayer orientated game.


Looking around the various websites and such I really can't find much else that looks that great to me, I've not a clue what Cursed Mountain is though and I see alot of hype for that so I'll check it out. I believe Muramasa was delayed until 2010 too? :(


Ohhhhhh and I already own the Metroid Prime Trilogy.


Btw this isn't a flame or anything, I really just want to give my Wii another chance before sticking it on Ebay... especially as SMG2 is due out next year >_>.

Just curious, what games are these? I'm looking for ANYTHING to buy for my Wii once I go back to uni and the only title I see coming out soon is New Super Mario Bro's, which although fun and a must buy feels somewhat like a let down to me, I really don't want another multiplayer orientated game.


Looking around the various websites and such I really can't find much else that looks that great to me, I've not a clue what Cursed Mountain is though and I see alot of hype for that so I'll check it out. I believe Muramasa was delayed until 2010 too? :(


Ohhhhhh and I already own the Metroid Prime Trilogy.


Btw this isn't a flame or anything, I really just want to give my Wii another chance before sticking it on Ebay... especially as SMG2 is due out next year >_>.


Well the one's I'm personally looking forward to:


New Super Mario Bros Wii

Silent Hill

Dead Space Extraction

Resident Evil Darkside (will probably be either Dead Space OR this)

Muramasa (was 2010, brought forward to November)

Night Game (WiiWare... and IF it hits before the end of the year).

Well the one's I'm personally looking forward to:


New Super Mario Bros Wii

Silent Hill

Dead Space Extraction

Resident Evil Darkside (will probably be either Dead Space OR this)

Muramasa (was 2010, brought forward to November)

Night Game (WiiWare... and IF it hits before the end of the year).


Muramasa is a must buy then, woo. Really not alot else to excite me there though, that's a really sucky line up to be honest :/.

About Castlevania....maybe people are very keen on it because you know, it's bloody CASTLEVANIA?!?! Yes we've had nothing on it but we know its gonna rock.


Didn't the last fully 3D ones suck though? I haven't played them, but I thought that was the general consensus. If I'm wrong, its a bad example, there are other games that are hyped based on the developer.

About Castlevania....maybe people are very keen on it because you know, it's bloody CASTLEVANIA?!?! Yes we've had nothing on it but we know its gonna rock.


Lol, I give up.

Lol, I give up.


you missed my point (again).


I originally stated that unless we know what we're getting from a game (Mario for example), we know absolutely nothing of the other wii titles mentioned above (cosmic walker and that jazz) so the only first party titles I'm looking forward to are Mario and Metroid.


Which is why I'm looking forward to the 360s xmas line up MORE so than the Wii. Is that so hard to accept? I know what Modern Warfare will be like, I know what to expect from Forza, and I can't wait to play a fair few other titles. I'm not gonna go out and say 'I can't wait for Cosmic Walker' to come out on the Wii next year because unless you've played it Shino or can provide more info/gameplay footage of it for me, we know nothing on it.

Maybe because the other consoles have good games too?




You mean unlike all the titles that were delayed in every other platform? And to be honest the Wii probably has the most quality titles out this fall, just not Modern Warfare 2.




Now you're just lying to yourself.







Nintendo didn't change in 25 years, the only thing different on the Wii is a bigger 3rd party support.





People who say "good for Wii games" are just talking about graphics. Not that I blame them, I get excited by good graphics too.




Next thing you'll be telling us Galaxy isn't a great game.

wow thats a lot of quotes .. ok that cartoon is useless..


i'll compare wii to gamecube

problem number 1: third party


the GC had little third party and the wii has more but why does it feel like wii has less sometimes.. That's because the gamecube was a powerful console at the time arguably similiar to the xbox and the ps2 was the weak one.. This meant that top-selling games were usually released for gamecube at least in the first 3 years of the systems life. There was no quality drop in the third party during this time peroid..


there was great third party games here like. soul calibur 2,spiderman 2, mortal kombat and hitman 2, burnout 2,red faction 2.timesplitters 2

All these games were just as good if not better than their console counterparts. With the wii this very rarely happens...only tiger woods comes to mind.


yes of course the sequels to these games woulnt appear on the system later on because of bad sales but when the gamecube was good it was GOOD...


the wii is about halfway through it's lifespan it's fair to say this is what the wii is always going to be like.


problem 2: first party


NIntendo i feel are releasing just as many games as hey did in the gamecube area as they do now... what they SHOULD be doing what their new money is keeping the amount of core content as gamecube and then release their casual stuff on top of that.... Might sound unreasonable and might not be possible..


Nobody really has a problem with these new casual games exisiting.. there usually fun but its when the focus switiches then we have a problem..

everywhere we used to have a new pikmin or starfox we get a wii fit or wii sports...


complaining aside though when nintendo make a core pleasing game they really outdo themselves.. this gives me great confidence in the new zelda 3 years from now :D



there are some great wii games truly.. there is a good 10 really worthwhile ones and that should be enough for anyone..


but when some nintendo fans are complaining about the games they're been giving you can't just ignore them and hope your new fad audience will last forever it's not going to happen..


Japan Sales: 10 - 16



DSi 87,936

Wii 47,732

PSP 39,882

Xbox 360 9,162

DS Lite 7,921

PS3 5,944

PS2 4,907




01./03. [NDS] Dragon Quest IX: Defenders of the Starry Sky (Square Enix) - 127,000 / 3,644,000 (-6%)

02./05. [NDS] Tomodachi Collection (Friend Collection) (Nintendo) - 126,000 / 728,000 (+38%)

03./06. [WII] Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo) - 105,000 / 1,006,000 (+44%)

04./02. [WII] Monster Hunter 3 (Capcom) - 93,000 / 750,000 (-32%)

05./01. [PS2] SD Gundam G Generation Wars (Namco Bandai) - 57,000 / 233,000 (-67%)

06./04. [PSP] Tales of Versus (Namco Bandai) - 35,000 / 168,000 (-74%)

07./13. [NDS] Puyo Puyo 7 (SEGA) - 29,000 / 109,000

08./14. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2 G (BEST) (Capcom) - 27,000 / 889,000

09./09. [NDS] Color Changing Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love (Nintendo) - 18,000 / 51,000 (-46%)

10./17. [NDS] Penguin no Mondai X: Tenkuu no 7 Senshi (A Penguin's Troubles X: 7 Warriors of the Sky) (Konami) - 18,000 / 90,000

11./10. [PS2] J-League Winning Eleven 2009 Club Championship (Konami)

12./12. [NDS] Blood of Bahamut (Square Enix)

13./07. [PS2] Kamen Rider: Climax Heroes (Namco Bandai)

14./16. [NDS] Welcome Home! Chibi-Robo! Happy Rich Big Cleaning! (Nintendo)

15./08. [WII] SD Gundam G Generation Wars (Namco Bandai)

16./26. [WII] Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo)

17./18. [PSP] Armored Core 3 Portable (From Software)

18./23. [WII] Wii Fit (Nintendo)

19./21. [PS2] Pro Yakyuu Spirits 6 (Konami)

20./20. [PSP] Boku no Natsuyasumi 4 (My Summer Vacation 4): Youth Detective Group in Seto - Me and the Secret Map (SCEI)

21./11. [360] Magna Carta 2 (Namco Bandai)

22./27. [NDS] Pokemon Platinum (Pokemon Co.)

23./38. [NDS] Mario Kart DS (Nintendo)

24./33. [WII] Taiko Drum Master Wii (Namco Bandai)

25./00. [WII] Fullmetal Alchemist: Prince of the Dawn (Square Enix)

26./25. [PS3] Pro Yakyuu Spirits 6 (Konami)

27./15. [WII] EA Sports Active: Personal Trainer Wii: 30-Day Lifestyle Reform Program (Electronic Arts Victor)

28./39. [NDS] New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)

29./41. [NDS] Mario & Luigi RPG 3!!! (Nintendo)

30./29. [PS3] Red Faction: Guerilla (Spike)


Yeah, 5000 is an abysmal number but apparently they dried up a lot of stock. If it's still 5000 next week, then there'll be trouble. :heh:


I'm waiting to see what FFXIII will do.


But what cause the Xbox 360 to climb in sales?

|System |  This Week |Last Week  |  Two Weeks Ago  |
| NDS | 87,936 | 78,765 | 85,737 |
| WII | 47,732 | 47,140 | 95,357 |
| PSP | 39,882 | 33,893 | 33,049 |
| 360 | 9,162 | 5,436 | 3,552 |
| PS3 | 5,944 | 5,826 | 8,760 |
| PS2 | 4,907 | 4,601 | 3,617 |
| DSi | 87,936 |70,066 | 73,710 |
| DSL | 7,921 | 8,699 | 12,027 | [/Code]

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