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I'm 10% Dutch, 14% Welsh and 0.5% Iranian...


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How can you be 100% british and dislike Scottish!? That means you dislike some of your own nationality right?


Apparently, it's typically Brittish to be unpatriotic.

So, I guess that makes him right to some extent.




I'm 100% Irish.


Also: I think the Irish flag is a great one incorporating the history of our island and cenuries of strife is a simple, elegant but emotive tricolour.

Green represents the Catholic south

White represents the peace that our island has so longed and struggled for, and finally achieved, between both religions.

Orange represents the Protestant North.




I didn't know that. Pretty cool.

I've always sympathized with Ireland for some reason. Dunno why. I don't even know much about its history or culture.



Anyhoo, I'm as Portuguese as they come. My parents were born in Portugal, but raised somewhere else (my mother in Venezuela, my father in Angola).

I was born in Portugal, and raised here, which is awesome.


Where does that leave me? 90% Portuguese, definately. 9% Venezuelan, maybe, since I have plenty of Venezuelan relatives, and I am familiarized with some of its culture. Perhaps 1% Angolan, because of my father's influence.


Anyway, I think our nationality depends more on what we are proud of. I'm proud of being Portuguese, and Venezuela has a place in my heart, too, despite me having barely any Venezuelan blood.

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How can you be 100% british and dislike Scottish!? That means you dislike some of your own nationality right?




I'm 100% Irish.


Also: I think the Irish flag is a great one incorporating the history of our island and cenuries of strife is a simple, elegant but emotive tricolour.

Green represents the Catholic south

White represents the peace that our island has so longed and struggled for, and finally achieved, between both religions.

Orange represents the Protestant North.




tell that to the poeple that burn said flag ont he 12th.lol. maybe youd like to englighten them? :P (wouldnt be safe tooo)


but anywoo. do you mean the protestant north as in the north of the republic or the north of the WHOLE of ireland - including us :D

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Icelandic all the way though, but I remember tracing my ancestral tree to a Scottish man in the 7-800 hundreds.


But I prefer calling myself a man of the universe than go abound with nationalities :Þ

Ah, you Icelandic and your well documented family trees...

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My Mum is Scottish and my Dad is English. I was born in England but moved to Scotland when I was two so I have a Scottish accent and consider myself Scottish through and through. I've recently moved back to England after 21 years and miss Scotland like you wouldn't believe - they're just completely different places with equally different people but I won't get started on all of that.


And as for a 'United' Kingdom:indeed:


Anyway, yeah I'm Scottish goddamnit.: peace:

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tell that to the poeple that burn said flag ont he 12th.lol. maybe youd like to englighten them? :P (wouldnt be safe tooo)


but anywoo. do you mean the protestant north as in the north of the republic or the north of the WHOLE of ireland - including us :D


Yeah, burning flags is so Middle-Eastern these days....:indeed::heh:


Yeah the whole island buttons, it IS one country after all, with one tumultuous history.

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I don't allow myself to be bogged down by the trivialities of recent generations. Based on a mix of meta-ancestral research and anthropological taxonomy, I can trace my blood to the Northern Rhineland, which my DNA departed some 1600 years ago.

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Yeah the whole island buttons, it IS one country after all, with one tumultuous history.


I was under the impression that having a country and part of a separate country on it prevented it from being one country, similar to New Guinea, where the eastern half is a country, and the western half belongs to another country...

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Really? That's incredibly rare now. I expect if you were, you'd know full well about it.


Well, Grandma came over from Alaska, it explains the long and complicated name. Also the shortness, slitty eyes and the overwhelming urge I have to cut holes in ice looking for fish.

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100% born and bred in Manchester (in fact, I've literally lived my whole life in this house), but my father was born and raised in Scotland. At one time, I would have said I was half-Scottish just to sound pedantic, but now I believe you should just be classified going on wherever you spent most of your time growing up.


I remember speaking to someone about the subject once, and they genuinely insisted that they were Greek, purely because they were born while their parents were on holiday...

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Technically i'm half English, half Pakistani. However, i do say i'm English when asked as i have lived here my entire life, have never been to Pakistan and am not remoterly religious in any way. My name is the only thing that is related, but i have no problem telling people where it's from.


My brother just had a child with his Japanese wife. She's so cute! And in theory she's 1/3 English, 1/3 Pakistani and 1/3 Japanese; very unique.

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What actually determines your nationality? The nationality of your parents? The place you're born? The place you live? The place you're an official citizen of? Or ...?


If you're talking about "officially", then presumably it's whatever passport or nationality papers you own. People can go back as far as they like though, and they'll always come up with a totally different place to where they live now.

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