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Drinking to get Drunk


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charlie, tell us mooooore! *sits comfortably* i love this kinda crap :grin:


Umm.... A lot of the taste of wine (particularly Chardonnay wine) actually comes from the barrel it was stored/fermented in. They use oak barrels and a lot of people say that they don't like all Chardonnay wine because of that whereas its only the "oaked" ones they don't like.


Not sure how many people know this... Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot etc are the types of grape used in the wine.


What's rosé wine made from? I've always wondered.


Red grapes too; red wine is left to ferment (or whatever the word is for wine) for say 2 to 3 weeks whereas rosé would be 2-3 days.

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clubbing makes me want to kill everyone there with their stupid music so you can't even talk and wasted people on drugs fucking in the toilets


If you were in need of a conversation, would you go to a rock gig?


Then, why would you do the same in a club? Its made for dancing, right? Its what people do in clubs. There are also all different sorts of clubs now, I've been to some great rock places and places that do a mixture of old and new, so everyone is a winnaaar.


I like going out for a dance. Drinking or no drinking, its still fun.

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alot of the time, i find people who don't drink at all are boring to be around, always look down at people who do drink and arnt usualy up for more silly shenanigans.


i mean, i know some great people who don't drink, i have a mate whos one of the best mates ive got and he dosent drink, but the majority of none drinkers ive met are irritatingly self ritious.


that said, im probebly the same to them.


I don't drink, but I can guarantee you that if I'm with people I'm comfortable with, I really loosen up and can act so silly and random that you'd think I was actually drunk.

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Umm.... A lot of the taste of wine (particularly Chardonnay wine) actually comes from the barrel it was stored/fermented in. They use oak barrels and a lot of people say that they don't like all Chardonnay wine because of that whereas its only the "oaked" ones they don't like.


Not sure how many people know this... Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot etc are the types of grape used in the wine.




Red grapes too; red wine is left to ferment (or whatever the word is for wine) for say 2 to 3 weeks whereas rosé would be 2-3 days.

Yeah; the french (and the portuguese too) are fairly fussy about what you label wines as. The district the wine is grown is in just as important as the grape -- I guess to some extent you can argue that the soil and weather determines teh grape, but still.


And danny-boy... You're talking about tipsy, which slots in with similar behaviour to hyper and such. I promise you that I would know if you were drunk or not; not that I would judge you for being one or the other.. I guess I find it mildly offensive that non-drinkers think tehy know what the fuck they're talking about when it comes to alcohol, when they clearly don't.

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Yeah; the french (and the portuguese too) are fairly fussy about what you label wines as. The district the wine is grown is in just as important as the grape -- I guess to some extent you can argue that the soil and weather determines teh grape, but still.


And danny-boy... You're talking about tipsy, which slots in with similar behaviour to hyper and such. I promise you that I would know if you were drunk or not; not that I would judge you for being one or the other.. I guess I find it mildly offensive that non-drinkers think tehy know what the fuck they're talking about when it comes to alcohol, when they clearly don't.


So drinkers and non-drinkers are offended by each other, thinking they're better than each other. :p

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£5 can mean 8 cans of beer/cider, or four litres of cider :D Plenty! But then, I'm a bigger fan of drinking at home with mates and tv/movies/games/cards. Far cheaper, and you control the atmosphere and don't get random drunkards. Ok, that's probably a down-side :(


Or 22 cans of Supermarket Value (22p a can :D) Tastes utter shite though.

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I strongly agree with a lot of people here in that there's a huge difference between getting drunk and getting completely wankered. In fact there's a hell of a lot of shades of grey. Some days I go out to get "tipsy", others I just want to feel more outgoing and sociable after just two or three drinks and other days I want to go and get pissed and forget all my worries. Drinking alcohol isn't only about the taste, it's a drug afterall.


However drinking with the intention of passing out or being completely off my face is just irresponsible and no matter what you say does not make you a "heavyweight". It was cool when you were fifteen and were drinking Fosters cans down the park whilst on the lookout for chavs.


My only exception is on special occaisions like my holiday to Tenerife a couple of weeks ago. I pretty much had the intention of getting as drunk as I could get without ending up losing my shorts. Turns out on the first night I went overboard and that's exactly what happenned. It just goes to show that if you stop when you're drunk then you might save the night from being one you might want to forget.


As for the question, a few times I've had to stop drinking to tend for friends who need to be taken care of because they've drunk too much.

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Last night was a really good example. I went to an 18th at a pub and everyone was dancing. I needed some booze to get me in the mood to dance, I felt so embarassed otherwise being dragged to the dancefloor by this group of girls. I had a couple of double vodka an cokes, and a vodka lime and lemonade and I was there dancing away. Is there anything wrong with needing a drink to loosen up a bit?


Though to be fair, I went a little overboard with the drink after that. Something which I shouldn't of done.

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So drinkers and non-drinkers are offended by each other, thinking they're better than each other. :p


At no point did I say anything about thinking either was better than the other. Just when it comes to things, the people who have a clearer understanding of things is usually someone who actually has some experience with things, and whenever someone claims to know more about things despite never having encountered blah blah blah etc etc.

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I occasionally drink to get drunk, why the hell not?! Its nice to blow off a little steam, then go home to whack on some Pink Floyd and wake in the morning to discover you've ordered the entire Bornemouth home kit (happened to my friend, haha).


However, its nice just to have a drink for the flavour of the drink. Good times relaxing in an old man pub, listening to the jukebox quietly in the corner and having some banter with mates. You don't have to get plastered, just take it easy and let your liver pick up the slack. Drinking with meals is boss too.. love a glass of red (Rosé is shit) with meats.


As long as you're not an arsehole when you're drunk its cool.

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I drink alcohol because I like the taste, it's really that simple. I'm quite picky with alcohol, I only tend to drink port with wkd, which tastes like fizzy vimto.

I don't go out of my way to drink alcohol and 90% of the time I'm in the pub I have a coke in my hand rather than alcohol.


I don't like being drunk, but as I said I quite like the taste of some alcohol and sometimes go ''oo I think I'll have this tonight instead''. I don't honestly see what the problem is with that. I used to like we all did when we were younger, drink shitty alcohol with my friends to get pissed out of my face, I never got ahold of enough alcohol to get drunk unfortunetly/fortunetly depending on which way you see it.


I don't see anything wrong with having a glass of wine or a pint to help confidence, I do however agree with some people on here who find getting drunk an easier way to meet new people, there's no need to take it that far to meet new people or have that kind of confidence, because you basically act like a prat when you are drunk and I'm sure that's not the impression you want to give to everybody, but that's my opinion, I know things are different for everybody and if people want to get drunk, well let them, as long as they don't spoil my night ^_^

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I don't see anything wrong with having a glass of wine or a pint to help confidence, I do however agree with some people on here who find getting drunk an easier way to meet new people, there's no need to take it that far to meet new people or have that kind of confidence


You don't see anything wrong with it but there's no need to go that far O_O



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If Im drinking alcohol it is usually 85% of the time with the intention of getting drunk...unless its just a cheeky pint (of cider) with the lads.


If not then Ill usually hit it up with some Apple and Melon J20.


Tonight I will be getting drunk, and it will be epicly winz.

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You don't see anything wrong with it but there's no need to go that far O_O




As in there's nothing wrong with other people going further than one drink for confidence but I don't see the need personally, I don't think you should need 6 pints instead of one to be able to talk to somebody ^_^

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At no point did I say anything about thinking either was better than the other. Just when it comes to things, the people who have a clearer understanding of things is usually someone who actually has some experience with things, and whenever someone claims to know more about things despite never having encountered blah blah blah etc etc.


There's a difference between theory and practical application. And while you do have a point, it's far from always true. In this particular case, members of both parties sometimes believe the other party to be narrow-minded because of their opinions, and sometimes with a good reason. People from both parties sometimes have prejudice against the other party, and my assumption regarding this was not so much based on what you said as it was based on people I've met. I personally have nothing against those that drink, nor do I have prejudice against them. But I still don't understand why people want to drink their brains out for fun.

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There's a difference between theory and practical application. And while you do have a point, it's far from always true. In this particular case, members of both parties sometimes believe the other party to be narrow-minded because of their opinions, and sometimes with a good reason. People from both parties sometimes have prejudice against the other party, and my assumption regarding this was not so much based on what you said as it was based on people I've met. I personally have nothing against those that drink, nor do I have prejudice against them. But I still don't understand why people want to drink their brains out for fun.


Ok, well we'll agree that both of our points are not universal truths :) In regards to the prejudice you thinly accuse me of; I personally have nothing against those that don't drink (for I am one of them by default ;)), but I still don't understand why people who have never drunk seem to think they know all about alcohol, and even may think that they can reach the same effect as drinking without alcohol.


I'm using a lot of words for a small point; going over what I said, I suppose it wasn't offense I felt when you said you act drunk when sober, just dismay. Everyone is hyper-fun-crazy with the people they're comfortable with. blah more blah.

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But I still don't understand why people want to drink their brains out for fun.


The bold part is the reason why they do this.

Drinking makes a lot of things more fun and it helps create that non-caring situation where you don´t want to think about anything except the next fun thing to do.


I think the sentence is, don´t knock it til you tried it.

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Ok, well we'll agree that both of our points are not universal truths :) In regards to the prejudice you thinly accuse me of; I personally have nothing against those that don't drink (for I am one of them by default ;)), but I still don't understand why people who have never drunk seem to think they know all about alcohol, and even may think that they can reach the same effect as drinking without alcohol.


I'm using a lot of words for a small point; going over what I said, I suppose it wasn't offense I felt when you said you act drunk when sober, just dismay. Everyone is hyper-fun-crazy with the people they're comfortable with. blah more blah.


My accusations were thin, indeed, as I never accused you of anything. ;) I just said that some people from both camps have prejudice against the other camp, not that you were one of those.


Oh, and I don't pretend to know everything about alcohol. Obviously, I don't know how it feels to be drunk. The idea of my remark about acting drunk was not to actually imply that I behave like I'm really drunk, as I obviously don't. It was more to demonstrate that you can act silly and carefree and not worry about being shy without the need of alcohol. Of course, that requires a large amount of self-confidence, and as said I can also only do it when around people I'm comfortable with.


To be honest, I think we agree pretty much on this topic and are merely cleaving words right now. ;)


The bold part is the reason why they do this.

Drinking makes a lot of things more fun and it helps create that non-caring situation where you don´t want to think about anything except the next fun thing to do.


I think the sentence is, don´t knock it til you tried it.


I'm not talking about drinking till everything is more fun and you don't worry as much, I'm talking about drinking to the point where you are completely wasted and senseless in the word's most literal meaning. I've seen people at that degree of drunkness, and I really don't want to try that, so I'm afraid that's one thing I'm gonna knock.

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ok, so you just arbitrarily mentioned tha tpeople from both camps look down on each other without meaning to imply neither me nor you? Then why highlight my post! Leave me out of this confusion.


But yes, I think we both understand each other's points of view. I just want to say that like smoking weed, taking pills, snorting coke; alcohol gives you a different feeling, so when you're being silly, it feels different. I just want you to acknowledge that there is a difference.

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Exactlty. Drinking can make for a hugely fun evening. Whats wrong with going out to get drunk and do things you wouldn't when you were sober? Nothing.


Moreover, an evening at home with alcohol can make for a hugely boring evening.


Alcohol by itself isn't some sort of super drug that ensures you have a good time. Alcohol is merely a secondary objective on my evenings; going out with friends and having a nice time is a lot more fun. Alcohol only makes the experience better, but alcohol alone is so over rated.


I suppose what I'm trying to say is, you don't need alcohol to have a good evening. It enhances the experience, but by itself, does not make the experience.

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ok, so you just arbitrarily mentioned tha tpeople from both camps look down on each other without meaning to imply neither me nor you? Then why highlight my post! Leave me out of this confusion.


But yes, I think we both understand each other's points of view. I just want to say that like smoking weed, taking pills, snorting coke; alcohol gives you a different feeling, so when you're being silly, it feels different. I just want you to acknowledge that there is a difference.


No, I didn't just "arbitrarily mention" it, I mentioned it because you said you never said that drinkers/non-drinkers look down on each other. I then proceeded to explain that I didn't say you said it, but that I've seen people from both camps looking down on each other. That's why I highlighted your post: Because my post was in reference to your post.


Now, can we stop breaking our posts into atomic-sized bits? :p (I know I could've stopped here, but I hate leaving something hanging like that! :p)


And I fully understand that there is a difference. That's what I tried to explain in my last post. :)

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Had an epic hangover today, very sick, totally not worth it. But I had a great time last night while I was drunk. Sure we threw water all over the flat and I broke the bathroom door, but it was still a really good time.


My two flatmates and I (one of those is jayseven, if you've not been paying attention) drink to get drunk every time we play Rock Band and I swear it's 10x better that way.

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