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Which forumites would you take in to a zombie apocalypse?


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Guest Jordan

No love for the KoF? What the hell is this?


I have superior FPS skills that would obbvioouusssllyyy be useful in real life. Right? :p

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I think it would be:


Flinky, we could sing Band Aid and Arnie quotes til the sun went down.

Either Ashley or Dyson, But Ashley is taller I think so would make a cracking human shield.

Raining_again, we'd have repopulate the earth.

EEVILMURRAY: He's awesome, plus he'd join in on the Arnie quoting as it was taking place, and I think he'd be a dab hand at the keeeling part too.

Fucking right. We definitely would turn our m00sh into muscle.

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and (former forumite) motion.


I think it would be:


Flinky, we could sing Band Aid and Arnie quotes til the sun went down.

Either Ashley or Dyson, But Ashley is taller I think so would make a cracking human shield.

Raining_again, we'd have repopulate the earth.


Someone said last week they'd use me as a human shield and as I said to them; "no offence but you'e bigger than me." A 5'10 8 stone male is not the best human shield ever.




jayseven - give the dude a few drinks and he will go mental. but usefully so!

flinky - has the mind of a zombie (seeing as he eats brains ;)). he can be our inside intel.

fresh - partially returned but i'd imagine he would be the quiet peaceful type until attack and then he'd unleash all kinds of hell.

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fresh - partially returned but i'd imagine he would be the quiet peaceful type until attack and then he'd unleash all kinds of hell.


I wouldn't take me ash, I'd be too busy doing my hair to notice what is going on.

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Wasnt there a thread about taking three forumites to a deserted island aswell?


So the next question would be which three forumites would you take to a deserted island with impending zombie attack.


But one thing at a time....I must mull over my archives and profiling Ive made of you all, and Ill report back with the correct answer.

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Wasnt there a thread about taking three forumites to a deserted island aswell?


So the next question would be which three forumites would you take to a deserted island with impending zombie attack.


But one thing at a time....I must mull over my archives and profiling Ive made of you all, and Ill report back with the correct answer.

I'll make member accounts with these names so I can use them.


Mr. Nuclear weapon.

Mr. Uzi 9mm.

Mr. Choppa.


I'll plant the bomb, and use my uzi 9mm for protection as I get to da choppa.


It's genius.

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I'll make member accounts with these names so I can use them.


Mr. Nuclear weapon.

Mr. Uzi 9mm.

Mr. Choppa.


I'll plant the bomb, and use my uzi 9mm for protection as I get to da choppa.


It's genius.


zomg multiple accounts!



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Franklin - the man is completely prepared for a zombie apocalypse, he's got swords and other assorted weaponry under his bed. His legendary Irish voice could also fend off the undead fiends.


Coolness Bears - bound to bring a massive supply of lovely food to last through the zombie apocalypse, he could be our culinary version of Q from James Bond.


Hellfire - He has mafia connections. One phone call and those zombies will be sleeping with the fishes.

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Bard and McPhee - they both have supperior running up stairs abilities, which would be handy for out-running the zombies.


King V - he would protect us with his taekwondo ass kicking skills, aswell as keeping us all calm with his suavity.


Jordan - With FPS skills like his, how could anything go wrong!!

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you and 3 other members.

Bard and McPhee - they both have supperior running up stairs abilities, which would be handy for out-running the zombies.


King V - he would protect us with his taekwondo ass kicking skills, aswell as keeping us all calm with his suavity.


Jordan - With FPS skills like his, how could anything go wrong!!

I assume Bard and McPhee do the fusion dance.

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Guest bluey




Zombies like brains.

Girls are smarter than boys.

I'd live longer.


i dont wanna gooooooo!!!!!!


i'd take dynastygirl. she could convince all the zombies to become vegan and we'll all live in peace and harmony....... :blank:


failing that ~ *fling!* run away while they're busy ^_^

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I would take Domjcg, just so I could throw him into the massive horde of zombies. They'd take weeks to find his brain and by the time they find it (read: if they find it), I'd be long gone.


Failing that:

Coolness Bears-just because he would keep me happy and cheerful whilst I was shitting myself over zombies.


Chris the great- he can kill everyone with his super ninja samurai karate sword skills.


Aimless- just because I'm sure I'd be preoccupied working out what he said for most of the time and keep my mind of zombies.


I know for a fact that I would be rubbish in this situation.

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jayseven - pachow! With this many chemicals in his system and on this little sleep jay is so paranoid that he almost has a super human ability to sense zombie location

Letty - because she's hard as nails and would scare them with her battle cryyy!

Rokhed - With those skills with in handbag-fu, who wouldn't!


And before you ask, I wouldn't take bluey. Why would I take my girl INTO the apocalypse? Plus, bless her, her skills are more in tea making and the creations of "Go Get 'Em!" style pep-rally banners than as a combat buddy. I mean cmon... she finds bits of Zelda too scary sometimes.

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